
Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 03 Июня 2012 в 11:09, реферат

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Scientists believe that the first people appeared in Scotland approximately 8 thousand years ago. The first permanent settlements date back to the 6th thousands of years ago. The written history of Scotland begins with the Roman conquest of Britain, when we were occupied, received the status of the Roman provinces and became known as the British territory of modern England and Wales. Part of the South of Scotland was for a short time taken under the indirect control of Rome. To the North lay of the land, free from the Roman conquest, "Caledonia, populated пиктскими and the Gaelic tribes. After the departure of the Romans these tribes have created several kingdoms, including Gaelic Kingdom Gave Riyadh, situated on the part of the two British Islands of Ireland and great Britain. Scottish part was approximately on the territory of modern Аргайла. Kingdom Пиктия included in Фортриу, but the history of the Scottish Kingdom traditionally takes its countdown to 843 of the year, when Kenneth Макальпин became king of the United Kingdom of the Scots and Picts.

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      flag of Scotland:

      Scottish coat of arms:

      Scottish coat of arms

      Scientists believe that the first people appeared in Scotland approximately 8 thousand years ago. The first permanent settlements date back to the 6th thousands of years ago. The written history of Scotland begins with the Roman conquest of Britain, when we were occupied, received the status of the Roman provinces and became known as the British territory of modern England and Wales. Part of the South of Scotland was for a short time taken under the indirect control of Rome. To the North lay of the land, free from the Roman conquest, "Caledonia, populated пиктскими and the Gaelic tribes. After the departure of the Romans these tribes have created several kingdoms, including Gaelic Kingdom Gave Riyadh, situated on the part of the two British Islands of Ireland and great Britain. Scottish part was approximately on the territory of modern Аргайла. Kingdom Пиктия included in Фортриу, but the history of the Scottish Kingdom traditionally takes its countdown to 843 of the year, when Kenneth Макальпин became king of the United Kingdom of the Scots and Picts. 
      During the following centuries the Scottish Kingdom has increased approximately up to the borders of modern Scotland. This period was marked by relatively good relations with уэссекскими rulers of England, as well as a strong fragmentation, which, however, did not hinder the successful expansionist policies. After some time after the invasion in 945, in Strathclyde English king Edmund II province was transferred to Malcolm I. During the reign of king Индульфа (954-62) the Scots took the fortress, later step-Edinburgh, - your first reference point in Лотиане. In the reign of Malcolm II of the unity of the Scottish land was strengthened. Crucial year, perhaps, was 1018, when Malcolm II inflicted Northumbria defeat in the battle of the Кареме. 
      The conquest of England the Normans in 1066 caused the chain of events, due to which Scotland has changed drastically. Malcolm III was married to Margarita, sister Edgar Etling, deposed the Anglo-Saxon pretender to the English throne, which subsequently received support from the Scottish highlands. Margarita has played an important role in reducing the influence of Celtic Christianity. Her son, David I, married, and became a strong ruler. He has contributed to the introduction in Scotland feudalism and encouraged the inflow of people from the Netherlands in "бурги"to strengthen trade ties with the continent of Europe. By the end of the XIII century, many норманнские and Anglo-норманнские family received the gift of the Scottish land. 
      Despite some convergence of countries, the war between them do not decay. So, the grandson of David I, Wilhelm I of the lion, taking advantage of the raised against the English king Henry II of the rebellion of his sons, tried to regain the province of Northumberland, previously owned by the Scottish kings, but lost. The Scottish army invaded the Northern counties of England, however, was broken about Алника in 1174 year, with William I the lion fell into captivity. Regain freedom he could only going to conclude a contract in Фалезе, which recognized the subordination of Scotland, England, and the Church of Scotland - English. Later on these negative consequences managed to get rid of: the Scottish Church was proclaimed independent from the English and directly subordinate to the Holy see. And in need of money to the crusade of the English king Richard I(the Lionheart for 10 000 marks acknowledged the independence of Scotland newly signed in Canterbury in 1189 year contract. 
      The end of the XIII century became for Scotland to be a serious challenge. After the death in 1286 year of king Alexander III left no direct heirs male and the Queen was declared Margarita, the granddaughter of Alexander III, born of his daughter, married to the king of Norway Эйрика II. The king of England Edward I tried to regain control of Scotland, and insisted on the marriage between his son, the future king Edward II and Queen Margarita, in spite of its small age. But no wedding, or even the coronation of Queen Margarita did not take place, on the way girl caught cold and not reaching the Scottish land died on the Orkney Islands. 
      So as a direct branch of the cut short, in 1290 claim to the throne of the country put forward several candidates, including John Balliol, the grandson of the eldest daughter of David Хантингдонского, brother of kings Malcolm IV and William I of the Lion, and Robert the Bruce, the 5-th Lord Аннандейла, the son of the middle daughter of David. One of the applicants was and Edward I, who was a descendant of Matilda of Scotland. But, the English king, realizing the low chances to be elected, rather lead the court to consider "the great Litigation". In 1292, Edward I made a decision in favor of John Баллиола, and November 30, 1292 year John was crowned king of Scotland. As a gratitude for the support of John I Balliol acknowledged the suzerainty of England. 
      In spite of the coronation, the rights of the John on the throne refused to admit the part of the Scottish barons, led by Robert Bruce, Lord Аннандейла. And Edward I started to go with Scotland as the vassal territory, prompting John to act in the English courts as a Respondent in the Scottish claims and placing British garrisons in the Scottish castles. In order to lessen dependence on England John Balliol in the year 1295 renewed Alliance with France and Norway and openly spoke out against Edward I. 
      In response to these actions Edward I announced John I Баллиола rebellious vassal. In 1296 year the British army invaded the territory of Scotland and soundly defeated the Scots in the battle of the Спотсмуре and relatively easily won the whole country. John was captured and signed on July 10, 1296 year abdication from the throne of Scotland, he was deprived of his knightly dignity and coats of arms - from the subsequent nickname "Empty cloak". On the rights of the suzerain refused to Lena vassal, Edward I proclaimed himself the king of Scotland, as a result of which the country lost its independence. 
      The regime established British authorities was so cruel that already in 1297 the Scottish rebellion, which was led by William Wallace and Andrew de Seas, the British army in the battle of the Стерлингском the bridge was destroyed. Andrew de Seas received in this battle of serious wounds and soon died. Scotland was liberated by British troops, and William Wallace was elected as the Guardian of Scotland. 
      Edward I was furious resistance of Scots, the invasion was headed personally and in 1298 in Фолкеркской battle broke the Scots. William Wallace was forced to flee and hide. Later in the year 1305 betrayed by a Scottish knight-John de Ментейсом, arrested by the British, is charged with high treason, which is not recognized, so as not considered the king of England my king and 23 August executed in London. His body was splintered into pieces, which were exhibited in the largest cities of Scotland. 
      After Фолкеркской battle of resistance led the descendants of the pretenders to the throne of Scotland during "the great Litigation" Red Committee and future king Robert I of Bruce, the remaining competitors in a quest to seize the throne of Scotland. Bruce eliminated opponent, killing him in the Church during the meeting, and came to the throne as king Robert I of 25 March 1306 of the year. After a long and hard war, he won the final victory over the British in the battle of the Бэннокберне in 1314. Troops of the English king Edward II were defeated, and the king fled, and did not dismount from his horse to the English border. But after the death of Robert I of Bruce war for Scotland flared again (1332-1357), in the course of her Edward Balliol, supported by the king of England Edward III, challenged the throne from the heirs of Robert the Bruce I. 
      In the course of a long and exhausting war son of Robert I of Bruce David II was able to defend his rights on a throne, but he died childless, and so after his death, Robert Stewart, as his closest heir, was on March 26, the year 1371 crowned at scone as king Robert II. Began more than three hundred years of the management Board Stuart dynasty. 
      By the end of the middle Ages Scotland was divided into two cultural zones: the plains, the inhabitants of which was spoken by the Anglo-Scottish language, and the highlands, the population of which enjoyed гаэльским. Галовейский Gaelic dialect was preserved, probably up to the XVIII century in remote parts of the South-West of the country, belonging to the County of Galloway. Historically, lowland Scotland in the cultural plan was closer to Europe. In mountain same Scotland formed one of the distinctive features of the region - the Scottish clan system. Powerful clans retain its influence even after the entry into force of the "Act of Union" in 1707. 
      In 1603, king of Scotland Yakov VI inherited the English throne and became the king of England I. except For the period of existence of the Commonwealth, Scotland was a separate state, but at the same time there were significant conflicts between the monarch and the Scottish Presbyterians about the form of Church government. After the Glorious revolution and the overthrow of the Roman Catholic James VII of William III and Mary II, Scotland short time threatened to choose their own monarch of a Protestant, but under threat of break of England trade and transport links Scottish Parliament together with England in 1707, adopted the "Act of Union". As a result of Association was formed Kingdom of great Britain. 
      However, in Scotland remained a lot of supporters of the overthrown by Stuart dynasty. After the accession to the throne of George I in Scotland uprising: in the autumn of 1715 10-15 thousand armed Jacobite under the command of the Earl of Mar penetrated in England, but suffered a defeat at Preston. At the same time, James Francis Edward Stuart, the only son of James II and Mary of Modena, known as the "Old Pretender", landed in Scotland, almost without a retinue, and 27 January 1716 was crowned at scone, under the name of James VIII, but soon was forced to flee to the continent.
      During the last attempt to restore the Stuart dynasty on the throne (1745-1746) the leader of the rebels was not inculcated Jacob, and his son Charles Edward, also known as "Handsome Prince Charlie" or "Young Pretender". In July 1745 year the Prince landed in Эрискее, in Scotland, raised the banner of the father and began to Jacobite uprising. The candidate supported mainly by representatives of the mountain clans of Scotland. Quickly picking up without a fight the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh, Charles September 21, broke with Престонпенсе the only government army, which was in Scotland, and moved to the South in England at the head of an army of 6 thousand people. Taking Carlisle, and having reached a Derbyshire, Prince on demand advisers turned back to Scotland, as in England Jacobite movement of the mass of support is not caused. 
      Against him was sent to the British army led by the son of a king William Augustus, Duke of Кумберлендским, which George II withdrew from the field of European battles of the War of the Austrian succession. on April 16, 1746 armies met in the battle of Куллодене, three miles to the East of Inverness, in the North of Scotland. In an open area Jacobite army was defenseless in the face of powerful artillery fire Cumberland, and was soon dispersed; adviser to the Prince of Lord George Murray managed to take the remnant of the army in combat readiness in Рутвен, intending to continue the war, but Carl, considering that he had been betrayed, to leave the rebels. The battle at Куллодене was the last battle on the territory of the island of great Britain. 
      Jacob died in Albano in 1766 and was buried in a Roman Cathedral of Saint Peter, and Karl-Edward died at the age of 67 31 January 1788 and was buried there as well. After Charles Edward not left the legitimate children, якобитским applicant was cardinal Stewart (as "Henry IX and I"). With his death in 1807, rod Stewart trailed off. 
      After the adoption of the "Act of Union", the Scottish enlightenment and the industrial revolution, the country became a powerful European commercial, scientific and industrial centre. It should be noted that Scotland is largely holds a unique position in the United Kingdom, which is connected with the history of its Association with England and the participation in the work of the national Parliament while retaining its administrative and judicial system. And as the administrative and political systems of the two countries were excellent, it was created a reliable basis of preservation of national forces in Scotland.[2] 
      After the Second world war, Scotland experienced a sharp decline in production, but in the last decades there is the cultural and economic revival of the region at the expense of development of sphere of financial operations and the production of electronics. Scotland for a long time was considered the Central government, as a region with low industrial potential and slow development, which was associated with a fall in the value of some of the old industries, such as coal, textile industry, shipbuilding. Great value for Scotland in the reorientation of the economy played foreign investment in most of the North American and Japanese companies[3], as well as revenues from the extraction of oil and gas on the shelf of the North sea. In the 1999 elections were held in the Scottish Parliament, the establishment of which was enshrined in the "Scottish instrument" in 1998. 
      Since the beginning of 2000 in Scotland the influence of the nationalists. In 2007, the national party won the elections to the Scottish Parliament, and its leader, declared, that will achieve the 2010 referendum on the independence of Scotland.

Географические данные

      The territory of Scotland includes the Northern third of the island of great Britain and the adjacent Islands of the Hebrides, Orkney and Шетлендские. Area of Scotland - 78 772 km2, the length of the coastline - 9 911 km. In the South it borders with England. The length of the border from the river tweed on the West to the Gulf of Solway Firth in the East - about 96 km. 30 km to the South-West from the coast is the island of Ireland, in 400 km to the North-East - Norway, to the North of Scotland are the Faroe Islands and Iceland.  
      The West coast of Scotland is surrounded by the Atlantic ocean, East - North sea. The Western and Eastern sea coast of Scotland are connected Каледонским channel, part of which is the famous Loch ness. 


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