Высшее образование

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 28 Октября 2013 в 19:33, реферат

Краткое описание

The term higher education refers to learning institutions that students can attend after they have finished secondary school. The university is the best-known kind of higher education institution. Other kinds bear such titles as college, institute, academy, polytechnic, or higher school. However, these other titles can be confusing, since they h

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List of words and phrases


1. Higher education

высшее образование

2. education (learning) institution

учебное заведение

3. lecture theatre


4. hall of residence/hostel, dormitory(Am)


5. student body

контингент студентов

6. graduate n


7. undergraduate n

студент 2, 3 курсов

8. dean n


9. rector (president) n

ректор (ректор университета)

10. associate professor (reader)


     docent (Am)

11. lecturer (tutor, instructor) n

преподаватель, ассистент

12. scholarship (grant, stipend) n


13. degree n

степень (ученая)

14.  bachelor's










15. enroll v

принимать, зачислять (в  вуз)

16. designate v

определять, обозначать

17. endeavour v

стараться, прилагать  усилия

18. command n

владение (знаниями)

19. master v


20. post graduate student


21. aspirant n


22. academic council

ученый совет

23. department (chair) n


24. post graduate courses

      master's courses



25. session of the University Academic Council.

заседание ученого совета университета

26. body of knowledge

область знаний

27. main directions of the University activities

основные направления  деятельности университета

28. two-tier system

двухступенчатая система






the University



is engaged in research



is a research centre


is engaged in research into problems of…


coordinates … work


trains scientific personnel


holds conferences


maintains permanent contacts with…


shares experience with…









ведет научные исследования


является научным центром


занимается исследованием  вопросов


координирует свою работу


готовит научные кадры


проводит конференции


поддерживает постоянные контакты с…


обменивается опытом с…




  1. Continue the list:

Higher education institutions: Universities, …

Student body: graduates, …

University staff: professors, …

Degrees: bachelor's degree, …

Main directions of the University activities: the University is engaged in research, …


  1. Say what the University has in its structure. Use the following words: факультеты, кафедры, лаборатории, ученый совет, центры, библиотеку…


  1. Name the functions of the University. Use the following words: объединяет, ведет научные исследования, является научным центром, занимается исследованием вопросов, координирует работу, готовит научные кадры, работает в содружестве, организует конференции, поддерживает постоянные контакты, обменивается опытом, ведет отбор студентов…


  1. Insert the correct word from brackets.
    1. The University is the best known kind of … (school, academy, higher education institution).
    2. Teaching is the main job of most … (colleges, institutes, education institutions).
    3. Another major responsibility of universities is that of … (discovering, research, new knowledge).
    4. The most common teaching method used in universities is the … (test, lecture, laboratory work).
    5. An important goal for most students who enter higher education is to earn a … (diploma, degree, certificate).


  1. Read the text for full comprehension.




The term higher education refers to learning institutions that students can attend after they have finished secondary school. The university is the best-known kind of higher education institution. Other kinds bear such titles as college, institute, academy, polytechnic, or higher school. However, these other titles can be confusing, since they have other meanings in some countries. For example, in most countries the word college means a higher learning institution, while in nations with a British or Spanish, college (colegio in Spanish) may mean a private secondary school. The usual universities differ from other kinds of higher education institutions in the wider range of subject matters universities offer. A typical university provides opportunities for students to specialize in fields of science (physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy), social science (anthropology, psychology, sociology, economics), the humanities (history, philosophy, literature, languages), the creative arts (painting, music, dance, drama), and more. In addition, universities prepare students to enter particular occupations – to become architects, engineers, doctors, teachers, lawyers, agricultural experts, accountants, business administrators, and the like.

In contrast to universities, other popular kinds of higher learning organizations (institutes, colleges, academies) usually focus on one or two special fields of learning. Thus an institute of technology specializes in science and engineering, and a college of agriculture teaches scientific methods of farming, fishing, and animal care. A teachers' college prepares classroom instructors, school administrators, school counselors, and specialists who help pupils with learning difficulties. An art academy offers studies in drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, print making, textile design, and other visual arts. A music academy teaches students the history of music, how to sing and play instruments, and how to compose music. A military academy prepares army, navy, or air officers. Government departments often sponsor an academy for training experts in the field of work the departments perform.

An important goal for most students who enter higher education is to earn a degree: that is, to receive a diploma or certificate indicating command of particular skills and knowledge. The most common pattern of degrees consists of three ranks that are usually designated the bachelor, master, and doctoral levels.

To earn a bachelor's degree, students on the initial undergraduate level are required to engage in full-time study for three or more years, depending on the academic tradition of the country in which the university is located. In Great Britain and India, the length of the course is usually three years; and in the United States, four years.

A master's degree is earned by one or two further years of study after the bachelor's degree. The doctor's degree requires an additional two to five years.

All three of these degrees are said to be earned, because people receiving them have mastered a specified body of knowledge.




    1. Find in the text the sentences dealing with:
      • the term higher education.
      • the best known higher education institutions.
      • college.
      • the way universities differ from other kinds of higher education institution.
      • an important goal for most students who enter higher education institutions.
      • earning a bachelor's degree.
      • earning a master's degree.


    1. Answer the questions:
      1. What does the term higher education refer to?
      2. What institution is the best known kind of higher education?
      3. What titles do other kinds of education institutions bear?
      4. What does the word college mean?
      5. What is the usual way universities differ from other kinds of higher education institutions?
      6. What opportunities does a typical university provide?
      7. What specialists does a teacher's college prepare?
      8. What studies does an art (music) academy offer?
      9. What is an important goal for students who enter a higher education institution?
      10. What are the most common pattern of degrees?
      11. What is required to earn a bachelor's degree?
      12. How is a master's degree earned?


    1. Work in pair.


      • Ask your friend to tell you about higher education institutions in Belarus.
      • Ask your friend to tell you about the way universities differ from other kinds of the higher education institutions.
      • Ask your friend what degree he or she can earn entering higher education institution.
      • Present your dialogues on the following situations:

You want to know about the higher education institutions abroad:

        1. about universities,
        2. about colleges,
        3. about institutes,
        4. about academies,
        5. about degrees.
  1. Read the text for full comprehension.


Belarus' Higher Education System


Belarus' higher education system comprises four different types of higher education institutions:

          • traditional universities,
          • special universities and academies,
          • institutes,
          • advanced colleges.

Besides the state higher education system, a sector of private education institutions has been active since 1991.

According to the two-tier system, study programmes are organized as follows:

Level 1 comprises a four to five-year study programme, which leads to a diploma of higher education or to a Bachelor's degree, if an additional course is attended.

Level 2 comprises one-to two-year advanced study programmes which lead to a Master's degree.

Universities and academies are entitled to award diplomas of higher education, Bachelor's and Master's degrees, while institutes award diplomas of higher education and Bachelor's degrees. At advanced colleges, only a diploma of higher education may be obtained.

Postgraduate study programmes lasting 3 years comprise research and the preparation of a thesis. After the public presentation of their thesis, students are awarded the academic degree of candidate of sciences, which entitles the holders to admission to doctoral studies. The doctor of sciences is obtained by performing appropriate independent research.

Besides full-time study programmes, the higher education institutions also offer education by evening and correspondence courses. In several disciplines, an academic degree may be achieved by external studies.




    1. Give Russian equivalents to the following:
    • traditional university, the system comprises; two-tier system; state higher education system; additional course; universities are entitled; a diploma may be obtained; post-graduate study;  research and the preparation of a thesis; students are awarded; public presentation; academic degree; independent research; correspondence courses; external studies.


    1. Say:
      • how one can gain higher education in Belarus.
    • what types of education institutions Belarus' higher education system comprises.
      • what the two-tier system means.
      • what level 1 comprises.
      • what level 2 comprises.
      • if there is a post graduate study in Belarus'.
      • what post graduate study programme comprises.
      • what academic degrees the students are awarded in Belarus.


    1. Explain:
      • how British higher education system differs from Belarusian.
    • what you like and dislike about the British and Belarusian higher education systems.


  1. Read the text for full comprehension.


Belarus’ State University of Physical Culture


The Belarus State University of Physical culture is the Republic first physical training education institution. It was founded in 1937 on the basis of Belarus physical training technical school that was reorganized into an institute and since that time it had been playing the leading role in the development of sport and physical culture in the Republic. In 1992 the institute became the Academy of Physical Education and Sports and in 2003 the Belarus State University of Physical Culture.

At present the University is a higher education institution training specialists in the area of physical culture and sports. It is an educational and scientific organization with a developed infrastructure: 3 faculties, the Institute of Tourism, Specialists updating and retraining institute, post-graduate course, master's course, 27 chairs, research labs, a publishing complex and other units.

Instruction and research are carried out by 350 lecturers and tutors. More than 50 % of them hold scientific degrees and honors.

The lecturers and tutors of the Belarus State University of Physical Culture are constantly working on improving the level of instruction. New majors are being introduced, curriculum is being renewed, technical equipment is being improved.

The goal is to provide fundamental training, and a creative approach to teaching in order to create conditions for the development of student's individual aptitudes.

The University provides multilevel education of specialists and researchers. Post-graduate thesis for the degree of Candidate and Doctor of sciences are defended at the University. The achievements of the University scientists have won recognition in the country. They made a great contribution to the development of the scientific methods of the Belarus physical education system. The scientists investigate sociological, pedagogical, psychological, medico-biological and organizational problems both of the general culture movement and of high individual achievements in sports. They have worked out some original methods of training and preparing sportsmen for competitions. The works of professors A. Syomkin, A. Guzhalovsky, V. Kryazh, T. Yushkevich, T. Polyakova and others gained world-wide recognition.

The University provides training specialists for foreign countries. A lot of foreign students have graduated from BSUPC. Some of them hold MBA and Ph degrees.

The University is actively involved in cooperation. It keeps in contact with authorities, various organizations, education and scientific research institutions. These contacts provide a vivid insight into development of physical education and sports, enrich the educational process with the current information, allow the exchange of experience, and facilitate the research on actual problems of physical culture and sports. Many conferences of various levels are hold at the University annually.

The University has a rich library that is well stocked.

Recent years have been characterized by a substantial extension of the material and educational facilities, which enable it to train highly-qualified specialists in physical training and sports and develop research in conformity with the requirements of the time.




    1. Find in the text sentences dealing with:
  • the specific feature of the University;
  • the origin of the University;
  • the infrastructure of the University;
  • the University as a research centre in the field of physical culture and sport.


    1. Answer the questions:
  1. When was the Belarus State University of  Physical culture founded?
  2. Does the University train scientific personnel?
  3. Is the University a research centre in physical education and sport?
  4. What does the University infrastructure include?
  5. What do lecturers and tutors work constantly on?
  6. What is the goal of the University?
  7. What does the University provide?
  8. Are the thesis defended at the University?
  9. What do the university scientists investigate?
  10. What did they work out?
  11. Whose works gained world-wide recognition?
  12. Does the University provide training of specialists for foreign countries?
  13. Do foreign students defend thesis at the University?

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