Контрольная работа по "Иностранному языку"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 25 Апреля 2013 в 15:25, контрольная работа

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1). Вставьте am, is, are
The weather is very nice today.
I am not tired.
This care is very heavy.
These cases are very heavy.
What are the dresses like?

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ГАОУ   СПО  «Петрозаводский педагогический колледж»


по дисциплине: Иностранный язык (английский)



                                                                                                                  студентка заочного

                                                                                                       отделения 411 группа

                                                                                                       специальность 050144

                                                                                                              «Дошкольное образование»

                                                                                                                 Силкина Ирина Викторовна


                                                                                                             Проверил преподаватель

                                                                                                       Дедова М.Г.

Петрозаводск  2012


1). Вставьте am, is, are

The weather is very nice today.

I am not tired.

This care is very heavy.

These cases are very heavy.

What are the dresses like?

2). Задайте вопрос к каждому предложению и ответьте утвердительно или отрицательно.

1. Am I a student? Yes, I am a student.

2. Are Nina and Lena sisters? No, they are not.

3. Is this a blue dress?  Yes, this dress is blue.

4. Trees are green? Yes, the trees are green.

5. Is the cat in the yard? No, it is not cat in the yard.

3). Вставьте there is или there are.

1. Look there is a photo of George in the newspaper.

2. Dunford is a very modern town, but there are some old buildings.

3. Excuse me there is a restaurant near here?

4. How many students there are in your group?

5. There are 24 hours a day.

4). Поставьте глагол-связку во  множественное число и соответственно  измените предложение.

1. There are apples on the plate.

2. There are bottles of juice on the table.

3. There are textbooks in my bad.

4. There are vowels and two consonants in the word.

5. There are beds near the wall.

5). Раскройте скобки

1. two (woman) –  two women

2. three (man)- three men

3. six (book) –  six books

4. five (child) –  five children

5. eight (table) – eight tables

6). Дополните предложения, используя соответствующую форму глагола.

1. Steve smokes ten cigarettes a day.

2. We usually have dinner at 7 o clock.

3. I like films. I often go to the cinema.

4. In Britain the banks open at 9:30 in the morning.

7). Вставьте в предложения my, your, his, her, its.

1. The company has offices n many places but its head office is in New York.

2. Do you like your job?

3. Does your father like his job?

4. Sally is married. Her husband works in a bank.

5. My favorite sport is tennis. I play a lot in summer.

8). Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is your name? My name is Irina Silkina.

2. What is your friend s name? My friend name is Anna.

3. Where do you live? I live in Russia. I live in New Vilga.

4. Do you work? Yes, I work in a kindergarten.

5. Can you cook? Yes, I know how to cook and love to do.

9). Ответ              Вопрос     Ответ Вопрос

1 6 11                     4

2 7 12 8

3 1 13 20

4 11 14 17

5 14 15 5

6 2 16 19

7 16 17 13

8 18 18 10

9 12 19 3

10 15 20 9

  1. Is this the first time you have been on English course? No, I am not an English course. I studied English in school.
  2. What do you do? I work in a kindergarten and to educate their daughters.
  3. When are you traveling back to Italy? I am not going to travel to Italy.
  4. What kinds of think are you interested in? I am interested in knitting.
  5. Have you any children? Yes, I have two daughters.
  6. Do you speak any other foreign languages? Unfortunately, I do not speak foreign languages.
  7. Have you even been to Germany? I have never been to Germany.
  8. Do you smoke? T here has never smoked.
  9. Would you like to go out for a drink this evening? Why not, with great pleasure.
  10. Have you ever tried sauerkraut? Yes, I have tried sauerkraut and very fond of her.
  11. What do you think of our teacher? I think it is a very interesting person.
  12. What are you reading at this moment? I am reading at the moment newspapers and magazines.
  13. Do you like Irish food? I never tried Irish food.
  14. Why are you learning English? I did not learn English, I remember little from school.
  15. Do you ever buy English-language magazines? I did not buy the magazines in English.
  16. Where do you live? I live in a New Vilga.
  17. Are you married? Yes, I am married.
  18. Have you ways lived there? No, I have lived in Petrozavodsk.
  19. What are you doing at the weekend? The weekend I was visiting my mom.
  20. How long have you been wearing glasses? I never wore glasses.


10. What happened while the train was in the tunnel?

1 – C ,   2 – D,   3 – C,  4 – A,   5 – B.

Какое высказывание не верно?   B (As soon as the train left the tunnel there was a kiss and then a slap).

Что на самом деле произошло в  туннеле? D (The cockney kissed the back of his hand and hit the officer in the face).

Почему лондонец ударил офицера? C (He wanted to play a joke).

Как отреагировали пассажиры на происходящее в туннеле? A (Everybody except the cockney was at loss-they didn t know what had happened).

Кто удивился, подумав, что офицер поцеловал пожилую даму? C  (The young lady).


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