My Favorite Days of the Week

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Цель урока: Формирование лексических («Daily routine», « My favourite day») и грамматических (Present Simple, Linkers) навыков говорения.

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МАОУ «Лицей №4» города Чебоксары


Учитель: Толстова Татьяна Николаевна


Класс: 6 А


Тема: « My favourite day»


УМК: учебник «Spotlight-6»(Student’s book) авторы Ю.Е. Ваулина, Дж. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В.Эванс, class CD к учебнику.


Оснащение урока: доска, компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, презентации, раздаточный материал (flashcards), магнитофон , диски


Цель урока:  Формирование лексических («Daily routine», « My favourite day») и грамматических (Present Simple, Linkers) навыков говорения.


Задачи: 1)Развитие коммуникативных умений через все виды речевой деятельности; развитие психических функций, связанных с речевой деятельностью (память, мышление, внимание, восприятие, воображение);

2. Воспитание личностных качеств (активность, самостоятельность, умение работать в паре, коммуникабельность).





Ход урока I.Орг.момент




2 мин 

T: Good afternoon, children. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson. How are you today, Masha?

M: I’m fine, thank you.

T: How are you doing, Sergey?

D: Good, thank you.

T: Who is absent today?

P1: ………. 


1.1 Целеполагание, мотива-

ция учащихся на дальнейшее изучение темы, активизация изученной ранее  тематической лексики 

1 мин 

T: Today we have a very interesting topic for speaking. Read the title of the lesson and tell me what are we going to speak about?


T: Children, today we are going to speak about your favourite day. Today my daughter tells me “ Mummy! What a life! Every day I get up early, go to school, do h\w, play the guitar.”   It’s so boring. I want a special day.” Your daily routine is very busy. All six days a week you go to school, work hard – and only after that you may have a great day – a day off. Your life is very difficult. Poor teenagers! But to have a good rest - You must work hard. And today we here to understand “How to spend a good day?”, “What is a favourite day?” But to find it all out we need to do a lot of work.


Firstly, we should revise all words & phrases we need.

We’ ll take interviews about daily routine. We’ ll speak about our typical days, favourite days  We’ll do grammar exercises and use “Linkers”and “ Present Simple”. Speak about daily routine, activities in your free time .

II.Фонетическая зарядка.

[CD à Class]

2 мин

T: Before we start speaking practice these sounds. Look at the screen. Listen, repeat and try to read yourself.

[i:]heat, seek

[i]hit, sick

[I:]leave, feet

[i]live, fit

He leaves for work early because he lives far.

Fit those shoes on to your feet.

T: Find the odd word:

Week, see, green, bee, letter.

Fish, sit, swim, film, fine.

III. Обсуждение домашнего задания

 [T P1(P2)]

5 мин

T: Now let’s check your homeworks. You should ask your classmates about their favourite TV programmes and sum it up. Now I see that you're ready to speak about TV. We know Russian and English television is full of different programmes. Tell us about TV viewing habits in your class . Let’s start. Kamila, Katya, Sergey

T: And I want to know what programmes do you like and don't like and why? . Do you watch news? Do you watch news every day? Are you a TV fan? Do you like cartoons? What cartoons do you like?

III. Семантизация лексики по теме.

1)Задача: повторение изученных и введение слов по теме “Days of the week”,



3 мин 

T: What do you usually do in the morning?


OK! That’s very good.

We have a lot of activities during the day. Can you tell me what you do in the afternoon?



T:  Do you know any activities people do in the evening?


Teacher: Very good! We’ve done it. And now are there any volunteers to tell all the class about his or her daily routine? (Two pupils tell all the class about their days.)

  IV. Развитие навыков диалогической речи

5 мин.

Т: - Teacher: Good for you!

Teacher: And now let’s find out how we spend our days! Let’s take interviews. Please, ask questions to each other.

And now I want you to work in pairs. I want you to ask your partner about his/her daily routine. Work with your partner and make your own conversation . Pupils work in pairs and then act out their dialogues.

Ps: ask questions and answer them:

When do you usually get up?

What do you do then?

How often do you have a shower/ a bath?

At what time do you come to school?

How many lessons do you have every day?

What’s your favourite lesson? Why?

When & where do you do your h/w?

What do you do in the evening?

Do you always watch TV before you go to bed?

V. Подготовка к чтению текста. Ответы на вопросы перед текстом, знакомство с новыми словами и словосочетаниями

5 мин.

T: Now we are going to read a text. Open your books at page 40 and look at the title. Which is Ann’s favourite day?


T: Why does Ann like it?


T: Before reading let’s read and translate some words  and expressions:

Set off

Meet up with

The rest of the team

Arrive at

Put up the tents

To tie knots

Build fires



T: Find them in the text and read them

  1. Работа с текстом: прослушивание, чтение по- очереди, ответы на вопросы

5 мин.

T: Listen to the text.

T: Read it loud. Try to pronounce the word correctly.

P=s read one by another.

T: Now, answer the following questions

Ex 2b, p.40

  1. Объяснение грамматического материала: слова-связки и выполнение заданий на употребление их в речи


T: While narrating an event we use appropriate linkers to show the order events happen. This makes your writing more organized. What linking words do you know?

P: and, then, but…

T: Well, look at the text again and find the linkers. Read them aloud

P: …

T: Ok , do the ex. 3b. Link the sentences using  and, then, after that, when, before


T: Think over and make your own sentences with these linking words


  1. Развитие навыков устной речи.

5 мин.

Teacher: Good for you! Now let’s create a leaflet “How to spend a good day”. I’ll give you the card with the task. You should fill in the gaps.

LEAFLET “  How to spend a good day”


1. Get up __________.

2. Have a ______ to fell fresh.

3. Heave a big ________.

4. Don’t be late to _______.

5. Study _________.

6. Don’t argue with ______.

7. Do your _______ every day.

8. Read _______ you go to bed.


T: Think about your perfect day. Make notes, and tell the class how you spend it.

I will divide you into 3 groups, the first group will tell us about the morning, the second group will tell about the afternoon, and the third group will tell the class hoe they spend their evenings on a perfect day.

IX. Подведение итогов: оценка работы учащихся, домашнее задание.

2 мин

 T: - Our lesson is over. Tell me do you like it? What new things did you know? What is the most interesting thing of the lesson?

Dear boys and girls thank you very much. You’ve worked hard.

P4: About favourite days.

P6: We repeat the Present Simple Tense.

T: As you work hard you get excellent marks. Write down your homework. You should write a short article about your perfect day of the week for the school newspaper. Write why you like it and what do you do in the morning, afternoon, evening(50-80 words).






Открытый урок по теме : « A day in my life»


Цель  урока:

1) Овладение учащимися основными  речевыми коммуникативными компетенциями  на английском языке в рамках  темы «Дни моей жизни»:


1)формирование  и совершенствование лексических навыков говорения и расширение словарного запаса учащихся по теме;

2)развитие  и совершенствование навыков  видов чтения, письма с обращением  внимания на смысловые связи  и контекстуальную догадку; 

3)развитие  навыков восприятия речи на  слух.

4) Формирование положительного эмоционального отношения к процессу познания и исследования, ответственного уважительного отношения к своей жизни и традициям своей страны и традициям других стран.


  Методы обучения:

коммуникативный метод с использованием индивидуальной, парной и групповой работы учащихся;

личностно-ориентированный  подход;

эмоционально  деятельный подход.

Оборудование: Проектор, компьютер, картинки по темам: «Мой день», «Мой любимый день», «Жизнь подростков», раздаточный материал: текст “ My daily routine” с заданием, запись текста “ My favourite day” с заданием, магнитофон,  видео запись «Mydailyroutine» с заданиями, компьютерные презентации: “Myday”, “ PresentSimple”, карточки с вопросами, буклеты, памятки, творческие работы по теме, выпуск школьного молодёжного журнала «Teen’slifeinTogliatti».


  I. Мотивация учебной деятельности, сообщение темы и цели урока: организационный момент: приветствие и ознакомление с темой, целями, задачами урока. Класс оформлен творческими

работами, картинками по теме.

Teacher: Good-morning, children! Good-morning, everybody! I’m glad to see you all here. Today my son tells me “ Mummy! What a life! Every day I get up early, go to school, do h\w, play the guitar, do karate. ”   It’s so boring. I want a special day. A holiday!     “Oh, my dear!” - I say . “ Yes. Your daily routine is very busy”. All five days a week you go to school, work hard – and only after that you may have a great day – a day off. Your life is very difficult. Poor teenagers! But to have a good rest - You must work hard. And today we here to understand “How to spend a good day?”, “What is a favourite day?”, “What is teenage life in Russia?” But to find it all out we need to do a lot of work.


Today we’ll revise all words & phrases we need.


We’ ll take interviews about daily routine. We’ ll speak about our typical days, favourite days , life of teens in the UK &Russia. We’ll do grammar exercises in “ Present Simple”. We’ll watch a video & do some tasks. We’ ll write letters to our foreign friend.


We’ll create leaflets, posters ““How to spend a good day” & present a new teenage journal.

Are you ready? Let’s start.

Речевая разминка с элементами фонетической зарядки.

And we’ll start with our speech exercise – our song about our school. Let’s sing – how we like our school. (Pupils sing the song “My school is happy place”)


Good for you! And now let’s take a journey into the life of teenagers. Come on.

What words & phrases do we need to tell about our daily routines?

(Pupils call words & phrases one by one. Then pupils make sentences with them.


After that the teacher shows the class a presentation № 1 “My day”  &   the pupils do the tasks. (It’s a quiz with time & daily activities))


Teacher: Good for you!

Teacher: And now let’s find out how we spend our days! Let’s take interviews. Please, ask questions to each other. Take cards & revise questions. O’K. Work in pairs.


(Pupils ask each other questions. After that the teacher offers the class to take an interview from one pupil. The class asks questions. The pupil answers. Also the teacher gives 2 pupils the task to make a poster about a typical day & decorate it with pictures. Other 2 pupils work on computers (answer the questions))

(Tasks for PC)

When do you usually get up?

What do you do then?

How often do you have a shower/ a bath?

At what time do you come to school?

How many lessons do you have every day?

What’s your favourite lesson? Why?

When & where do you do your h/w?

What do you do in the evening?

Do you always watch TV before you go to bed?


Teacher: Very good! We’ve done it. And now are there any volunteers to tell all the class about his or her daily routine? (Two pupils tell all the class about their days.)

Teacher: Thank you.   You are good pupils. It was interesting. Now I want you to read a text about a Russian girl from St. Petersburg and do some tasks.

(Pupils read the text & answer the questions.)

Вопросы к Spotlight on Russia

1) Where is the girl from?

2) What daily routine has she got?

3) When does the school start?

4) How many lessons does she have every day?

5) What are her favourite lessons? Why?

6) What does she have twice a week?

7) How many hours does she spend on her homework?

8) What are her TV habits?

9) What are her hobbies?

 Teacher: You are so clever. Good for you!

And now I offer you to watch a video about an English woman & her daily routine. After that you must do the task.

(Pupils watch a video & do the tasks.)

Вопросы к видео.


1. When does she get up?

2. What does she do then?

3. How does she get to work?

4. When does she have lunch?

5. What’s her favourite food?

6. When does she come home?

7. What does she do in the evening?

8. What are her TV habits? Why?


(The teacher check answers with pupils.)

Teacher: Thank you very much. Great job!

And now let’s do exercises. (The teacher turns on the music & pupils do the exercises.)

Cool! A bit of relaxation. It’s good.

And now we’ll do grammar exercises.


(The teacher shows the class the second presentation “ Present Simple”. Pupils do the quiz. )


Teacher: Good work! Now it’s time for writing. I’ll give you the letter from a foreign friend. You have only 5 minutes. The teacher gives 2 pupils the task to work on the computers. (to write an answer) The teacher hands the pupils out a letter with the task. Pupils write a letter & then the teacher collects the works.


Teacher: Good for you! Now let’s create a leaflet “How to spend a good day”. I’ll give you the card with the task. You should fill in the gaps.

LEAFLET «How to spend a good day»



1. Get up __________.

2. Have a ______ to fell fresh.

3. Heave a big ________.

4. Don’t be late to _______.

5. Study _________.

6. Don’t argue with ______.

7. Do your _______ every day.

8. Read _______ you go to bed.



  The class do the task. Then they present their work.

Teacher: Good for you! Now we know how to spend our life well. O’K. We found out all about daily routine. But how do you spend your favourite day? What is the difference between the daily routine & the favourite day? Let’s see. We’ll listen to the story about Ann’s favorite day. Listen & do the tasks. The teacher hands out the cards to pupils.


Вставь  пропущенную информацию и кратко расскажи текст.

1. Saturday is a ____________ day for me.      

2. It starts at ______ o’clock with a big breakfast.

3. Then, I set off for the scout club with my friend.

4. We arrive at the forest & put up our _____.

5. After that, the leader teaches us new things, like how to tie knots & ____ fires.

6. At 6 we play & cook dinner on the _____.

7. Before we go to sleep we ______ stories.

8. I absolutely ______ Saturdays.

Pupils do the tasks.


Teacher: Good job! We can see many your compositions about “Favourite days”. You wrote them.  And now I want you to tell us about your favourite days. Pupils present their stories. Good for you! Now we know what your favourite days & what you teenagers like most.









План образец проведения открытого  урока английского языка


1. Приветствие. На него отводится  примерно одна - две минуты. Например: Good afternoon, children. Are you ready for your lesson?


2. Оглашение цели и задач на  урок. Чаще всего, цель выбирается обобщенная, но одна. Задач может быть три-четыре. На эту часть приходится три – четыре минуты. Например: цель - изучение новой темы, задачи – усвоение знаний по теме, изучение новой лексики и т.д.


3. Фонетическая разминка. Данная часть необходима для отработки звуков, а также для настройки речевого аппарата. Например: изучение гласных звуков, согласных звуков, дифтонгов и т.д. Необходимо объяснять детям, как именно произносится тот или иной звук на конкретном примере.


4. Проверка домашнего задания. На него уходит примерно десять минут. Применяется «веерный опрос», ученики опрашиваются выборочно.


5. Объяснение новой темы. Преподаватель  детально объясняет новый материал, разбирая его на примерах. Необходимо  помнить, что открытый урок по английскому языку ставит своей целью усвоение детьми нового материала, а не просто показное действо.


6. Отработка материала на практике. По заданной теме выполняются  упражнения на все виды деятельности (употребление грамматики на практике, аудио – упражнения, чтение текстов).


7. Выборочная проверка усвоенных  знаний. Для закрепления изученной  темы необходимо проверить, насколько  она понята учениками. Проводится  выборочный опрос, особенно тех  учеников, кто не поднимает руку  при вопросе учителя.


8. Домашнее задание. Ученикам  дается задание на дом, несколько  упражнений на закрепление и  отработку нового материала, а  также на повторение предыдущей  темы. Необходимо объяснить детям,  как выполнять домашнее задание,  также можно разобрать по одному  примеру из каждого упражнения на новую тему.


9. Подведение итогов. В конце  урока учитель подводит итоги  (изученная тема, оценки учеников) В некоторых случаях педагоги  демонстрируют комиссии не типичные  шаблоны проведения урока, а  новую методику.


К современным методам относят изучение материала посредством показа презентации. Также применяются интересные методы закрепления лексики и грамматики («снежный ком», задание в паре, составление диалогов и различных текстов с предложенной лексикой).










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