The translation of article

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 28 Июня 2013 в 12:03, реферат

Краткое описание

Article (French article, from Lat. Articulus) (member) - grammatical element that acts as an official language word or affix and serves to express the certainty of uncertainty-category (nominal), that is kind of reference [3.81] .
Article in most languages - a single official word that stands in preposition to the name (or the name of the group).
Product characteristic typology different languages - German, Slavic (Bulgarian, Macedonian), Hungarian, Semitic, Polynesian and others. Number of articles varies depending on the language.

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Part function in different Western European languages ​​are not the same. For example, in French, one of the main features is the designation Part of grammatical gender of nouns: le capitаl (капитал), la capitale (столица), un livre (книга), une livre (фунт). In the German language article indicates the gender and, at the same time, the case of the noun: Der Band (том), Das Band (связь), die Frau (женщина), der Frau (женщине - родительный падеж). In some cases, the article is the only means of expressing the number of the noun: der Stiefel (сапог), die Stiefel (сапоги).[7,123]

In English, the article is not and cannot carry such functions. He does not express on the kind of case or a noun. English article has morphological, syntactic and semantic (communicative) function.





2. Practical part: the analysis of works of Dan Brown, "The Da Vinci Code" and JK Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"


Articles of - a means of realizing the connection of the text and its structural division of content. Among the many definitions of the text will choose one, "organized by the speech segment, combining meaningful syntactic units in a certain unit, called the text" [17.712].

This definition is consistent with the general sequence analysis of the English article and its operation, undertaken in this paper.

Article - service part of speech, and the utility function is implemented at all levels, from the individual nouns and ending text.

Articles of not formal elements of grammatical structures. The preferential occurrence of an article in any part of the structures due to their substantial compliance.

The definite article is inherent value of individualization, it characterizes the subject, as already known, a specific, isolated from the entire class of homogeneous items with him, as the definite article is placed before the job title.

For example:

It was nearing midnight and the Prime Minister was sitting alone in his office, reading a long memo that was slipping through his brain without leaving the slightest trace of meaning behind. - Приближалась полночь и премьер-министр, сидя в полном одиночестве в своем кабинете, читал длинную докладную, смысл которой ни на йоту не откладывался в его голове.

Recently, cases can be seen when the article, in such cases is not assigned.

Articles of also available in cases such as:

Black's a known Muggle killer and may be planning to rejoin You-Know-Who... - Блэк известен и как убийца Магглов, и вполне возможно, планирует снова присоединиться к Сами-Знаете-Кому…

Or, I'm sorry... You think that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is still alive, then? - Ох, простите… так вы считаете, что Тот-Кто-Не-Должен-Быть-Помянут все еще жив?

The indefinite article describes the object with the name of which it is associated, as one of the representatives of any of the members of a particular class of objects.

By varying the general nature of the content and structure of the observed variation used article.

For example:

…and there in a corner... was the fortune-teller's booth -- unless it was an impromptu outside lavatory. - …и в углу ... была кабинка гадалки - если это не была импровизированная внешняя уборная.

In this first part of a complex sentence has a structure characteristic of the existential sentences (there... was ...), but semantically it existentially-individualized version as recorded in the presence of the definite article before the noun who calls an identifiable object. The second part of a complex sentence on its borrowings is a classification characteristic, and therefore the same object nouns with the indefinite article.

The use of the definite article excludes an infinite number of possible (potential) legal secretaries. Noun with the definite article refers to one of the objects is not known speaker and hearer set and a specific object. Any of the other objects of this set can be called a noun with the indefinite article - referring to the book, you can say on a page or some pages fell out, referring to the pages of this book. In other words, the object designated by a noun with the indefinite article, is also able to locate the sets in the immediate situation of communication, or more general situation in associative sets. The indefinite article is available and when you re-use. Everything is determined by the context.

In the structure of the text indefinite article - an indicator of the nature of the description of the narrative. He is involved in the creation of a common background on which are developed or will develop specific events.

For example:

A man was riding a horse. Suddenly the horse turned to him and said ... - A man riding a horse. Suddenly the horse walked up to him and said ...

The indefinite article contributes to the development of the situation, the themes, the narrative scene with a full elements more specific information.

Articles of, and are the means of expression of implicit content, implication. The indefinite article is widely used in the creation of a generalized imagery, but the definite article - with individualized imagery. If we consider the genre in the aspect of the artistic image, it can be said that the use of articles is to some extent an indicator of the literary genre (for example, the widespread use of the indefinite article in the beginning of the tale).

Articles of (and lack thereof) reveal the nature of the internal sense, the correlation of the elements of the synthetic whole, as is the text. All semantic relations are transmitted purposefully and deliberately seeking or read or listen to the speaker. The idea of ​​the speech - the basis of the construction of meaningful messages. Article contributes to the deployment plan in full text, the creation of meaningful choices. Despite the fact that the reported proportion of articles of general information and is supported to some extent duplicated information coming from other units of the text, the replacement of articles or their absence leads to a semantic failure, and sometimes nonsense.

Language that would have the ability to express an infinite number of values, most would prevent than to help respond to new situations, to express new ideas, etc. Therefore, it is difficult to establish clear rules for the use of definite and indefinite articles. Rules can be shared and only approximate. Due to this, it is very difficult to analyze the author's texts. Sender information is referring to a holistic sense. For registration and information transfer point, he selects the appropriate language tools and model combinations at will. Unlimited number of options, however it should be remembered basic meaning of words and forms in accordance with which they are involved in a variety of combinations of contexts, and store these in memory contexts, together with the accumulation of contents information. Here one must not forget that not only the replacement of a change of place and some significant words, but the service and replacement of units of vocabulary, in particular article, lead to a new, different meaning.





As it turned out in the course of work, the article is inherent in many languages, he studied for centuries. But there is still much debate about the number of articles in the English language.

All linguists recognize the definite and indefinite articles, as indicators of certainty / uncertainty. However unclear the question of the existence of zero article or the so-called significant lack thereof. But one thing is clear that the use of zero article became more and more frequent. In order to determine its status, we describe several viewpoints linguists regarding this article.

In the study, it was found that the article is treated as a service part of speech, which includes two separate words: the definite article and the indefinite article. Some authors identify the zero article is also considered significant and no article.

Depending on the purpose statement in the speech is often necessary to establish a meaningful connection between the things in question, the context, refer to the already well-known (to specify the identity of objects, select the object of a number of similar, to oppose all sorts of things, characterized by a common private, to give the subject of a particular qualification, highlight the feature).

Articles of not formal elements of grammatical structures. The preferential occurrence of an article in any part of the structures due to their substantial compliance.

In relation to the noun article is an indicator of the degree of uncertainty in the concept, defined by a noun and a measure of the ability of this concept is divided into units of unsaturated division. Article reveals the degree of abstraction values ​​noun. It is also an indicator of the degree of delimitation called noun concepts. In addition, the article indicates the type of reference of the noun: a generalized reference, the concrete and the unit.



In article, as part of the official language, there are the following functions:

- Morphological

- Syntactic

- Semantic

- Communicative.

Article credited with the following functions:

- Individualizing

- Classifying

- Identification

- Restrictive (definite article)

- Differentiating and others.

It is said that it is difficult to establish clear rules for the use of definite and indefinite articles. Rules can be shared and only approximate. Unlimited number of options, however it should be remembered basic meaning of words and forms in accordance with which they are involved in a variety of combinations of contexts, and store these in memory contexts, together with the accumulation of contents information.
















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