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Breast cancer is a highly aggressive malignant tumors due to its extremely high potency of metastasis. Metastases are more common in the axillary lymph nodes - in the 48-73.6%, then in the supraclavicular - at 16-19% and parasternal - in 2.4-15%. (Halyard, Michele Y. )There are two ways of metastatic breast cancer: the most common - and less common lymphogenous hemogenic. One of the most important ways of lymphatic drainage of the breast is the axillary, parasternal then. Hematogenous metastases can occur in any organ. The most common hematogenous metastases are lungs, pleura, liver and bone. There are many hypotheses for breast cancer, in this study the influence carcinogens on genetic changes and the effect of nutrition on the growth of cancerous tumors
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Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is a highly aggressive malignant tumors due to its extremely high potency of metastasis. Metastases are more common in the axillary lymph nodes - in the 48-73.6%, then in the supraclavicular - at 16-19% and parasternal - in 2.4-15%. (Halyard, Michele Y. )There are two ways of metastatic breast cancer: the most common - and less common lymphogenous hemogenic. One of the most important ways of lymphatic drainage of the breast is the axillary, parasternal then. Hematogenous metastases can occur in any organ. The most common hematogenous metastases are lungs, pleura, liver and bone. There are many hypotheses for breast cancer, in this study the influence carcinogens on genetic changes and the effect of nutrition on the growth of cancerous tumors
Breast cancer – is a disease of women of middle and old age. (Halyard, Michele Y.) The symptoms of cancer of the body are various degrees of breast asymmetry, inverted nipple with serous and spotting, as well as redness and swelling of the skin over the tumor. Palpations are determined by the different size of the tumor, in the form it can be knotted and non-uniform texture, but with rather clear boundaries. In locally infiltrative form boundaries are not defined. In advanced cases, the tumor may be in the nature of diffuse infiltrative. Taking up half or the entire gland.
The most common form of breast cancer and nodal is infiltrative. Known as infiltrative edema and ulcer. Rarely occurring form - cancer Paget, which starts with changing the nipple: its shape, the appearance of redness and skin tightening, education scales, oozing scabs, ulcerations. In the future, under the nipple in breast tissue is found tumor site. Meets eczema-type, ulcerative and tumor cancer Paget.
Great value in the diagnosis of breast cancer was radiographic method of research – not contrasted mammography. The latter is carried out to refine the size and the nature of the tumor growth, the identification component of infiltrative cancer. (American Cancer Society.) Mammography is also required to provide information on the status of contralateral breast cancer in detecting palpable tumors.
Equally important are studies that refine the lungs, skeletal system, liver. The frequency of metastases occurring covertly, as you know, is quite high: nearly one third of female patients identified by scanning asymptomatic bone metastases, later confirmed by clinical and radiological data.
According to Brody (Brody), some researchers define the influence of environment on breast cancer as everything that is not due to the influence of genes. For the purposes of our Special Research Initiatives, the CBCRP is using a narrower definition. We define "environment" as all of the non-genetic factors that might lead to breast cancer that are also largely outside an individual's control. This definition includes possible causes of breast cancer resulting from exposure to sources such as air pollution, second hand smoke, and pharmaceuticals.
The risk of breast cancer and other tumors in different countries and populations varies widely, and their degree depends primarily on the type of tumor. (Brody, Julia G.) As examples of more than one hundred times the variations in cancer rates lips, and nose and throat, on the one hand, and on the other in less than ten-fold ratio in the incidence of breast cancer and ovarian cancer. The higher the genetic uniformity of the compared groups, the smaller the role of hereditary component as one of the causes of the observed oscillation frequency of tumors.
Genetic factors. One of the conditions that can trigger the development of the disease is Barrett's esophagus. In general, acting on the cell, causing carcinogens, certain violations of its structure and function (especially DNA), which is called initiation. (Brody, Julia G.) Damaged cell thus acquires a pronounced potential for malignancy. Repeated exposure to a carcinogen (the same that caused the initiation, or any other) leads to irreversible damage mechanisms controlling division, growth and differentiation of cells, resulting in cell acquires a number of abilities, not peculiar to the normal cells of the body - promotion. In particular, tumor cells acquire the ability to divide uncontrollably, losing tissue specific structure and functional activity, change their antigenic structure, etc. The growth of the tumor (tumor progression) is characterized by a gradual decrease in differentiation and increased ability to divide uncontrollably, and changing relationships tumor cell - the body, which leads to the formation of metastases. Lymphatic metastasis occurs mainly through (ie, shock lymph) to regional lymph nodes or by hematogenous (through the blood) with the formation of metastases in different organs (lungs, liver, bones, etc.).
Nutrition - an important factor that can account for the formation of malignant tumors. Since the nature of the power, directly or indirectly related to the occurrence of cancer of the esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, uterus, lung and other organs. (Norman F. Boyd )
In foods contain chemical carcinogens, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrosamines, aflatoxins, benzpyrene and others. Carcinogens and their precursors get into food from the environment, as well as in the preparation, storage, and cooking products. (Norman F. Boyd ) The content of carcinogens in food increases with excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers and pesticides. Benzpyrene found in foods with overcooking and overheated fats, meat and fish, in smoked, after treatment smokehouse smoke.
Nitrosamines in small amounts are found in many foods: smoked, dried and canned meat and fish, dark beer, some varieties of sausages, dried and salted fish, marinated and pickled vegetables, etc. Handling smokehouse smoke, fat and overcooking salting promote the formation of nitrosamines. In contrast, storage of products at a low temperature slows down the process.
The hypothesis of the protective role of dietary fiber was formulated English physician Burkitt from observations in Africa, where the incidence of colon cancer is low, and the consumption of foods high in fiber high. (Norman F. Boyd )It is assumed that people, who eat a lot of fiber, increase the volume of stool, leading to a decrease in the concentration of the colon carcinogens. Excessive fat intake contributes to the development of cancer of the breast, uterus, and colon. Frequent use of canned food, ham, pickles and marinades leads to increased incidence of cancer of the stomach. The same effect has an excess of salt, inadequate intake of fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins A, C and E. Low content of crude fiber diet increases the risk of colon cancer.
In addition to direct or indirect exposure to carcinogens, eating disorders can lead to chronic digestive diseases (chronic gastritis, chronic pancreatitis, steatosis, irritable bowel syndrome, and so on). These diseases are in some cases also carrying the risk of cancer of these organs. (Norman F. Boyd )
The protective effect of fruit and vegetable consumption in the development of malignant tumors in humans is established for cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx, esophagus, stomach, colon and rectum, lung. , Epidemiological scientific evidence is weaker for malignant tumors of the larynx, pancreas, breast and bladder. However, the consumption of fruit and vegetables are likely to reduce the risk of these tumors. In some epidemiological studies to reduce the risk due to the consumption of fruits and vegetables was observed for tumors of the cervix, endometrium, kidney and prostate. (Norman F. Boyd ) Moreover, we show that the consumption of fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of all forms of cancer in general. One study showed that men who ate a lot of green and yellow vegetables, the risk of death from all cancers was equal to 0.3. Pronounced protective effect have onions and garlic. In a study conducted in Moscow, it was shown that the consumption of garlic reduces the risk of gastric cancer. Anti carcinogenic effect of garlic can be attributed to its antibacterial properties, in particular, against Helicobacter pylori, which is an infection of a known risk factor for gastric cancer. (Norman F. Boyd )
Despite the fact that at present our knowledge (Norman F. Boyd ) is not enough to just point out all the components of food, contributing to the development of cancer or reduce the risk of its development, there is no doubt that the increase in the consumption of vegetables, herbs and fruits, and reduced consumption of fat (especially animal) will reduce the incidence of malignant tumors.
Work Cited
Halyard, Michele Y. . Breast Cancer. Demos Medical Publishing, 2012. Print.
"American Cancer Society." Breast Cancer. n. page.
Print. <http://www.cancer.org/acs/
Brody, Julia G. "California Breast Cancer Research
Program Special Research Initiatives." Identifying gaps in breast cancer
research: Addressing disparities and the roles of the physical and social
environment. (2007): n. page. Print. <http://www.cbcrp.org/sri/
Norman F. Boyd, . "Nutrition and Breast Cancer." Journal of the National Cancer
Institute. 85.1 (1993): n. page. Print. <http://jnci.oxfordjournals.