История легкой атлетики (на английском языке)

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 27 Мая 2014 в 14:24, реферат

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Track-and-field - one of basic and most mass types of sport, uniting walking and at run on different distances, broad jumps and height, discus, spear, hammer, grenade(shotput) throwing, and also track-and-field. all-round is a decathlon, the pentathlon of and other In modern sport classification is counted over 60 varieties of track-and-field exercises.
In the program of the modern Olympic games the track-and-field is presented by 24 numbers for men and 14 - for women. Track-and-field competitions are included in the programs of the largest continental sport contests : championships of Europe, African, Asian, Balkan, British, Pan-american games of and other

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Track-and-field - one of basic and most mass types of sport, uniting walking and at run on different distances, broad jumps and height, discus, spear, hammer, grenade(shotput) throwing, and also track-and-field. all-round is a decathlon, the pentathlon of and other In modern sport classification is counted over 60 varieties of track-and-field exercises.

In the program of the modern Olympic games the track-and-field is presented by 24 numbers for men and 14 - for women. Track-and-field competitions are included in the programs of the largest continental sport contests : championships of Europe, African, Asian, Balkan, British, Pan-american games of and other

Basis of track-and-field are natural motions of man. Engaging in track-and-field assist all-round physical development, strengthening of health of people. Popularity and mass character of track-and-field are explained by popularity and large variety of track-and-field exercises, simplicity of technique of implementation, by possibility to vary loading and to conduct employments at any time year not only on sport grounds but also in the wild.

The track-and-field is part of the state system of P.E.

Yet in deep antiquity to the man it was necessary to be able quickly to hurry, adroitly to overcome different obstacles, throw different family projectiles. From ability of man to go after and well-aimed stagger a booty, his hunting success depended on ability to be proof and hard-tempered in a fight against mysterious forces of nature, and - and life.

Итак, already to the primitive man at run, jumps and throwing are exercises making foundation of modern track-and-field sport were acquainted. Archaeologists, digging out the stands of ancient man, find many eloquent certificates to that already on sunset civilization these skills played an enormous role everyday life of man. It is possible to consider Ancient Greece a sport motherland.

The program of these competitions was mainly track-and-field. Firstly their participants competed only in at run on distance, equal length of stadium(192 m a 27 cm), that was named the "stages". (From here, actually, and there was a word "stadium".) More than half a century this type of at run - стадиодром - remained the only type of competitions on hellenic olympic holidays. On Games of 14th Olympiad(724 to н. э.) were first played off prizes in at run on distance equal to two stages. On Games of 15th Olympiad at run appeared on endurance - from 7 to 25 стадиев. Already in a that pore the participants of Games were specialized in the separate types of the program of contests.

Development of modern track-and-field began in 30-40th 19 century(first competitions - in a college Регби in England in 1837); in 80-90th in a great deal countries amateur clubs, leagues of and other, were organized,

Development of modern track-and-field is closely related to olympic motion. To suffice it to say that drawing of olympic rewards in Athens in 1896 became the first official international competition on track-and-field. Since she firmly took the leading place in the program of all Olympic games.

And exactly an athlete became the first olympic champion. This was American James Конноли, on April, 5 1896 conquering victory in a triple jump with a result a 13 m of 71 см. However Конноли became an authentic hero I Olympiads of contemporaneity.

A few the other day later marathon racers entered into a fight. They hurried 40 kilometres on a the same stony road on that 2500 about back ran back from селения Marathon to Athens hellenic warrior-messenger with a new about victory of Greeks over Persians. According to legend, a messenger came running in a city, not stopped on the way, and with an intonement "We won"! fell down in a dead faint. In honour the exploit of this soldier in the program of the Olympic games and a run was included from Marathon to Athens. Afterwards a marathon became one of obligatory types of track-and-field.

For Greece - hostess I there are Olympiads - victory in this type of the program was the question of national pride and honour. Thousands of fans breathed disappointedly, when from middle of distance a report came: there are not the Greek runners in the number of leaders. But after a situation changed on distance. Former leaders, not surviving a heat, got off, and on a stadium Greek of Спирос Louis, modest postman from the settlement of Марузи, came running in the first.

The last circle together with a winner was run back by king of Greece, in the gust of feelings abandoning a royal lodge. Louis became the national hero of the country.

On the whole the olympic debut of "sport queen" passed in Athens very modestly. Athletes competed only for to 12 kinds(compare: now the program of track-and-field counts 43 kinds). In all less than one hundred sportsmen went out on a start. For example, in a height jumped only five. Many more participants collected competitions on a gymnastics and firing.

Such episode of olympic contests deserves attention. On the start of distance a 100 m majority.

Records and record-holders


History of every type of sport keeps the names of the heroes-sportsmen, setting records, striking imagination and moving apart withstand ideas about possibilities of man. And track-and-field that is why and got the title of "sport queen", that among her "nationals" - athletes - prominent appeared more than in any other kind. Let us become acquainted with some of them.

It was named the "greatest athlete of all times and people" in 30th of negro runner Джесси Оуэнса. And herein there was not an overstatement.

Owen was a tenth child in family of farm-hand from the American city of Cleveland. A boy as early as junior classes of school found out surprizing capabilities: he was strikingly rapid, adroit and instantly grabbed the technique of the any, even most difficult, sport exercise. In age 12-13 he passed ahead all coevals in competitions on a sprint. On one of competitions a 14-years-old sportsman ran back 220 yards(hardly anymore 200 м) so healthily, that a judge decided that. His at run was magnificent - easy and swift simultaneously. But the years of persistent labour stood after this lightness. "Success is arrived at uneasily and not immediately, - a sportsman remembered later. - Both a sponge takes in water and a sportsman must take experience, take in knowledge other. All serves to the achievement of one aim.".

On the Olympic games in Berlin of Оуэнсу there was not equal in all kinds programs in that he took part. Джесси obtained sure victory in at run on 100 and a 200 m, after came in first in broad jumps, showing very high even on modern measurements a result is a 8 m 06 см. And he was the recipient of an award the fourth gilded youth for participating in a victory relay race a 4Х100 m. Clark in Athens overcame in a height a 1 m a 81 cm, and American Ирвинг Бэкстер in Paris overmastered a slat on the mark of a 1 m 90 см.

However, then achievements grew not only swiftly but also continuously the program of competitions broadened on track-and-field. If on I athletes competed Olympiad mainly in classic kinds, then later…

This lesson did not pass for a finn for free. He understood how it is dangerous to be too self-confident, and did everything, not to repeat a tactical error on next distance are a 10000 m. Here he operated much расчетливее: allowed first to go out other runners forward, and before a finish accomplished a victory throw.

Before Olympiad in Paris(1924) of Нурми was in the zenith of glory. Thousands of fans gathered on the stadium of "Коломб", to see the performance of "great finn". And he justified expectations: accomplished an authentic sport exploit, winning the two gilded youths during one hour.

On distance a 1500 m Нурми came in first, not leaving not the faintest hope to the rivals. His at run was swift and beautiful. Englishman Стэллард, finishing the third, collapsed on a path without consciousness. When he came round, Нурми already stood on the start of at run on a 5000 m, where again appeared the first.

The third gilded youth was reached to him in a cross-country race on a 10000 m. This heat passed under the burning rays of a sun. Many his participants did not survive.

History of home track-and-field

In Russia in 1888 the first sport group formed in Тярлеве, near Petersburg. Wide development of modern track-and-field is related to the revival of the Olympic games(1896) as the largest international competitions; national championships began to be performed on track-and-field(in Russia in 1908-16 annually). The All-russian union of track-and-field lovers, uniting about 20 sport leagues of Petersburg, Moscow, Kyiv of and other, is founded in 1911;

There is рус in 1912. athletes first participated in the Olympic games. In 1912 the International amateur track-and-field federation(ИААФ) is created is a leading organ on development of track-and-field and realization of international competitions.

First competitions of owls. athletes took place in 1918 in Petrograd, in 1920 are olympiads, in the program of that a main place was occupied by track-and-field: Siberian(Omsk), Приуральская(Ekaterinburg), Central(Tashkent) Asiatic, NorthCaucasian (Mineral Waters

In 1922 championship of RSFSR took place on track-and-field (Moscow), in 1923 is the first international meeting (with the athletes of Finland), in 1928 is first all-union sports and athletics meeting.

In 30th scientifically-methodical bases of the modern system of preparation of athletes began to be created. With introduction to a 1931 complex "Ready to labour and defensive of the USSR"(ГТО) the track-and-field became one of the most mass types of sport. Becoming and development of home track-and-field in 30 40th it is related to the names of С.И. and Г.И. Знаменских, А. А. Pugachev, Ф. К. Ванина, Е. М. Васильевой, М.И. Шамановой, Т. А. Быковой,, Н. Г. Д. Люлько(at run) Озолина(jumps), С. Т. Ляхова(throwing) et al, that already in these years showed the results of international class.

In 1948 the All-union federation of track-and-field of the USSR entered into members ИААФ(on January, 1 1972 ИААФ united the national federations of 143 countries).

From 1946 owls. athletes participate in championships of Europe(conducted from 1934 in even years between the Olympic games), from 1952 - in the Olympic games. From 1958 track-and-field matches are regularly conducted between the sportsmen of the USSR of and other of countries(The USA, ГДР, France, Great Britain, Italy, Poland, Czechoslovakia), international competitions sanctified to memory of prominent athletes(memorials - brothers Знаменских in the USSR, Я. Кусочинского - in Poland, Е. Рошицкого - in Czechoslovakia of and other), on the prizes of organizations and newspapers("True" and "News" in the USSR, "Юманите" in France of and other), from 1964 are championships of Europe on track-and-field for juniors, from 1965 are cup competitions Europe, from 1966 are championships of Europe in the closed apartment. In 1968 the European association is founded by easy атлетики.- ЕАА uniting 35 national federations, in т. of the ч. USSR(1972), at the end of 60 - beginning 70th the federations of track-and-field of Asia, Africa, Ibero-American countries, New Zeland and Oceania are organized.

In 1952-72 soviet athletes conquered on the Olympic games 35 gold, 31 silver and 41 bronze to the medal, on championships of Europe accordingly - 61, 46 and to a 51 medal.

Olympic champions: Н. В. Авилов, П. Г. Болотников, А.П. Бондарчук, В. Ф. Brisk(twice), Л. И. Брагина, В.Н. Брумель, В.С. Голубничий(twice), Р.И.Clem, В. С. Крепкина, В. П., Куц(twice), Я.В. Лусис, Л. И. Лысенко, Ф. Г. Miller, Э. А. Озолина, Н. А. Пономарева(twice), И. Н. Press(twice), Т. Н. Press(three times), В. В. Руденков, В. Д. Саиеев(twice), Л. В. Спирин, Ю. А. Тармак, Т. А. Тышкевич, В. С. Цыбуленко,, Н. В. М. Шавлакадзе Чижова, И. В. Яунзем.

Champions of Europe : Е. А. Аржанов, В.М. Богданова, В.Н. Буланчик, Н.Я. Думбадзс, А.В. Игнатьев, М.Л. Иткина, Н.3. Каракулов, К.Я. Лаптева, Н.Г. Откаленко, С.К. Попов, Т.Н. Севрюкова, Е.И. Сеченова, Н.В. Смирницкая, В.В. Кузнецов, И.А. Тср-Ованесян, И.Р. Турова, А.П. Чудина, Т.С. Щелканова, Л.М. Щербаков of and other

Repeatedly improved world, European and all-union records in the different types of track-and-field : Е.Е. Горчакова, Э.В. Гущин, Г.Я. Климов, Г.И. Зыбина, М.П. Кривоносов, Ю.Н. Литуев, В.И. Трусеиев.)


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