Business etiquette in different cultures

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 15 Апреля 2014 в 11:34, реферат

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Naturally behaviors sovereigns at the meetings, developing, gave birth to diplomatic etiquette, as diplomats in the negotiations expressed government's point of view. At the same time developing military etiquette, supporting harmony and rigor of the rules of conduct in the army, without which the procedure would simply be impossible. There are other types of etiquette - a secular, sometimes now called general civil. The "youngest» is a business etiquette.


General principles of international etiquette

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Wuhan University of Technology








Business etiquette in different cultures.







Group B Al Sahrawi SAAD

Professor: Yin Xiangzhou






  1. Abstract.
  2. Introduction.
  3. General principles of international etiquette
  4. Conclusion
  5. Reference
  6. Appendix



This report is shows how important are to be informed about other traditional of doing business. How to not get offended from business partners, and keep good relationship for later cooperation.



Etiquette (etuquette) – French word for style, a way to behave in society. Modern scholars of society and historians say that Italy is the birthplace of etiquette in XIV. , Which is not only different from the barbaric England, France, Germany, and even respect for the power, wealth and gentility, but also believed mandatory presence of the rich and noble people of pleasant manners, courtesy breaking, and ability to behave in society. Moreover, considered as a highly desirable education - and this at a time when, for example, France has not respected representatives of Sciences, despised scientists thought they were pointless occupation. Historically etiquette arose primarily in the palaces, and so was named the palace or the public.

Naturally behaviors sovereigns at the meetings, developing, gave birth to diplomatic etiquette, as diplomats in the negotiations expressed government's point of view. At the same time developing military etiquette, supporting harmony and rigor of the rules of conduct in the army, without which the procedure would simply be impossible. There are other types of etiquette - a secular, sometimes now called general civil. The "youngest» is a business etiquette.

Etiquette requirements, including business, are not absolute; they are changing over time in response to the graves of factors. Modern business man can not recommend blindly and unconditionally comply with the requirements of business etiquette, but try to understand their inner meaning and content, which makes them indispensable in business communication. Manners reflect the internal culture of the person, his true attitude toward morality, his understanding of moral claims as well - his intellect.

Business Etiquette - an important part of the business relationship, which based on centuries of wisdom that defines concepts of spiritual values ​​(fairness, honesty, loyalty, word, etc.). Establishing strong business relations with foreign partners is only possible if the study of business ethics in the country in which the will to go. In this regard, the purpose of this paper is to examine the national peculiarities of business conduct in the different countries of the world.




There are certain rules of conduct and communication, which will be valid in any country of residence:

1. It should respect national traditions in food, holidays, religion, and leadership of the country in which you are located.

2. Should refrain from criticism and any comparisons with his country.

3. Always be punctual, to take into account the traffic on the roads and a crowd of people on the streets.

4. You should not brag about their financial situation.

5. Useful to be familiar with the monetary system of the country in which you are located.

6. In any country are very important titles, so they should be used.

7. Correspondence should be purely formal.

8. Coming not the first time in the country, care should be taken that on the back of your business card was information in the language of that country.

9. Be sure to stand up when the national anthem sounds, it is also worth watching and repeat the actions of your hosts.

10. Do not wear specific costumes like togas and saris (maybe it is religious in nature).

11. It is impossible to claim that everything is in your home: food, service, etc. General advice when making an unfamiliar food - eat what you offer, and do not ask what it is. It should cut the portion into small pieces, so it can easily get you in the stomach.

12. Names should remember. If the name is difficult, it should work out in its pronunciation. We must bear in mind that the names can indicate social status and marital status. To call people by their names should not be, if they are told to do so.

13. In any country, politeness is appreciated, especially in the Asian countries.

14. If you do not know the language of the country in which is necessary to have an interpreter in the negotiations? Knowledge of a few basic phrases is absolutely necessary. When the conversation through an interpreter highly desirable presence of a man fluent in both languages ​​, so that he supervised the translation and bug fixes.

If business partners say too fast for you, you can politely ask them to speak more slowly, citing his poor knowledge of the language. But we should not blame them for ever that they are quickly told. Similarly, if the negotiations are being conducted in your native language is unacceptable to blame the interlocutors for emphasis should also speak slowly and clearly pronouncing words. You should not tell jokes because of the exceptional specificity of national humor also avoid slang.

15. An essential element of the business image is the clothes as part of the exterior. It should be low-key, well-tailored and high quality. As a rule, required to wear white shirts and dark suits. Women in business travel is better not to wear pants as too short skirts or sleeveless dresses.

16. It should be remembered that in Buddhist temples, Muslim mosques, homes and restaurants of Japanese, Indian, Indonesian and houses is forbidden to be in the shoes. Shoes placed at the entrance to the door of socks.

17. As for the cost, you should not spend more than necessary water, heat and light, being in a foreign country. In some countries the phones connected to the counters. Therefore, we first need to offer the owner to pay for your call, then call.

18. Always remember that greetings in a number of countries have a national flavor. The basic form is a handshake. But in some countries is not accepted shake hands with women, and therefore it are necessary to wait until the woman herself helping hand. In France and the Mediterranean countries spread kisses on the cheek, and in Latin America - a hug. Two pressed together in front of chest palm - Indian national greeting.

19. In any country must show respect to their elders. They should be the first to start a conversation. When by older people enter the room, you should get up.

20. In many countries, the business has an impact on religion - on schedule and working months and days. It is better to know more about the religion of the country, but it is not necessary to enter into discussions on such topics. You need to know and remember that Buddhist sacred images: do not tread on the threshold of Thailand - under him live the good spirits , cannot distract a person facing toward Jerusalem , without a permit is not necessary to touch pictures or religious attributes .

21. Everywhere you need to carry a business card on which shall include: the name of your organization, position, titles. Do not use abbreviations. In Southeast Asia, Africa and the Middle East business card always stretch the right arm. In Japan, it is served with two hands, the right side of your partner.

22. It should guard against the use of conventional gestures (egg, «V» as a sign of victory). In other countries, they may have a completely different meaning.

23. Business card has long been an important tool for establishing business contacts, maintaining relationships. In Europe, you can insult his negotiating partner, not giving him my business card. These traditions are especially strong in the southern European countries - France, Italy, Spain and Portugal. Anyone familiar with business in these countries begins with a mandatory exchange of business cards, so when business communication is always necessary to have a sufficient number of them. If the answer to the proffered business card, you do not give her, you should apologize, explaining the cause and promised to send it as soon as possible.




Business etiquette formed for a long time as a result of constant selection rules and forms the most appropriate business conduct conducive to success in a business relationship.

Due to the rapid global integration process and strengthen economic ties are growing markets of exports and imports, many companies are becoming multinational. Business success was largely determined by the knowledge and observance of etiquette businessmen of the countries with which they cooperate. Local etiquette when doing business abroad - a big problem for those who travel on business trips to different countries. It is equally important to know about the culture, traditions and good manners of countries where the company come to business partners.

Need to remember that it was and how to do in certain situations in specific countries. To start, you learn a few phrases: «thank you", "please», learn to count to ten. If no exact knowledge of how to proceed should be addressed to the person by name. In many countries it is considered good form for visitors to use local food.

To this day, remain differences in the norms and rules of conduct and communication in different countries. National characteristics, history, climate, historically moral standards have an impact on the way business dress, behave, what is considered a decent and dignified, and that is a sign of insecurity or lack of respect for a business partner. However, despite the existing differences in the traditions and regulations in different countries , the basic principles remain constant - respect for a business partner and his time, the right to respect for his private life and maintain a certain distance in business communication , respect for the culture and history of the country .




  1. Modern Encyclopedia. Etiquette / Auto. Comp. Gusev IE - Minsk: Harvest, 2000.
  2. The history and principles of business etiquette

























Some Examples of different cultures.


Business Etiquette of the Far East is characterized by its traditions. Representations of the Chinese on the rules of etiquette are very different from European. Thus, when dealing deemed unacceptable physical contact - hugs, kisses and even touch.

Entering into business relations, the Chinese business people pay special attention to two points: 1) the collection of information on the subject matter and the partners in the negotiations, and 2) the formation of the "spirit of friendship" towards members of the other party. The spirit of friendship in the negotiations for the Chinese is very important, and usually they equate it with the usual personal relationship partners.

Referring to the Chinese, it is necessary to remember that the names in China accepted to put in front of the name. If you are acquainted with the Chinese should call him by name. During the greeting, shaking hands, first to shake hands with the most high-ranking official. When meeting should exchange business cards.

The Chinese delegation is usually very numerous, as they have traditionally turned a lot of experts on various issues. At the talks the Chinese adhere to the separation of the process of discussion at separate stages: the initial specification of the positions of their discussion, the final stage. Inception - an assessment of the status of each of the Chinese negotiators. Much attention in this regard is paid to the appearance of partners, their manners, and relations within the delegation. Having conducted such an analysis, the Chinese in the future are guided mainly by partners of higher status - both formal and informal. Through negotiations on its territory, the Chinese, referring to their traditions, often offer guests speak first in order to ascertain the position of partner. From the Chinese they, in the beginning of the negotiations will be difficult, if not impossible - they work with platitudes. Do not be in such a case to show their dissatisfaction or use pressure.

Committed in the course of the discussion the other side mistakes skillfully used. Concessions to the Chinese are usually at the end of the negotiations, when they have already been estimated capacity of partners. Final decisions are made ​​not Chinese at the negotiating table with the partners, but at home. They must then be approved by the leadership of the Chinese firm.

Establishment of informal relations with foreign partners - an important part of Chinese business. This is evident in the guest asked questions about marital status, interests, etc., invitations to a restaurant that serves a multitude of national dishes. If the clink, then make it so: Junior should clink the top of his glass against the foot of the glass, Sr., thus showing that he puts himself below. Clinking glasses, pronounced in Chinese something similar in terms of.

In business life in China practiced giving gifts. But any such offering to take place only after the conclusion of all transactions. In this case presents are better to do not to a specific person, and the whole company, as local customs may prohibit the acceptance of personal gifts. Chinese gratefully accept small gifts. You should not give clocks as in Chinese the word «watch» and «funeral" are similar in sound.



Japanese culture is historically tied to the Chinese. A community can be seen in the strict hierarchy of relations senior and junior, using intermediaries in complex and controversial issues, donation of gifts in gratitude for the service and assistance. Recently, a few may even shock the Europeans.

The main advantages of the Japanese national character as well known as it is difficult comprehensible in their entirety for the people of other nationalities : hard work , discipline, adherence to tradition , dedication to the authority , duty , self-control , accuracy, understanding of beauty , courtesy , curiosity . According to the Japanese morality, the basis of human relations - mutual dependence. Therefore, membership in a particular group - the basis of the Japanese attitude.

This implies another famous feature of the Japanese - a group of faithful, firm, state, nation, and the attendant patriotism and self-sacrifice in defending their interests, as well as the high degree of organization. The Japanese judge a man, first of all, by his membership in a particular group.

With Japanese companies is very difficult to make contact through correspondence and telephone communication. The reasons for this are enclosed in the following:

1) The majority of people working in the national market of small and medium-sized companies do business in the Japanese language and to contact them need a translator;

2) Not knowing partner, the Japanese businessmen do not like to join with him in the business relationship;

3) In Japanese firms there is quite a complicated decision-making process;

4) The Japanese prefer private conversations and discuss important issues through correspondence or telephone.

When establishing business with Japanese important procedure for the exchange of business cards, as they are very respect the chain of command. Getting acquainted, the Japanese tend to immediately figure out what position relative to the other person they hold that the natural thing to do with a business card.

In detail, this is the case. First, Japanese, looking at your business card, find out which firm you represent and what is its status in relation to his own company. If one of the two getting acquainted of the largest and most reputable company and one of the more petty , the first is higher than the second. The next stage of the building of mutual «location» - a comparison of the provisions in their companies.

Handling business cards requires great accuracy. It is considered impolite to keep them in the pocket of your trousers, especially the back, better to get a business card for a special albomchik and carry it in a breast pocket or in the inner pocket of his jacket. Women can put an albomchik in her purse.

Always respectful must deal with a business card, which is derived from the Japanese. You will emphasize their respect to the Japanese, if you give him or take away objects with both hands. The importance of this particular growing at a meeting with a person holding a much higher position. If you do the same with a person of lower status, then this only distract him astray. But in this country is not scared to make a mistake in the direction of greater civility. So come to be so. Apply to a person standing on the lower step, and take from him a business card with one hand. It is appropriate in this case will take his card with two hands or with your right hand and hold her left hand - as long as you have read carefully all that is written there. If you run a cursory glance at the card, then this in itself you humiliate a man because he will think that he was considered a minor party. It is appropriate to say something like, «Oh, so you're head of the department ... ".

Going to Japan is to order business cards with Japanese text on one side, but you must be sure that the translation is perfect; otherwise you can get into an awkward position.

The Japanese are mostly very polite and the quality is highly valued in others. In business communication with a Japanese partner is not recommended to get excited and lose self-control. In dealing with the Europeans the Japanese appreciate kindness, sincerity, sociability, and if you have learned to pronounce the Japanese a few words - Your diligence will be assessed on merit. European should take into account that when his business partner in the negotiations nods, this does not mean that he is willing conversationalist, he just figured out what you want to say. If the business conversation the Japanese use expressions like «now it is difficult ", it should be borne in mind that it means giving up.

At a meeting with business partners from Japan should not hold out his hand for a handshake, better to have a polite bow. The Japanese bow specifically - to meet friends, they freeze in place, and then how to break in two at the waist. Statistics considered that the average worker thus 36 times a day. It is true that courtesy is limited to the area of personal relationships; it is not affecting social behavior. Japanese man in the street wills shamelessly pushing passers-by, pushing his way through the crowd.

Not in Japanese customs to receive visitors at home or go to visit. Rather, the business partner invited to a traditional Japanese restaurant, where we assume take off one's shoes. If you cannot eat the entire proposed dish you should try at least a bite. If you are still invited to the house, it must be remembered that the rules in the home are very complex. The main thing - does not step on it, or not to step through and sit where told. And sitting down, we first get on your knees and then fall on his heels. Sit in any other manner, the more pull the legs forward is indecent.



In the second half of the XVIII century. England started the industrial revolution. This led to the development of entrepreneurship and the development of the bourgeoisie. It was then to indicate their affiliation to a new class, new traders, bankers and owners of factories began to introduce norms of behavior, clothing, and subsequently formed the modern American and European business style. In the XIX and XX centuries. European and American businessmen have played a dominant role on the world stage. With their capital, goods and technologies they brought around the world and the rules of conduct in a business environment. Since then, these rules hold business not only in Europe and America, but also in Japan and Asia. Africa. In all countries, the attribute of the business person is often the English jacket, tuxedo or suit.

The business world UK is heterogeneous not only socially, but also in their craft specialization, which in principle makes it different from the business of other countries. For British business is characterized by the caste system, which on the one hand, it defines a high professional level, but on the other - prevents the inflow of "fresh blood." The financial sector of British business is the ideologist of certain innovations.

The main features of the English character are self-restraint, prone to understatement, laconic, at times bordering on reticence. This leads to isolation and unsociability as manifestations of English aspirations for independence. Propensity and ability to wait, easy search, feasible, reconciling, which inevitably causes sometimes disregard the logic and principles, given or adhering to the opposite positions - all this as the English national character. The strongest feature of the English character - a sense of justice. When dealing British rely on faith in the honesty of the partner does not tolerate deceit and cunning. It is well known for their respect to the interlocutor. For this reason they avoid categorical statements or disagreements. In addition, they avoided talking personality that is considered an invasion of privacy.

English businessman very observant, a good psychologist, and rejects as false and concealing weak training. In this regard, it is better to put forward the idea that the British have a lot to learn, and that you will gladly ask his English counterpart of practical help. Moreover, that they share their knowledge and experience is very readily, often reveal the secrets of their craft and skillfully introduced you to the intricacies of a particular market.

Another marked feature of British national - full compliance with established rules and laws. When dealing with British partners, one should always remember the dominant rule of England: "Observe the formalities." In any case it is impossible to contact anyone else by name, if that person has not given such permission. It is important to understand the ranks and titles, but you cannot reward the titles themselves. The procedure dating observed very strictly. Is of great importance, whose name will be called first. The Englishman is watching who represent the first. Thus, in the service environment is given priority when meeting a client, since it is the more important person. If you have to submit his colleague a person who holds a higher the first entitled to name the senior official.

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