Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 22 Октября 2013 в 22:50, курсовая работа
Примерно за последние двадцать лет назад, интерес к фразеологии значительно вырос. В то время как общие лингвиста вид фразеологии : до этого времени, вероятно, могут быть карикатурными, как " идиома исследователей и лексикографы классификации и исследования различных видов достаточно замороженные идиоматические выражения’, эта точка зрения имеет, к счастью, изменилась. С помощью теперь, проблемы определения и классификации фразеологизмов как хорошо как интегрировать их в теоретические исследования и практическое применение имеет гораздо более глубокое влияние на исследования и их повестки дня в множество различных разделов, а также язык обучения, приобретения, и учение, обработки естественного языка и др. Однако, это влияние часто не полностью признаются или находят отражение терминологически. Это не только indesirable и потому, что часто не осознают домены, в которых исследования по фразеологии оставил свой след.
Synchronic approach studies vocabulary words in their present value and use, without the history of words, and diachronic approach studies the word, taking into account the historical path of development.
Special attention to the plane of expression of phraseological units actualizes historical and etymological significance of interpretation elements or prototype FE. Despite the fact that above all, a synchronous layer of culture is important for lingvostranovedeniya , diachronic aspect is recognized as inseparable from the synchronic, especially in phraseology.
In conclusion, it is necessary to mention, that phraseology is an intermediary field, being close, in the reference literature, both to vocabulary studies, since it studies fixed word combinations, characterized by a unitary meaning, as well as to syntax, since phraseologic phenomena are defined by syntactic relations of various kinds, which are realized on a syntagmatic axis. Given the expressive nature of phraseologic phenomena, these have also been associated to stylistics. Taking into consideration the possibility of differentiating styles and functional variants of a language by analysing phraseologic units, it has been particularly drawn closer to functional stylistics.
But beyond the closeness to different linguistic disciplines, phraseology tends to be regarded as an autonomous discipline, with its own object and methods.
Phraseological units are classified in accordance with several criteria. For instance, in the classification proposed by acad. Vinogradov phraseological units are classified according to the semantic principle, and namely to the degree of motivation of meaning. Prof. Smirnitsky classifies phraseological units according to the functional principle. Two groups are distinguished: phraseological units and idioms. There is also a structural classification, where all the units are divided into key words of these units (belonging to some part of speech).
The diachronic aspect of phraseology has scarcely been investigated. Just a few points of interest may be briefly reviewed in connection with the origin of phraseological units and the ways they appear in language. It is assumed that almost all phrases can be traced back to free word-groups which in the course of the historical development of the English language have acquired semantic and grammatical inseparability. It is observed that free word-groups may undergo the process of grammaticalisation or lexicalisation.
1. Сборник цитат и изречений на английском языке. Составитель Л.С. Алексеева. М, 1964.
2. Соткина Е.Ю. Формирование фразеологии американского варианта английского языка: функционально-семантический и лингвокультурный аспекты: автореф.дис. – Нижний Новгород, - 2009. – 21с.
3. Gries.S. Phraseology and linguistic theory: a brief survey. – Santa Barbara: University of California, 2004. – 21p.
4. Phraseology from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [Electronic resource]. – http://www.wikipedia.org
5. Sankin A.A. A course in modern English lexicology. – Second edition, revised and enlarged. – M., 1979. – 269p.
6. Savin P. Phraseology as an autonomous linguistic discipline. – N.Y.: University of Bacau, 2010. – 14p.
Информация о работе Фразеологія як підсистема мови. Деякі проблеми діахронічного підходу