Экономика в США

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 06 Мая 2014 в 20:46, реферат

Краткое описание

The US welcomed the end of the XXth century and beginning of the third Millennium as an influential leader of the world economy. The USA is one of the largest in area and population of countries of the world. In the country on an area of about 9.3 million square km lived at the beginning of 1993, more than 255 million. The level of development of productive forces, the scale of its economy, the U.S. is ahead of any other developed economy. The course of economic processes in the USA is one of the main generators of the progressive changes in the economy of the world. The situation in the US is a "barometer" for the world economy directly affects the motion cycle and changes in the economic situation in other countries, influences the structure of the international economic exchange. The economy of the USA and dedicated to this work.


1. The main characteristic features of the US economy………………………………..4-10
2. The state's role in the U.S. economy………………………………………………………10-14
3. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………………………..15
4.Список литературы…………………………………………………………………………………….16
5.Приложение №1……………………………………………………………………………………17-18

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   In 1914, Congress passed two laws designed to complement the antitrust law, the Sherman: it was the antitrust act Clayton act and the Federal trade Commission. Antitrust act Clayton more clearly defined what exactly is illegal restraint of trade. The law prohibits price discrimination, giving one to buyers advantages over others, as well as the conclusion of treaties, according to which producers sell products only to those dealers who are committed not to sell competing products also prohibited certain types of mergers and other actions that could reduce competition. The law on the Federal trade Commission included the creation of the state Commission, designed to prevent unfair business practices and to struggle with competition.

   The state continues to exercise judicial antitrust prosecution and after the Second world war up to the present day. The Federal trade Commission and the Antitrust division of the Ministry of justice to monitor potential monopolies or prevent the merger would reduce competition in the extent that it would cause damage to consumers.

   If the antitrust laws were adopted with the aim of increasing competition, many of the other regulatory rules had the opposite effect. When in the 70-ies in the United States increased concerns about inflation, regulatory rules, umenishati price competition, was again the subject of intense study. The government decided to reduce the level of control in some cases, when the regulation was protecting the company from the pressures of the market.

   The first area of deregulation was the transport. When President Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) Congress passed a series of laws Astronautic a significant portion of protection by means of regulations in the field of aviation, trucks and Railways. Companies were allowed to compete, using any air, rail and automobile routes and more freely setting the prices for its services.

   Up to 80-ies of the term "telephone company" were perceived in the United States as a synonym for "American Telephone & Telegraph". The at&T controlled almost all areas of telephony. Its regional branches, known as "Baby bells", was regulated monopolies with exclusive rights work in certain areas. The FCC regulated prices for telephone calls between the States and the regulatory authorities of the States were supposed to approve the rates for local calls and long distance calls within the state.

   Government regulation was justified by the fact that telephone companies, like electricity suppliers were natural monopolies. Competition, to ensure that, as was considered, it was necessary to build numerous cables across the country, seemed useless and ineffective. This approach has changed in the 70-ies, when rapidly evolving technologies promised rapid progress in telecommunications. Independent companies have argued that they are able to really compete with at&T. However, they also stated that this telephone monopoly effectively prevents them from entering the market, not allowing them to connect to the huge network.

   Deregulation of telecommunications was held in two rapid steps. In 1984, the court put an end to the monopoly of at&T in the field of telephony, forcing the giant convert its regional subsidiaries into a separate company. At&T continued to hold a significant share of business for the provision of intercity/international telephone connection, however, vigorous competitors type Em ECI and Sprint won part of the market, showing that competition could lead to lower prices and improved service.

   A decade later sounded demands to put an end to the monopoly of the "Baby bells" in the field of local telephony. New technologies - cable TV, cell (or wireless) Internet connection, and possibly others have proposed alternatives to the local telephone companies. But economists warned that the huge power of regional monopolies prevents the development of these alternatives. In particular, competitors had no chance to survive without a connection, at least temporarily, to the existing telephone networks, which "Baby bells" resisted different ways.

   In 1996, Congress reacted to this situation by the adoption of the law on telecommunications. This law permitted such operators of long-distance/international telephony, as at&T, as well as the owners of cable television networks and other new companies to start entering the market of local telephony. Under this law, regional monopolies were to allow new competitors to connect to their networks. To regional companies welcomed the competition, the law allowed them to start providing services of long-distance/international telephone connection after the emergence of competition in their areas.

   Deregulation in the banking business is a special case. Since 30-ies of the Americans developed the regulatory rules that reflect the special situation of banks.

   One of the most important regulations is Deposit insurance. The government has stated its support of Bank deposits is currently in the amount of 100 000 USD. Now, if the Bank enters into financial problems, depositors may not worry. State Agency of banking insurance, known as a Federal Corporation of insurance of deposits, pays the investors, using the collected insurance payments of the banks themselves. A similar law was passed recently in Russia.

   Economic deregulation had a certain appeal in the late 90-ies. Many States regulate the activities of suppliers of electricity, which was very difficult because of the separation of the serviced areas. Additional difficulties were connected with the Association of public and private power systems and high cost of construction of enterprises for the production of electricity.




   Despite some problems, the United States occupy the leading place in the world economy, producing the greatest amount of goods and services, it is the most absolute and relative economic performance.

   The USA ranks first in the world by volume of industrial production. They account for today about half the world's grain exports. Dynamically developing service sector, which occupies an important place in export activities in the country.

   U.S. leadership in the world economy is mainly their superiority over other countries in size and wealth of the market, the degree of development of market structures, level of scientific and technical potential, powerful and comprehensive system of global economic relations with other countries through trade, investment and banking capital.

   The American government is using its available levers, carries out a redistribution of material, financial and other resources of the country, takes measures on strengthening international economic positions of the USA and to expand American monopolies. The aggravation of contradictions in the economy contributed to the economic role of the state, which resulted in the development of the system of state-monopolistic regulation of the economy. For several decades formed the theoretical concepts and practical methods of state regulation of the US economy, grew and came as a huge state mechanism of economic policy.











Список литературы

1.Ануфриев В. Экономика  США на рубеже веков: основные  проблемы и их возможные последствия  для мировой экономики. М., 2003.

2.Мировая экономика. Учебник.// Под ред. Лоскутова В.И. М., 2002.

3.Мировая экономика. // Под  ред. Ксенчук Е.В. М., 2000.

4.Портной М.А. США в  мировой экономике. М., 2004.

5.Сулян В. Экономика США  поправится, но не сразу. // Финансы. 2004. №1.




















Приложение №1 (Glossary)

1. exchange

1. валюты

2. remains

2. остается

3. branches in the manufacturing industry

3. филиалы в обрабатывающей промышленности

4. consumer

4. потребитель

5 .domestic

5. внутренний, национальный

6 .argued

6. утверждать

7 .lies

7. ложь

8 .pressures

8. давление

9 .grain

9.зерно, крупица

10. prohibited

10. запрещено

11 .among


12 .authorities

12. госструктура

13 .insurance payments

13.страховые выплаты

14 .separate

14. отдельный, разделенный

15 .rights


16 .adoption

16.принятие, утверждение

17 .despite


18 .occupies


19 .superiority

19.превосходство, первенство

20 .theoretical concepts

20. теоретические концепции

21. perceive


22. success


23. attempted


24. unfairly


25. overall


26. mergers


27. disagreement

27 несогласие

28. range

28.диапазон, спектр, ряд

29. established


30. significant






Информация о работе Экономика в США