Escape and let the rewards come to you

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 04 Мая 2013 в 17:20, творческая работа

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Жизнь в любой момент может стать трудным.
Жизнь в любой момент может стать легким.
Хорошие или плохие, они сезонов жизни.
Все зависит от того, как вы берете на жизнь и приспособиться к этим сезонам.

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"Escape and let the rewards come to you. "


Seasons Of Life

Life at any time can become difficult.

Life at any time can become easy.

Good or Bad, they are seasons of life.

It all depends upon, how you take on life and adjust to these seasons.


What You Did

The world will provide you with stones everyday.

What you build out of it, is your choice…

Wall, Road or a Bridge…

You may even choose to do nothing.

At the end, world will know you by what you did with it.


Always Remember

Always remember two things.

Don’t take any decisions when you are Angry.

Don’t make any promises when you are Happy.

Remember these… for rest of your lives.


Add Life To Your Years

Don’t take life too seriously,

always find time to laugh!

Laughter not only adds years to your life,

but adds more life to your years.


Focus On Self

Some of us waste our time waiting for people to live to our expectations.

We are so concerned about what others are doing that we don’t do anything ourselves.

It's not so important what others are upto; compared to what you are doing.

Focus on what you do, your work; Not on others.


Don’t Forget

Many times in our lives we are dropped, crumpled and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless.

But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased you are still priceless to those who love you.

The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but by who we are.


Do What Your Heart Tells

Many times in life, whether a thing is worth doing or not, really depends on how you look at it.

Take up all your courage and do something your heart tells you to do so that you may not regret not doing it later in your life…

You are special. Don’t ever forget it.


Life Is Like Sea

As vast as you can imagine; As deep as you can think.

Don’t waste time measuring your life. You won’t succeed.

Instead, explore life.

Reach for new harbours as you pass through different phases of life.

Make friends on each destination. Enjoy your journey.


The World Is Following You

One day you might see yourself walking alone on a new path.

No one seems in sight. No one seems to have walked it earlier.

Don’t give up midway. You’re on a right track.

Go on. Reach your dreams.

The reason why you do not see anyone is because, the world is following you.


Create Light Of Your Life

It doesn’t matter for how long the room has been dark;

For a day, or a week, or a year, or for ten thousand years.

The moment you bring in a candle; darkness vanishes like it was never there.

Similarly, it doesn’t matter for how long we are stuck in a sense of our limitations.

The moment you decide to break free, nothing will stop you.

Create the light of your life.


Write Your Name

Don’t write your name on sand, waves will wash it away.

Don’t write your name in sky, wind may blow it away.

Write your name in hearts of people you come in touch with.

That’s where it will stay.


If Life Is Water

If life is water, then the jobs, money and position we hold in society are the cups.

They are just tools to hold and maintain our life; but the quality of life doesn’t change.

If we only concentrate on the cup, we won’t have time to enjoy or taste the water in it.


If I Never Try

I will sail my vessel, till the river runs dry.

Like a bird upon the wind, these waters are my sky.

I will never reach my destination, if I never try.

So I will sail my vessel, till the river runs dry.


I Will Not Die

I will not die and unlived life.

I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire.

I choose to inhabit by days, to allow my living to open me, to make me less afraid, more accessible, to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise.

I choose to risk my significance; to live so that which comes to me as seed goes to next as blossom and that which comes to me as blossom, goes as a fruit.


Brighter Tomorrows

Never stop caring about the little things in life,

Never stop dreaming or give in to strife.

Never stop building bridges that lead to promising tomorrows,

Never stop trying or give in to sorrows.

Never stop smiling and looking forward to each new day,

But most of all my friend…

Never stop shining in your own special way.

Never forget that all storms can clear.

The grayest sky can turn pure blue.

Remember, brighter tomorrows are near…


Whatever That Comes

Some people always enjoy the best that life has to offer.

It’s not because more good things come their way.

It’s because they find and enjoy the good

in whatever that comes their way.


Sun Will Shine Again

Even though the sky seems dark, believe in the future.

The storm will pass over. The clouds will roll by.

Believe in the best though it seems hidden.

Know that it will come though it’s not in sight.

Your faith will take you through the darkness.

Your belief shall prove that the sun will shine again.


Life Is Not Perfect

Go ahead with life as it is, with the bumps and pitfalls. However it is, give your best to every moment.

Don’t spend your time waiting for the perfect situation, something which is not very likely to come.

Life is not perfect; the way you live can make it perfectly wonderful.


Blossom Like A Flower

The realization of happiness happens only after experience of pain.

If we desire to blossom like a flower in the garden of life,

Then we must learn the art of adjusting our life with the thorns!


Love While You Live

Realize things before its too late.

Have lots of friends before you are alone.

Accept things rather than deny them.

Love people before you loose them.

Life comes just once.

Love it while you live it.


Present Moment

You can’t predict the future,

You can’t change the past.

You just have the present moment,

Live it the best and treat it as your last.


Why Can’t You

At times, even the Sun’s brightness is overshadowed by clouds.

Why can’t yours?

However dark and dense the clouds may be, Sun will shine back. And it will shine the brightest.

Why can’t you?


Leading Through Life

Life is divided into three terms.

The one which was, which is and which will be.

Learn from the past to profit the present;

And from the present to live better for future.

Its the best way to lead yourself through life.


I Hold The Key

My will shall shape the future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man’s doing, but my own. I am the force; I can clear any obstacle before me or I can be lost in the maze. My choice; my responsibility; Winning or losing; Only I hold the key to my destiny.


God Has Promised

God has not promised;

Skies always blue, Sun without rain.

Joy without sorrow, Peace without pain.

But God has promised;

Strength for the day,

Rest for the labor,

Light for the way.

Grace for trails,

Help from above,

Unfailing sympathy,

Undying love.


Before You

Before you Speak, …Listen

Before you Write, …Think

Before you Spend, …Earn

Before you Criticise, …Wait

Before you Pray, …Forgive

Before you Quit, …Try


Enjoy Every Minute

Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now.

Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family.

Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.


Be Truthful

We tell lies when we are afraid..

Afraid of what we don’t know,

Afraid of what others will think,

Afraid of what will be found out about us.

But every time we tell a lie.. the thing we fear grows stronger.

Be truthful. With others. With self.


Be Happy Today

Each morning when you open your eyes, say to yourself:

You, and not the day’s events have the power to make you happy or unhappy today. You can choose which it shall be.

Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. You have just one day - Today. When you start your day, tell yourself, “I’m going to be happy today. ”


Failure Is Not Negative

Failure is not negative. It is a teacher. It molds, refines, and polishes you so that one day your light will shine for all to see.

It isn’t the failure you experience that will determine your destiny, but your next step and then the next that will tell the story of your life.


No Going Back

In life there is no going back.

The road lies straight ahead.

You can’t return along the track to see out what has past.

You can’t undo your past mistakes; even wishing to do so is in vain.

But in between all this; Don’t forget that you can always try again.


Lessons Of Life

Laugh at your mistakes; but learn from them.

Joke over your troubles; but gather strength from them.

Have fun with your difficulties; but overcome them.

These are Lessons of Life for you !!!


Life’s Blessings

I cried because I had no shoes;

Till I saw a man with no feet.

Life is full of blessings.

Sometimes we’re just to blind to see them.


Stand By My Belief

I am not bound to win;

but I am bound to be true.

I am not bound to succeed;

but I am bound to live by the light that I have.

I must stand with anybody who stands right;

Stand with him while he is right;

Part with him when he goes wrong.

I will stand by my belief. Always.


Finding Happiness

People go through ups and downs of life and constantly keep on searching happiness.

While the way to happiness is:

Keep you heart free from hate, your mind free from worry.

Expect little, give much. Fill your life with love.

Scatter sunshine. Forget self, think of others.

Do as you would be done by.

Live a simple life.

Try this for a week and you will be surprised.


Try Life

Smooth roads never make good drivers.

Smooth sea never makes good sailors.

Clear skies never make good pilots.

Problem free life never makes a strong person.

Be strong enough to accept the challenges of life.

Don’t ask life, ‘Why me? ’ Instead say, ‘Try me! ’. 


Nothing Is Over

Do not give up when you still have something to give.

Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.


As Much As I Dream

Only as high as I reach can I grow,

Only as far as I seek can I go,

Only as deep as I look can I see,

Only as much as I dream can I be.


If You Don’t

If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it.

If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.

If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.

If you don’t have a dream, you’ll never succeed.

If you don’t stretch, you’ll never have it.


What You See

If you look for good, you’ll find good.

If you look for bad, you’ll find bad.

In life, you always find what you look for.

Only thing that matters is - what you choose to see.


Tomorrow Will Never Come

When you keep saying you are busy,

then you are never free.

When you keep saying you have no time,

then you will never have time.

When you keep saying that you will do it tomorrow,

then your tomorrow will never come.


Life Is A Mirror

What you want to see in others,

You must first see it inside you.

What you expect from others,

You must first expect it from yourself.

Life is just a mirror.


Never Explain

Never explain yourself to any one.

Because the person who likes you doesn’t need it,

and the person who dislikes you won’t believe it.


Accomplish Your Purpose

Never allow yourself to get discouraged and think that your life is insignificant and you cannot make a change. You will not have a sense of accomplishment unless you have defined the purpose of your life.

Do not forget that you are a very special person and only you can fulfill the purpose to which - you were born to accomplish.


Look At The Brighter Side

We human beings are such small creatures.

So don’t be too worried about everything,

treasure every moment, do what you wish to do.

Broaden your view, broaden your mind.

Don’t worry too much about things that are bothering you.

Do treasure your loved ones, live safely and peacefully.

Always be happy to welcome the coming of the new day…

Enjoy the sunshine…

Always look at the brighter side of things.

Life Is Short

We grow old filled with regrets…

…for things not done.

…for words not said.

…for love not shown.

Life is too short.

Rather than regretting tomorrow,

do all what makes you happy today.


Time For Everything

Don’t spend time just working and being busy.

You will always complain about lack of time.

Instead put little bit of effort;

Plan and organize your life.

You will realize that you have time for everything.


Heaven On Earth

What goes around comes around.

Work like you don’t need the money.

Love like you’ve never been hurt.

Dance like nobody is watching.

Sing like nobody is listening.

Live like its Heaven on Earth.


Happiness Will Find You

Happiness lives for those who cry, those who are hurt, those who have searched, and those who tried.

For only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives.

The happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

If you pursue happiness, it will elude you. But if your focus on your family, your friends, the needs of others, your work and doing the very best you can, happiness will find you.


Life’s Beautiful Picture

Positive pictures come out from negatives developed in a darkroom.

So if you find yourself lonely and in dark, understand that - life is working on a beautiful picture for you.


Everyday Makes Life

Life gives you every morning a brand new day. Sometimes good; sometimes bad.

But never blame a day in your life; both are essential in life.

Good days give you Happiness; Bad days give you Experience.


Everything Passes By

Everything in life is temporary. Darkness of the night or a bright day. Even sunrise is temporary, so is sunset.

So if things are going good, enjoy it because it won’t last forever. And if things are going bad, don’t worry.

Because it won’t last forever either.

Everything passes by.


Do Not Give Up

You are going to make it!

Do not, I repeat do not give up,

now that you stand on the brink of a breakthrough!

Be very careful; Make sure of every step you take.

This day is made just for you!

You are going to make it today.


What Makes You Happy

It isn’t what you have,

or who you are,

or where you are,

or what you are doing,

or what you are going to do,

that makes you happy or unhappy.

Its what you think about.


Whatever That Comes

Some people always enjoy the best that life has to offer.

It’s not because more good things come their way.

It’s because they find and enjoy the good

in whatever that comes their way.


Life Is Wonderful

Face your past without regret.

Handle your present with confidence.

Prepare for the future without fear.

Keep faith and drop the fear.

Don’t believe your doubts and never doubt your beliefs.

Life is wonderful if you know how to live it.


Searching For Happiness

Realize that true happiness lies within you. Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside.

Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving.

Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug.

Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others, without getting a few drops on yourself.


If I Could…

If I could catch a rainbow

I would do it just for you,

And share with you its beauty

The days you’re feeling blue.

If I could build a mountain

You could call it your very own,

A place to find serenity,

A place to be alone.

If I could take your troubles

I would toss them in the sea,

But all these things I’m finding

Are impossible for me.

I cannot build you a mountain

Or catch you a rainbow fair,

But let me be what I do best,

A friend that’s always there.


When I Close My Eyes

I know when I close my eyes,

They spread their wings to fly.

I can see their halos glow,

when I close my eyes.

They drift amongst the clouds,

always looking down.

Watching over me when days go by.

I know they do this when I close my eyes.

I bet they talk about my love and hates

and they can determine my own fate

And I bet they talk to God each night

To make sure what I do at night.

But God didn’t put wings on friends,

though I do not know why.

Because I know that they are angels

Every time I close my eyes.


Hold On To Friendship

Friendship isn’t how you forget, but how you forgive.

Not how you listen, but how you understand.

Not how you see, but how you feel.

Not how you let go, but how you hold on!


That’s Why We Need Friends

We need friends for many reasons, all throughout the four seasons.

We need friends to comfort us when we are sad,

and to have fun with us when we are glad.

We need friends to give us good advice.

We need someone we can count on to treat us nice.

We need friends because we are social in nature,

and having friends makes us feel secure.

We need friends to remember us once we have passed

sharing memories that will always last.

That’s why I need YOU!


Life Is A Race

Winning horse doesn’t know why it runs in race,

It runs because of beats and pains.

Life is a race, God is your rider.

So if you are in pain think God wants you to win.


You Are A Diamond

Never despise life’s fiery trials.

They are God’s ways of bringing out the best in you.

Always remember, you are like a Diamond.

And more a diamond is cut, the more it sparkles.


Finding Your Way

If there is a way, I will find one…

If there is none, I will make one…

Answer One Question

In life, answer to only one question matters!

Have you chosen a course that leads to a destination which matters most to you?


Where You Take Life

Over the same sea, on the same winds;

A ship sails in one direction, another in opposite.

It is not the wind that decides which direction the ship goes;

Its the sails; how they are tied and how they are maneauvered.

Similarly, it is not fate that decides where your life is going;

It is all about how you take life and where you take it to.



Many times in life,

whether a thing is worth doing or not,

really depends on how you look at it.

Take up all your courage and do something your heart tells you to do so that you may not regret not doing it later in your life…. 


There is no help for you outside of yourself;

You are the creator of the universe.

Like the silkworm you have built a cocoon around yourself.

Burst you own cocoon and come out as a beautiful butterfly.

Come out and be a free soul.

Explore. Experience. Live.


Searching Your Soul

Life is always about searching. We keep searching all the time for…  Friends, Love, Peace, Success. And for so much more…

But at times do wait for a while and search your soul.

It won’t take you anywhere, but will help you reach yourself.


Depth Of Love

Love is not finding the right person, but creating the right relationship.

It is not how much love we have in the begining, but how much love we build until the end.


Love Life

Realize things before its too late.

Have lots of friends before you are alone.

Accept things rather than deny them.

Love people before you lose them.

Life comes just once. Love it while you live it.


The Year Ahead

May the way that lies ahead be lit with sunny gleams and prove to be the road to fulfillment of your dreams. May it lead you to the place where lost hopes are restored, where love is true and life is good and faith has its reward.

May the year ahead be the year for you.


Burdens Of Life

We worry about our family, we worry about money or the lack of it. We worry about work, about where we live, about all sorts of things.

These are all burdens - the things we pick up along life’s path and lug them around the obstacles and over the crevasses that life will bring; only to find that, at the destination they are useless and we can’t take them with us.


Being Strong

The harder the knocks you go through in life, the more you learn and put them to use in the future!

Do not be discouraged by setbacks and failures…! They make you strong..


God's Cup of Tea

We are like teabags, whose strength comes out when we’re put in hot water.

So, when problems upset you… Just think, you must be God’s favorite cup of Tea!


Flaws Within Us

Each of us has our own unique flaws.

It’s these flaws we have, that makes life so very interesting and rewarding. It binds our lives together.

Instead of looking for flaws; we have to accept people for what they are and look for the good in them


We Have The Power

What we are today is result of our own past actions.

Whatever we wish to be in future depends on our present actions.

Decide how you have to act now.

We are responsible for what we are, whatever we wish ourselves to be.

We have the power to make ourselves.


My life is my message. - Mahatma Gandhi.


A Chance To Start

How often we wish for another chance to make a fresh begining.

A chance to blot out our mistakes and change failure into winning.

It does not take a special time to make a brand new start.

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