Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 12 Июня 2013 в 16:18, доклад
Промы́шленная револю́ция (промы́шленный переворо́т, Вели́кая индустриа́льная револю́ция) — это переход от ручного труда к машинному, от мануфактуры к фабрике. Переход от преимущественно аграрной экономики к индустриальному производству, в результате которого происходит трансформация аграрного общества в индустриальное. Промышленный переворот происходил в разных странах не одновременно, но в целом можно считать, что период, когда происходили эти изменения начинался от второй половины XVIII века и продолжался в течение XIX века
There were some early instances of Soviet cooperation
with the United States and other powers that allowed for UN successes
in restoring or preserving peace. These included the settlement (1946)
of the complaint of Syria and Lebanon that France and Great Britain
were illegally occupying their territory; the partitioning of Palestine
(see Israel Israel , officially State of Israel, republic (2005
est. pop. 6,277,000, including Israelis in occupied Arab territories),
7,992 sq mi (20,700 sq km), SW Asia, on the Mediterranean Sea.
..... Click the link for
more information. ); the fighting over Kashmir between India and Pakistan
(see India-Pakistan Wars India-Pakistan Wars, name given to the series of
conflicts between India and Pakistan since 1947, when the Indian subcontinent
was partitioned and the two countries became independent of Great Britain.
The most violent outbreaks came in 1947–48, 1965, and 1971.
..... Click the link for
more information. ); and the withdrawal of the Dutch from Indonesia.
However, in many other issues of more direct importance to the great
powers, conflict between the USSR and the remaining members of the Big
Five prevented resolution. The Security Council was crippled by the
veto, which by the end of 1955 had been used 78 times, 75 of them by
the Soviet Union.
Growing Activity of the Assembly
In reaction to the limitations that the cold war imposed on the Security Council, the United States, Britain, France, and other nations tried to develop the General Assembly beyond its original scope. In the assembly the United States and Great Britain had strong support from among the Commonwealth and Latin American contries and generally commanded a majority. The Soviet Union could muster only a smoller bloc, sufficient to create debate between East and West but less effective in voting.
Of more importance were procedures evolved in the
Korean crisis in 1950. At that time the Soviet Union was boycotting
the Security Council because of the UN refusal to admit the People's
Republic of China as a member. Since the USSR was not present to cast
a veto, the Security Council was enabled to establish armed forces to
repel the North Korean attack on South Korea (see Korean War Korean War, conflict between Communist and non-Communist
forces in Korea from June 25, 1950, to July 27, 1953. At the end of
World War II, Korea was divided at the 38th parallel into Soviet (North
Korean) and U.S. (South Korean) zones of occupation.
..... Click the link for
more information. ). Thus, at a time when the young organization had
begun to seem politically sterile, it gave birth to the ferst UN army
and to the widest "collective security" action in histary
up to that time, although the United States provided the bulk of both
fighting personnel and matériel. In addition, firmer UN action in future
crises was prepared for when, in Nov., 1950, the assembly adopted the
"Uniting for Peace" revolution, which permitted it to take
its own measures when use of the veto paralyzed the council. Although
the assembly has been convened a few times under this revolution, its
authority to require action by members has remained vague, and it has
never developed workable enforcement machinery.
Some areas were opened for UN intervention, however, where world opinion and great power responsiveness favored it. In the struggle for independence in Morocco, Algeria, and elsewhere, the ruling colonial powers claimed these conflicts to be domestic; with their seats on the Security Council they were in a position to veto assembly revolutions, and with the official governments of rebellious territories under their control they were enabled to forestall UN intervention. In the Hungarian revolt (1956), requests that the USSR withdraw its troops from Hungary and that UN observers be admitted to the country were rejected by the Soviet Union. In the Suez crisis (1956), however, the General Assembly resolution for an immediate cease-fire and for withdrawal of invading forces was heeded by Great Britain, France, and Israel (see Arab-Israeli Wars Arab-Israeli Wars, conflicts in 1948–49, 1956, 1967, 1973–74, and 1982 between Israel and the Arab states. Tensions between Israel and the Arabs have been complicated and heightened by the political, strategic, and economic interests in the area of the.
В эпоху перехода от феодализма
к капитализму решающее значение
приобретают проблемы политическом
власти и её формально равной для
всех правовой организации в виде
упорядоченной системы
В период начавшегося разложения феодализма идеи правовой государственности с позиции историзма изложили прогрессивные мыслители того времени Н. Макиавелли и Ж. Боден. В своей теории Макиавелли на основе многовекового опыта существования государств прошлого и настоящего предпринял попытку объяснить принцип политики, осмыслить движущие развития политической жизни с тем, чтобы изобразить контуры идеального государства, наилучшим образом отвечающего потребностям его времени. Цель государства он видел в возможности свободного пользования имуществом и обеспечения безопасности для каждого. При рассмотрении вопроса о государственных формах предпочтение отдавалось республике, так как именно республика в большей мере отвечает требованиям равенства и свободы.
Боден же определяет государство как правовое управление многими семействами и тем, что им принадлежит. Задача государства, по его мнению, состоит в том, чтобы обеспечить права и свободы.