American Landmarks

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 07 Октября 2015 в 17:07, реферат

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what is the sight.
Pool Hamilton.
Beverly Hills
White house.
Park Redvud.
Fly Geyser.
Yellowstone park.

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Eurasian Technological University.




Subject:  English.

Topic: American Landmarks.


                                                                Instructor: S. V. Novikova.

                                                           Prepared by : N. S. Komarova.                                                                    








  1. what is the sight.
  2. Pool Hamilton.
  3. Beverly Hills
  4. White house.
  5. Park Redvud.
  6. Fly Geyser.
  7. Yellowstone park.
  8. Library.






  1. Pool Hamilton. About one thousand years ago when over the shallow river the cave collapsed, the surprising natural sight consisting of a grotto and falls – the Pool Hamilton (Hamilton Pool) was formed.

The collapse of a cave became possible because of an erosion.

When you come to this place for the first time involuntarily you hold the breath, after all before a look there is a calcareous semi-dome with the huge stalactites and 15-meter falls which falls water "languages" to the jade pool.

Rocks that at the coast, walls and even a ceiling covers a thick layer of a moss, creating illusion of absolutely wild place.

In a reservoir it is allowed to bathe, and the condition of water is watched by employees of the Hamilton reserve as it is its key part. If it starts becoming soiled, a reservoir for some time close for visits.

As for water level, it very stable regardless of a season. The falls never dry up that gives the chance to enjoy a full-fledged look all the year round.

The name of a reservoir came from a name of Andrew Hamilton (the governor of the Texas state). In 1860 he redeemed the site taking a remarkable place. And later I sold it to a family of the German emigrants which found present sight.

After opening of the pool to it numerous tourists instantly started gathering.

In 1958 the territory surrounding a reservoir was redeemed by authorities of the state. They equipped a reserved zone around. This status doesn't allow now tourists to make fire here or to catch fish.

Thanks to these measures, the nature generously gives gratitude in the form of unearthly paints, the long-term mozhzhevelny wood and oak grove where still sprout the most rare herbs and flowers.

The tribe of Apache and Tonkawa testify that this reservoir very old. Their ancestors found a reservoir thanks to its magnificent vegetation and abundance of animals on whom they hunted.

In park there are restrooms, toilets, little tables for picnic and the equipped autoparking.

In spite of the fact that about 20 years ago, the nature surrounding the Basin of Hamilton was strongly littered and besides on the verge of disappearance, now it abounds with juicy greens.

The pool Hamilton is the miracle created by the nature!


2.Beverly Hills – the phrase excite imagination of nearly a half of mankind! Everyone at least once in life wants to visit this rich district of Los Angeles. Dreams will surely come true for now we study this territory in more detail!

Beverley-hilz actually treats the western part of LA, but in practice it became the independent city for a long time. Here country houses of world famous stars, and also difficult businessmen grew by leaps and bounds! And all this in a frame of well-groomed parks and squares! Each of houses nearly monthly becomes the main character in magazines about the last innovations of an interior.

Many tourists seek to visit here, thanks to series "Beverly Hills 90210". By the way, mysterious figures anything other as postal index! So, write letters and send cards.

Actually the tourist who visited Beverly Hills – very purposeful person! The matter is that on public transport not to arrive here, plus to everything the nearest metro station is far. Therefore, it is possible to reach only on shank's mare here, or to lease the car! It is possible to rent a car right there – in the center of the area.

The best-known streets of Beverly Hills: Sanset-strip and Rodeo Drive. At restaurants of local places those have dinner Brad Pitty, Julia Roberts and other-other faces which we got used to see only on the TV/computer. There are on this small street also not really expensive, but madly cozy cafes.

Whether it is worth saying what all most cool shops of the world are to Beverly Hills? It is clear a priori. At whom weakness to shopping, doesn't appear without the checked and serious person better here. Someone should utikhomirivat a heat and to bring liquid ammonia – the head it will be exact it is turned from variety!

Now is more detailed about sights of the rich area. First of all the tourist needs to visit the Museum of television and radio that in English sounds as Paley Center for Media. In a collection the most interesting subjects which are connected with production of the Hollywood movies (the first half of the 20th are collected!). It is also possible to listen to some oldest radio stations in record.

The park under the name Greystone Mansion will be pleasant to fans of bright photos on a nature bosom. Walking on paths it is possible to come across any cultural events inadvertently. And they, by the way, will often be organized in these regions!


3.White house. The banknote in $20 is decorated by that world famous White house. Aliens didn't blow up this sight (cinema of 1996 "Independence Day") - the construction in integrity and safety costs on Pennsylvania Avenue, 1600 in Washington.Building of the official residence began in the middle of October, 1792, under the leadership of the first head of the country – George Washington. The architect J. Hoben thought up a construction, and George acted as his coauthor.

Style of a construction was developed on the basis of features of temple architecture of Ancient Greece. The total amount spent for implementation of the project makes 2,5 million a dale. Construction came to the end in 1800, but Washington didn't manage to become the first resident – to that moment with the country leaders passed to Jones to Adams.

It is still not known who after all gave the name to a construction. On one source the building got "nickname" in 1814, after fire elimination (British tried to burn the palace) and at restoration of a wall recoloured in white color. According to other data, the house became "White" in 1901, from an easy hand of Theodor Roosevelt.

Over time the initial version of a construction was completed and got new functions:

1801 – terraces from the West and the East are attached;

1817 – there were two floors underground;

1824 – 1830 – northern and southern porticoes with columns;

1901 – there were wings from the western and east parties;

1909 – the oval room became a highlight of the western wing;

1927 – an attic of the palace was reconstructed in living rooms;

1949-1952 – at Harry Truman carried out capital repairs during which replaced a construction framework from a tree steel.

Now, the White house 6 floors high has 132 rooms, also for convenience in it three elevators are installed.

The entrance is allowed tourists – during excursion they can examine the most known rooms where passed any historical events. Two floors, the others – possession of a presidential family are open for survey. An oval office – house heart as exactly there is a workplace of the president.


4.Park Redvud. In the State of California that in the beautiful United States of America, the national park "Redvud" settles down. With a look park as the park, however is in is mute a highlight – infinitely delightful trees (those that carry the name a sequoia)! Colourful landscapes will leave nobody indifferent.

The sight in the city of San Francisco settled down - in 1968 Lyndon Johnson signed the decree on creation of a green zone. The object occupied the territory in slightly more than 23 thousand hectares – united three parks: Preri-Krik, Del-Norte, Dzhededi-Smith. The reason – to save the woods from cutting down! Ten years later to the existing areas added some more thousands of hectares.

By the way "Redvud" during the existence even managed to act in at film. Endor "plays" the planet and Star wars – the final episode was removed here.

The sequoia which each meter of the well-known park is set, is the highest and massive tree around the world (perhaps, only the baobab can compete). Trees reach height in 150 meters, and diameter already in 10 meters! Some "residents" of Redvud park celebrated the 1500 anniversary!

Some rivers/streams + nearly 60 kilometers of the coastline also belong to the territory (where everything remained in original state). Among unusual landscapes built to themselves nests "feathery" - scientists found about 400 bird species. Among them there is the most rare white-headed sea eagle which to see presently in the wild nature very hard.


5. Fly Geyser. "Ouch белив ouch Ken Fly, ouch белив ouch Ken тач зе Skye" - it is extremely necessary to mutter or sing in all throat this song at visit of colourful sight in the USA. And all because the object is called a geyser "Fly" (from English "to fly"), that water flies up on height already on 15 meters! Colourful "representation" with participation of streams attracts a large number of tourists.

The history of sight begins at the beginning of the 20th century when in the territory of the Fly ranch cut through a well for a well. During works incidentally touched a geothermal pocket – the boiling water gradually came to light, creating colourful landscapes.

The matter is that minerals, tsianobakteriya and seaweed found in water streams (and their three) – these "ingredients" give to object unusual color + a chaotic pattern.

The artificial geyser in the State of Nevada at height in a little more than 1200 meters above sea level settles down.

The district strongly changed with a water exit to a surface therefore you shouldn't forget the camera during excursion in these places. However it is very heavy to get here to the day – for a start it is necessary to get permissions from owners of territories. To them suggested to sell these lands more than once to open for the general access, but all uselessly – owners don't wish to leave "krovinushka".

6. Yellowstone park. The first biospheric park formed in 1872 in the United States of America nicknamed Yellowstone. The unique place occupies the territory at once of 3 states – Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.

Opening of park is referred to John Kolter. During expedition the European bright paints described the western region Vaymonga, Yellowstone also treated it. It was struck immensely by the found geysers, springs and natural beauty. Because of abundance of paints in stories about the district, people counted them as tales, having nicknamed thus the territory described by it – "Kolter's hell". A little later, namely in 1850, the hunter D. Bridzher confirmed Kolter's words, but also to it didn't believe, having considered the inventor.


Completion of civil war gave the chance to the government of the country to finance research activity of northwest regions of the USA. Expedition led by Ferdinand Haden in 1871 studied the area of park. The final report with photos and pictures allowed the Congress of the USA to adopt the law on construction of the territory in the status of national park - the event took place in 1872.

Development of park took place fast rates, and natural objects remained untouched, and it was easier and more convenient to reach them every year.

The greatest territories of park is on the Yellowstone plateau which is surrounded by ridges of the Rocky Mountains. The volcanic caldera with impressive sizes - 55 x 72 kilometers, formed by eruption about 640 000 years ago, is in the territory of park. Only 5% of all territory occupy lakes and the rivers. The largest lake of 350 km ² is called Yellowstone.

Volcanic activity didn't end and now, in addition frequent guests of park are earthquakes, however, very weak. The world popularity brought to biospheric park geysers in large quantities, hot springs together with mud volcanoes.

The most popular hot spring among tourists "A big multi-colored source" has the sizes of 80 x 90 meters, and depth – 50. Only in a minute from it about 2000 liters +70C waters pour out. The multi-colored bacteria living in a source give it an unusual look. As for deposits of minerals which are taken out on a surface of many sources, they form the most beautiful terraces, and seaweed living in them paint a surface in various shades.

The Yellowstone park is occupied by generally coniferous forests in which grows about 2000 species of plants. Big danger to the local woods – the fires one of which in 1988 practically destroyed a third of all territory of park.

The fauna is rich and various, not to find such quantity of types over all country. Lakes and the rivers are rich in fish, there is a feeling that if there is a utopia on Earth, in Yellowstone park.













  1. USA guides. author: Gouz A.
  2. Guides to the cities of the USA. author: Lev Arye
  3. USA. secret of the birth. author: Nicholas Hegger
  4. History of the USA. author: Greg Ward.
  5. The USA - history and the present. author: Petrukhina M. A.

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