Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 17 Октября 2013 в 12:28, доклад
В свете вышесказанного нами на кафедре микробиологии Государственного медицинского университета Туркменистана были проведено изучение сорбционных свойств бентонитовой глины (бентонита), добываемой из местрождения «Огланлы», в отношении микроорганизмов.
Изучение сорбционных свойств бентонита из месторождения «Огланлы»
Курбанов М.Х.,
кандидат биологических наук,
старший преподаватель кафедры микробиологии,
Аннабердиева М.К.,
кандидат медицинских наук,
заведующая кафедрой микробиологии.
Государственный медицинский университет Туркменистана
Благодаря непрерывной
заботе Уважаемого Президента о здоровье
туркменской нации и
В свете вышесказанного нами на кафедре
микробиологии Государственного медицинского
университета Туркменистана были проведено
изучение сорбционных свойств
С целью изучения адсорбции микроорганизмов на бентоните огланлы нами были проведены опыты по следующей обобщенной схеме:
1. свежую 12-ти часовую (ночную) культуру тестового микроорганизма в жидкой питательной среде смешивали с препаратами испытуемого бентонита;
2. осущестляли экспозицию (взаимодействие микроорганизмов и бентонита) в различных условиях. В качестве контроля использовали культуру микрооганизма в аналогичных условиях, но без добавлениея препарата бентонита;
3. высевали культуры
В рамках описываемой работы по изчению сорбционных свойсвт бентонита «Огланлы» в отношении микроорганизмов нами было проведено три серии экспериментов.
В первой серии опытов была определена
оптимальное количественное соотношение
бентонит\микроорганизм. Для этого
к суспензии бентонита с
В этой серии опытов в качестве тестовой была использована культура лабораторного штамма кишечной палочки E. coli M-17.
Свежую ночную культуру
кишечной палочки на мясо-пептонном
бульоне (МПБ) десятикратно разводили
от 10(-1) до 10(-7) разведения. Из каждого
разведения отбирали по 1 мл культуры и
смешивали с 1 мл чистого ЕРВ и
1 мл 1% суспензии смеси бентонит-
Разведение |
Число колоний | |
Контроль |
Опыт | |
4 |
много |
много |
5 |
100 |
60 |
6 |
46 |
25 |
7 |
5 |
2 |
Основываясь на этих результатах, в последующих экспериментах в качестве «рабочих» разведений мы использовали 5 и 6 разведения ночной культуры.
В следующих опытах мы количественно оценили сорбцию микроорганизмов сорбентами на основе бентонита, а также зависимость этого показателя от условий эксперимента. Для оценки способности изучаемого сорбента связывать микробные клетки была расчитана его сорбционная емкость, которая определялясь как разница числа колоний между опытными и контрольными высевами, отнесенная к количеству сорбента в пробе.
Во второй серии экспериментов была исследована сорбция клеток кишечной палочки на бентоните, для сравнения в качестве сорбента был использован активированный уголь.
Обощенные результаты этого эксперимента могут быть представлены следующем образом.
Сорбент |
Число КОЕ кишечной палочки на мг сорбента |
Бентонит |
1,4 х 10 6 |
Активированный уголь |
1,5 х 10 5 |
Таким образом, сорбция
клеток кишечной палочки бентонитом
в условиях наших экспериментов
превышала сорбцию
Литературные источники
Study of sorption properties of bentonit from "Oglanly" deposit.
Gurbanow M.H.,
candidate of biological sciences, senior teacher of department of microbiology,
Annaberdiyewa M.K.,
candidate of medical sciences, head of department of microbiology.
State medical university of Turkmenistan.
Thanks to continuous care of the Dear President of a turkmen nation health and constant attention of the President to development of a national system of a public health services in Turmenistan numerous hospitals and other medical centres of european and world level are constructed and entered in exploitation. These medical centres are equipped by the modern equipment of import manufacturers that provides a high level of medical service. One of actual problems, standing in front of national medical science of independent Turkmenistan is a developing and an introducing in everyday medical practice of new means and preparations on the basis of local and for this reason both easy accessible and concerning cheap raw material. This, in it's turn, supposes searching and studing of various natural materials, which can be used for these purposes.
Turkmenistan is very rich by diverse natural resources, both biological and mineral, which can present doubtless interest from this point of view.
In this connection we conducted on microbiology department of State medical university of Turkmenistan a study of sorption properties of bentonit clay (bentonit) which is obtained from "Oglanly" deposit, in the attitude of microorganisms. In common, bentonit is being a mineral of volcanic nature, has the whole spectrum of useful properties, which find its applications in various fields of interest including medicine and cosmetology.
With the purpose to study a sorption of microorganisms on "Oglanly" bentonit we conducted experimentes under the following general scheme:
1. Fresh 12 hours (night) culture of test microorganism in liquid medium is mixed with sample of testing bentonit;
2. makes an exposition (an interaction of microb cells and bentonit sample ) in various conditions. As the control we used microb culture in same conditions, but without adding of bentonit sample;
3. next, microb culture is placed on solid nutrient medium. The number of colonies is counted and then the sum of colonies of experimental (with bentonit) and control (without bentonit) dishes compared with each other and on this basis calculated a microb sorption degree on bentonit sorbent.
Within the frames of described work for studing of sorption properties of "Oglanly" bentonit in the attitude of microorganisms we conducted three series of experiments.
In the first series the optimal quantitative ratio bentonit / microb cells was determined. For this purpose bentonit samples with fixed concentration were added to various dilutions of test microorganism culture and after an exposition the samples were placed on dishes with agar medium and then the sum of colonies was counted. In this series of experiments we used E. coli M-17 stamme as test microb culture. Fresh night microb culture on liquid medium was diluted step by step from 10 (-1) up to 10 (-7) dilutions. 1 ml from each microb dilutions were added to 1 ml of 1 % bentonit suspension. Exposition was conducted during 1 hour at
room temperature at constant slow mixing. Then the mixuteres stood without mixing during 10 minutes and after this 10 mkl from each mixture were placed on dishs with agar medium. The dishes were incubated at 37 0 C during whole night and then a number of colonies were counted by computer ruled "Flash-and-Go" automatic colonies counter device of "IUL Instruments " company (Spain) with special software. The results of typical experiment shows in the table.
Dilutions |
Number of colonies | |
Control samples |
Test samples | |
4 |
It is a lot of much |
It is a lot of much |
5 |
100 |
60 |
6 |
46 |
25 |
7 |
5 |
2 |
On the base of these results, in the next experiments in we used 5 and 6 dilutions of fresh night microb culture as a "work" one.
In the following experiments we have quantitatively evaluated sorption of cell of E. coli on different sorbents.
For evaluation of ability investigated sorbent to adsorb microb cells we used a sorbent adsobtion capacity which was culculeted as a difference of colonies counts between experimental and control samples referred to quantity of sorbent in a sample. In this series of experiments we used bentonit and activated coal as sorbents for comparison their quality to adsorb cells of E. coli.
The results of thees experiments can be summarased as following.
Sorbent |
Number of cell colonies on mg of sorbent |
Bentonit |
1,4 х 10(+6) |
Activated coal |
1,5 х 10(+5) |
Thus, in of our experiments the sorbtion capacity of bentonit was ten time higher than the sorbtion capacity of activated coal. The detailed reasons, underlying this difference, is subject of the subsequent investigations. However, by our opinion, the main contribution to this phenomenon is made by two factors such as dispersion of sorbent (means the size of sorbent particules) and electrical potential of a sorbent surface.
Literature sources
“Oglanly” ýatagyndan alnan bentonitiň sorbsion alamatlaryny öwrenme
Gurbanow M.H.,
biologiýa ylymlaryň kandidaty, mikrobiologiýa kafedrasynyň uly mugallymy;
Annaberdiýewa M.K.,
medisina ylymlaryň kandidaty, mikrobiologiýa kafedrasynyň müdiri.
Türkmenistanyň Döwlet lukmançylyk uniwersiteti.
Hormatly Prezidentimiziň türkmen milletiniň saglygy baradaky yzygiderli aladasy we Türkmenistanda milli saglygy goraýyş ulgamynyň ösüşi babatdaky tagallalary netijesinde ýurdumyzda ýewropa we dünýä ülňülerine gabat gelýän köp sanly hassahanalar we bejeriş–öňüni alyş merkezler gurlup ulanylmaga berildi. Şeýle lukmançylyk merkezleri daşary ýurtlarda öndürilen häzirki zaman enjamlary we abzallary bilen enjamlaşdyrylandyr, bu bolsa lukmançylyk hyzmatynyň ýokary derejede bolmagyny üpjün edýär. Garaşsyz Türkmenistanyň lukmançylyk ylmynyň öňünde durýan derwaýyş meseleleriniň biri ýerli, şonuň üçin hem ýeňil elýeterli we özgelere garanda arzan bolan çig malynyň esasynda täze serişdeleri we dermanlary işläp düzmek we gündeki lukmançylyk amalyna ornaşdyrmak bolup durýar. Bu bolsa öz gezeginde şeýle maksatlarda ulanyp boljak dürli tebigy materiallary gözlemeklige we öwrenmeklige itergi berýär.
Türkmenistan dürli-dürli biologiki, şeýle hem mineral tebigy resurslara baýdyr, olar şu nukdaýnazardan uly gyzyklanma eýe bolup durýarlar. Ýokarda beýan edilenleriň çäklerinde Türkmenistanyň Döwlet lukmançylyk uniwersitetiniň mikrobiologiýa kafedrasynda “Oglanly” ýatagyndan alnan bentonit palçygynyň (bentonitiň) mikroorganizmlere degişlilikdäki sorbsion alamatlarynyň öwreniliş işleri geçirildi. Umuman, bentonit wulkan tebigatly gazylyp alynýan we tutuş peýdaly alamatlara eýe bolup durýan materialy bolmak bilen dürli ugurlarda, şol sanda lukmançylykda we kosmetologiýada ulanylýar.
“Oglanly” bentonitiniň esasynda mikroorganizmleriň adsorbsiýasyny öwrenmek maksady bilen şu aşakdaky umumylaşdyrylan tema boýunça tejribeler geçirildi:
“Oglanly” bentonitiniň mikroorganizmlere degişlilikdäki sorbsion alamatlaryny öwrenmek boýunça beýan edilýän işiň çäklerinde biz tejribeleriň üç görnüşini (seriýasyny)geçirdik.
Информация о работе Изучение сорбционных свойств бентонита из месторождения «Огланлы»