Использование аббревиатур и сокращений в деловой корреспонденции на английском языке

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 11 Мая 2012 в 02:00, курсовая работа

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The topic of my term-paper is the usage of abbreviations and contractions in English business correspondence. Today contractions and abbreviations are used here, there and everywhere, and there are no rules for all the variants, exceptions and features of usage contractions and abbreviations in business correspondence and mass media. But of course there are some fundamental rules which the author is going to investigate in this term paper.


1.1. Punctuation marks with Contractions 5
1.2 Usage of a capital letter 7
1.3 Usage of plural, the possessive forms and compound words with contractions. 8
1.4 Special rules of the usage of contractions with "a" or "an". 10
1.5 Abbreviations "A.D." And "B.C." 10
1.6 Contractions of names of establishments, associations, the organisations and the companies 10
1.7 The usage of & in contractions. 11
1.8 Contractions of the names of the four corners of the earth. 12
1.9 Contractions with dates 12
1.10 Contractions of academic degrees and professional categories 13
1.11 Contractions of the geographic names 13
1.12 Contractions of Latin words and expressions 15
1.13 Contraction of width and longitude 15
1.14 Contractions of military ranks and names of divisions 16
1.15 Contraction of the word "Number" 16
1.16 Contractions of proper nouns 16
1.17 Contractions of scientific terms 17
1.18 The usage of contractions with time 17
1.20 Contractions of titles, polite references and academic degrees 18

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Студент 5 курса

Специальности международные


Гуманитарного факультета

Дневной формы обучения                           ________________              Шебашев А.В





Ст. преподаватель                                       _________________              Тиванова Г.С.








Минск, 2010



1.1. Punctuation marks with Contractions

1.2 Usage of a capital letter

1.3 Usage of plural, the possessive forms and compound words with contractions.

1.4 Special rules of the usage of contractions with  "a" or "an".

1.5 Abbreviations "A.D." And "B.C."

1.6 Contractions of names of establishments, associations, the organisations and the companies

1.7 The usage of &  in contractions.

1.8 Contractions of the names of the four corners of the earth.

1.9 Contractions with dates

1.10 Contractions of academic degrees and professional categories

1.11 Contractions of the geographic names

1.12 Contractions of Latin words and expressions

1.13 Contraction of width and longitude

1.14 Contractions of military ranks and names of divisions

1.15 Contraction of the word "Number"

1.16 Contractions of proper nouns

1.17 Contractions of scientific terms

1.18 The usage of contractions with time

1.20 Contractions of titles, polite references and academic degrees






The topic of my term-paper is the usage of abbreviations and contractions in English business correspondence. Today contractions and abbreviations are used here, there and everywhere, and there are no rules for all the variants, exceptions and features of usage contractions and abbreviations in business correspondence and mass media. But of course there are some fundamental rules which the author is going to investigate in this term paper.

The aim of studying:

The aim of a study is to define peculiarities of usage abbreviations and contractions in business correspondence.

The assigned tasks:

1.      To find out the difference between abbreviations and contractions.

2.      To find the cases of the usage of abbreviations and contractions with examples.

3.      The analysis of their role in the business correspondence.


The term paper’s structure.

The term paper has traditional structure and includes introduction, the basic part consisting of 2 chapters, the conclusion and the list of the used sources.

The methods of scientific research which were used while doing this term paper:

1.   analytical method

2.   classification



Contractions and abbreviations are used to save some place and time to avoid long words and turns of speech or in accordance with the standard use.

Contraction serves the same purpose as abbreviation but is understood strictly to be the shortening of a word by cutting out letters in the middle, the omission sometimes being indicated by an apostrophe, as in the word don’t. The key difference is that an abbreviation doesn’t have a distinctive pronunciation of its own. A contraction, in contrast, does have its own distinctive pronunciation.

Today contractions and abbreviations are used here, there and everywhere, and there are no rules for all the variants, exceptions and features of contractions and abbreviations usage in mass media. But one should be tough to use abbreviations sparingly. The form which is accepted by contractions and abbreviations - they are written in capital letters or lower case, with a point or without any - frequently depends on preferences of the author or a policy of the publisher or the organization. In this term paper are given questions of the general, not technical subjects. In scientific texts contractions and abbreviations are almost never used with a point.

Contractions and abbreviations cannot be transferred from one line on another. Contractions and abbreviations are almost never italicized. In an abbreviation consisting of separate capital letters, blanks between letters are never put, whether letters are divided by points or not. (However the initials are usually divided by a blank.)

In the first mention of often contracted term or the name which is unfamiliar to the reader or can confuse it, it is usually written completely. Frequently the contracted form is underlined in brackets. Further contraction or abbreviation are used only at a mention.


1.1. Punctuation marks with Contractions


Point is put after the majority of the contractions formed by first letters of a word.

cont.  continued                                Продолжение

enc.    Enclosure                                 Приложение

Oct.   October                                     Октябрь                                     

univ.  university                                  Университет

The former contractions which now are considered as real words, do not need a point.

lab       laboratory                              Лаборатория

Gym   gymnasium                             Гимназия

photo  photography                          Фотографии

ad        advertisement                        Реклама

Point is put after the majority of the contractions formed from words, of which middle letters have been lowered.

govt. government                                 Правительство

atty.  attorney                                       Адвокат

bros. brothers                                       Братья

Dr.    doctor                                          Доктор

In some contractions, lowered letters are replaced with an apostrophe. Such contracted forms are usually written without a point in the end. (In the American English are used very little contractions with an exception of contracted forms from two words, one of which is a verb.)

ass'n or assn.         association             Ассоциация

dep't or dept.         department           Департамент

nat'l or natl.           national                 Национальный

can’t                        cannot                   Отрицательная форма от «мочь»

In the contractions which are formed by capital letters, points are usually skipped. However in some contractions, especially that are written in lower case letters, points usually remain. Blank it is not required after internal points.

GOP      Grand Old Party                   Великая старая партия

PR          public relations                     Связи с общественностью

СЕО   chief executive officer        Главный исполнительный директор

a.m.       ante meridiem                   До полудня

In a number of contractions instead of points one or several slashes are put.

с/о           care of                              Через

d/b/a       doing business as             Ведение бизнеса,как

w/o          without                             Без


Terms in which the suffix is added to the numeral, are not contractions and don’t need the point.

1st     the first                                  Первый

2nd   the second                              Второй

3d     the third                                 Третий

8th   the eighth                                Восьмой

Separate letters of the alphabet which are used for the description of the form or sequence instructions, are not contractions and are not set of in punctuation marks.

F minor        fa-minor                    Фа-минор

1.2 Usage of a capital letter


Abbreviations and contractions are written in capital letters if words from which they are formed, are proper names or adjectives.

F           Fahrenheit                                           Фаренгейт

IMF     International Monetary Fund          МВФ

Jan.       January                                                Январь

Amer.   American                                                          Американский

Abbreviations are usually completely written in capital letters if they represent initial letters of words which are written in lower case letters. Nevertheless, some standard abbreviations formed in such a way, are frequently written in lower case letters.

IQ            intelligence quotient               Коэффициент интеллекта

U.S.         United States                            Соединённые Штаты

COLA    cost-of-living allowance          Надбавка к заработной плате

FYI          for your information               Для вашей информации


Or FOB   free on board                          Франко-борд

с/о             care of                                       Через             

Majority of the abbreviations formed from the first initial letters which are said as the whole words instead of as sequence of letters, are written by capital letters. Abbreviations which are not proper names and are assimilated in language as independent words, are written in lower case letters more often.


NATO    North Atlantic Treaty Organization                НАТО

NAFTA  North American agreement on free trade       НАФТА


Contractions which are usually written in capital letters, are in most cases put in the beginning of the sentence. Contractions which are usually written in lower case, often stand in other position.

Dr. Smith strongly disagrees.                 Др.Смит абсолютно не согласен

Page 22 [not P. 22] was missing.                 Страница 22 была пропущена

1.3 Usage of plural, the possessive forms and compound words with contractions.


Contractions of separate words which are written with a point, form
plural by adding -s before a point.

yrs.      years                                  Года

hwys.  highways                           Автострады                     

figs.     figures                               Фигуры


Contractions of expressions or compound words  usually form
Plural by adding - ' s after last point.




Doctors of medicine         Доктор медицины

Ph. D.'s


Ph. D.s

Doctors of philosophy      Доктор философии




Bachelors of the right      Бакалавр юр.наук




Vice-presidents                 Вице-президенты


Contractions which are written in capital letters without a point in the end, form plural in lower case letters by adding -s.

PCs       personal computer                         Персональные компьютеры

CPAs    certified public accountant            Аудиторы


Form of plural of several contractions which consist of one lower case letter, is formed by repetition of this letter.

ll.       lines                             Строки

pp.    pages                            Страницы

nn.    notes                            Примечания

vv.    verses                           Стихи

ff.   following ones                Последующие    


Form of plural of the contractions which name units of measure (including one-letter contractions) remains the same, as well as the singular form.               10 сс or сс.         cubic centimeters             Сантиметры  кубические

30 m or m.         metres                               Метры

15 mm or mm.   millimeters                        Миллиметры

24 h.                   hours                                 Часы

10 min.              minutes                              Минуты

However in the informal text of nontechnical subjects some of these contractions form plural, as contractions of single words.

lbs.        Pounds                                             Фунты

gals.     Gallons                                             Галлоны

qts.     Quarts                                               Кварты


Possessive form of contractions is formed the same way as in full words: for formation of the possessive form of a singular the termination - ' s is added, for formation of the possessive form of plural the apostrophe is added.

the CEO's speech            Речь главного исполнительного директора

Apex Co.'s profits           Прибыль компании Апекс

the PACs' influence        Влияние комитета политических действий  

Compound words which consist of the contraction added to another word, are formed the same way as the compound words consisting of full nouns.

an FDA-approved drug     Лекарство, одобренное комитетом по контролю за продуктами и лекарствами


The compound words formed by adding of a prefix or a suffix to contraction, are usually separated by hyphen.

non-IRA deductions     Снижения, не связанные с индивидуальным пенсионным счётом

a PCB-free product  Свободный от полихлорированных дифенилов продукт


1.4 Special rules of the usage of contractions with  "a" or "an".


The choice of an article "a" or "an" before contractions depends more likely on a sound by which contraction begins, than from its first letter. If it begins with a consonant sound, the article "a" is used, if with vowel sound - the article "an" is usually used.


an U.S. Senato          Сенат США

an M.D. degree         Степень Доктора медицины

an ABA convention  Конвенция Американской Организации Баров


1.5 Abbreviations "A.D." And "B.C."


Abbreviations "A.D." and "B.C." and other abbreviated names of an era are usually  printed in books and magazines in capital letters; in newspapers they are also printed in capital letters. Contraction "B.C." is usually put after date, "A.D." - before date, though in many editions "A.D." is also put after date. At the mention of the whole centuries contraction "A.D." follows after a century. (The additional information see in paragraph 11 of section 2.5.3"of the Rule of the use of numerals in special cases»)

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