Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 16 Апреля 2012 в 12:53, реферат
Современный коммерческий банк - это сложный механизм, который за время своего развития в условиях рыночной экономики прошел все фазы экономической жизни коммерческой организации: становление, развитие, зачастую стремительное, получение прибыли и, нередко, банкротство, которое обуславливалось рисковой политикой кредитования и недооцениванием проблем по формированию ресурсной базы банка. Несомненно, одной из самых прибыльных функций банков является, как известно, предоставление кредитов населению и предприятиям. С теоретической точки зрения, кредит – это выдача наличных или безналичных средств заемщику на условиях срочности, платности и обеспеченности.
Инструкции НБТ, регулирующие банковскую
деятельность и определяющие нормативы
банковской деятельности (Инструкция
# 132 «О порядке регулирования банковской
деятельности») я сделала вывод, что прямых
нормативов, регулирующих объем привлеченных
средств банков нет, но можно провести
производную зависимость между привлеченными
средствами банка и нормативом К1-2
– Соотношение регулятивного
капитала банка к общим
активам, минимально допустимое значение
которого установлено в размере 10% (причем
для вычисления данного норматива от суммы
общих активов отнимаются остатки по балансовым
счетам #15701 – К получению из Головного
офиса/филиалов – нац.валюта, #15703 -
К получению из Головного офиса/филиалов
– ин.валюта, # 15705 – К получению из Головного
офиса/филиалов – за рубежом, # 15707 – К
получению из Головного офиса/филиалов
– по сбору хлопка)7. То есть общая
сумма активов банка не должна превышать
сумму собственного капитала банка в 10
раз. Привлеченные же средства, составляющие
ресурсную базу для активных операций
банка, надо привлекать в таких размерах,
что бы не нарушить данный норматив. Эту
задачу, то есть грамотное привлечение
ресурсов, в банке решает Комитет по регулированию
активов и пассивов. В его задачи также
входит регулирование рисков по привлеченным
и выданным средствам, как мы говорили
выше, привязка банка к определенному
кругу клиентов тоже вызывает определенный
риск, поэтому «стержневые депозиты» банка
должны быть максимально распылены и минимально
сконцентрированы. В банках западных стран,
например, «стержневыми депозитами» считаются
вклады граждан, но события недавних лет
показали пример того, что концентрация
кредитных операций на выдаче ипотечных
кредитов, которые, как правило, выдаются
на долгое время, то есть считаются «длинными
деньгами», стало причиной краха многих
банков. В Российской Федерации же, для
регулирования привлеченных средств банками
используется норматив Н11, который
регулирует соотношение привлеченных
средств банка к собственному капиталу.
внутрибанковском анализе соотношения
активов и пассивов, одним из показателей
может служить показатель «Финансовый
левередж», который определяется
как соотношение привлеченных средств
к собственным средствам. Чем ниже значение
финансового левереджа, тем устойчивее
из вышеизложенного, становится понятно,
что успешное управление банком и его
дальнейшее развитие зависит от сбалансированной
деятельности всех направлений банковской
деятельности, таких как формирование
собственного капитала банка, привлечения
вкладов в банк и, конечно, прибыльного
размещения имеющихся средств.
Key aspects of the formation of credit
at commercial banks and other financial institutions
A modern commercial bank - is a complex mechanism, which during its
development in a market economy has passed all phases of the economic
life of the commercial organization: the emergence, development, often
rapidly, profits and, often, the failure that lead to risky lending
policies and underestimating the problems on the formation of Bank's
resource base. Undoubtedly, one of the most profitable features of the
banks is known to provide loans to individuals and businesses. From
a theoretical point of view, the credit - it is cash or non-cash funds
to the borrower in terms of maturity, payment and security. And from
a practical point of view, lending - is one of the last stages of lending
schemes, and here the primary and decisive role played by the formation
and capacity of the resource base for future Bank lending.
Generally, the term "resources" comes from the French «ressources»
- equipment, inventories, possible sources of anything, but we more
importantly the concept of banking resources:
Banking Resources - collection of funds at the disposal of the bank
and used them to conduct their operations. And we should also note sources
of banking, including credit, resources, hence the broader definition
would read as follows:
Banking resource (Commercial Bank) - a collection of the share capital,
its funds, as well as funds raised by the bank as a result of passive
operations and used for the active operations of the bank.
As experience shows the bankruptcy of some banks - the ratio of secondary
to passive operations of the bank and the wrong management of assets
and liabilities of the bank and the cause of their bankruptcy. Under
modern conditions of passive operations form the resource base of banks,
ie banks may exercise their active operations within the available sources
of own and borrowed funds. Consequently, it is preceded by an active
passive operation, and determine the scope and scale of revenue operations.
Not for nothing that the formula of the balance sheet is as follows:
A = P + K, where
A = assets of the bank, L = liabilities of the bank and the bank's capital
K =
However, note that bank resources include, but are not limited to credit
resources, since it implies a use for other active operations of the
Before the bank expects its credit resources, it is necessary to determine
the lending capacity of the bank:
Lending capacity = Total Raised in the bank funds - liquidity reserve
bank, where liquidity reserve fund means the mandatory reserves deposited
at NBT (Instruction # 153 "On mandatory reserves deposited at NBT)
Credit resources of a commercial bank - is part of the bank's equity
capital and borrowed funds, in cash earmarked for active lending operations.
There are current loans - that is, resources that are potentially possible
to extend credit investments, and instant credit resources - is the
amount of resources at a time can be used for lending. For the calculation
of the above regulations, the following formula:
Current loans Credit = potential - of credit resources
Instant loans = balances on correspondent / Account + Current receipts
- Current payments + cash surplus + highly liquid resources
So, using the above formula, we calculate the credit potential, the
current credit and instant credit resources for the 5 largest banks
in the Republic of Tajikistan: OAO FIDELITY ", OJSC" Orienbank,
OAO Tojiksodirotbonk, OAO Tajprombank and GSS "Amonatbonk.
The original data on 12.31.2009 in thousands Somoni
FIDELITY Orienbank Tojiksodirotbonk Tajprombank Amonatbonk
Cash 112 285 183 464 7 719 27 545 70 850
Due from other banks 51 426 64 593 30 490 17 248 48 996
Loans to customers 478 541 72 557 285 504 149 073 209 616
Due to banks 86 413 11 716 141 494 33 016 18 850
Clients' funds 460 915 674 649 189 385 128 000 279 134
CAPITAL 154 937 213 658 171 350 49 982 106 539
Now we calculate the rates of interest banks, they are listed in the
table below. * - Since the financial statements of each of the banks'
deposits from customers and other banks shows the net amount that is
net of required reserves, so the calculations we use indicators of deposits
from customers and banks.
FIDELITY Orienbank Tojiksodirotbonk Tajprombank Amonatbonk
Lending capacity * 702 265 900 023 502 229 210 998 404 523
Current loans 223 724 827 466 216 725 61 925 194 907
Instant loans 163 711 248 057 38 209 44 793 119 846
After analyzing the data obtained, we can conclude that the Greatest
credit capacity and credit resources has OAO Orienbank.
Market conditions have changed the structure of the banks managing resources
of banks, now the structure of resources of a commercial bank depends
on its degree of specialization, but, in general, the structure of commercial
banks' resources as follows:
• equity
• deposits
• inter-bank loans
• Other borrowed funds
Own funds of the bank formed from the capital, funds and retained earnings,
capital - formed by contributions from banks' shareholders, the timing
and structure of contributions to charter capital is regulated by Law
"On Banks and Banking Activity" dated May 19, 2009, under
which banks in the Republic Tajikistan created as a public company or
closed type and form their own charter capital of the nominal value
of shares acquired by shareholders.
Funds as the bank: the order of their formation and use of approved
and regulated by the Board of the bank itself. In banking practice,
created a reserve fund, special funds and economic regulation. The reserve
fund is intended to cover possible losses on the bank of the operations,
the size of the reserve fund is determined by the charter of the bank,
but can not be less than 15% of the share capital. The source of the
reserve fund are royalties from the profits allocated to the fund in
accordance with the law.
Net profit of the year - the sum of bank profits, remaining at his disposal,
after payment of all taxes and fees.
The remaining 3 species of commercial banks' resources can be combined
under one common definition, such as "funds raised", the bank
raised funds in the total banking resources take the dominant position
- as a percentage of 80%. Between the involved resources are distinguished:
deposits, interbank loans and other attraction.
Deposit - a certain amount of money to be made to the bank under certain
conditions, there are several types of deposits:
• demand deposits and time deposits
• inter-bank loans
• special deposits
Demand deposits - are the accounts of bank customers that their owners
can enjoy the on demand (in the world these deposits are called "on-call").
For demand deposits include:
• funds for settlement / current accounts of organizations and enterprises
• Funds of funds for various purposes
• The funds in the computations
• balances on correspondent accounts with other banks
• The funds in demand deposits of individuals
Term deposits - it funds held in client accounts with the Bank on terms
of maturity and interest payment. That is the contribution made to a
certain amount of time and the bank during this time pay a certain percentage.
To correct the timing of payment of such deposits, banks require investors
a notice of withdrawal of funds from the account and impose restrictions
on early withdrawals from an account in the form of penalties.
Interbank loans - a highly liquid assets - one of the important components
of the credit market. The value of interbank loans is that commercial
banks can fund their loans from the resources of other banks. Free credit
resources are traded, not only financially stable banks, which probably
have a surplus of resources, but also banks that are at the stage of
development, which still lack the customer base. Timing of the reversal
of interbank loans range 1, 3 and 6 months interbank rate is usually
lower interest rates than on loans to business executives. The cause
of attracting credit resources by the bank-borrower from other banks
is to meet the needs of its customers in borrowing, that is to expand
its credit investments and the need for regulation of bank liquidity.
However, these highly attraction have some disadvantages, namely limited
to the speed of redistribution, the size and timing. These deficiencies
are covered by attracting resources and National Bank (still call it
'the lender of last resort "). It is this bank carries out monetary
control of the economy, and already, depending on the direction of monetary
policy is building relationships with commercial banks. The National
Bank carries out in relation to commercial banks policies aimed at expansion
or contraction of credit investments. It uses tools such as a change
in the level of interest rates, the size of the minimum requirements
for compulsory redundancy, the volume of transactions on the open market.
It is also impossible not to mention the value of the securities market,
as to attract extra capital the banks could issue bank securities, namely:
deposit and savings certificates, bonds and its own debt obligations
- bonds.
Deposit and savings certificates - it's written testimony of banks to
deposit funds, confirming the right of depositors to receive the deposit.
These certificates can be issued only by banks, and certificates of
deposit may apply to legal persons, and savings certificates among individuals,
have a one-off or serial nature of the issue, the interest rate is fixed
at issue, maturity certificates of deposit for up to 1 year, and for
savings of up to 3 years.
Obligations of commercial banks - are securities certifying the relationship
between the owner of the bond loan and the bank issuing them. Order
of their release is identical to issuing shares, their access cycle
is as follows: emission - accommodation - treatment - redemption.
However, bank bonds and other securities are not widely known in the
domestic capital market because of poor stock market. However, in other
countries, bank securities - the most popular form of securities.
Speaking of the funds raised, it should be noted non-deposit transactions
with significant weight in the practice of raising funds by foreign
banks to their most common forms include eurodollar loans, which is
characterized by the following parameters:
• location of the market - Europe
• The size of the market - hundreds of billions of dollars
• term loans - from 3 to 5 years (by our standards is a long-term)
• Very low interest rates because of the large volume of proposals
on the world market
• issuing eurodollar bonds does not require collateral
• issuance of bonds, in contrast to shares does not lead to erosion
of capital.
Formation of the resource base of the bank, as microeconomic factors,
which have a direct impact on liquidity and solvency of the bank is,
in my opinion, one of the priorities of the banker, competent policy
management of assets and liabilities of the bank - the direction to
success in banking. It is important to emphasize the importance of such
factors as external conjuncture of the bank, that is forming and expanding
the client base of the bank. Very often, due to the specialization of
banks, and "carve" the bank's clients are binding to a specific
range of customers, which is certainly advantageous for credit relations
as "good borrowers" is very profitable for the bank. But in
terms of raising funds only literate deposit policy will help attract
invest the funds of the "old" customers to the bank and to
attract new depositors. After all, when there are credit relations between
the bank and the client, the last decision is the bank since before
issuing the loan, the bank conducts financial and business analysis
of the client. During the same deposit relationships, the last decision
is up to the client. So to attract customers for its deposit operations,
banks are developing new types of deposit products, which differ by
type of deposit currency, interest rate, term of deposit, according
to the purpose and terms of payment, conducts a variety of sweepstakes
and lotteries, offering new banking service deposit accounts (eg: internet
banking, the client, within their powers, he performs an operation on
his account through communications).
The following table shows the growth dynamics of the deposit base of
the banking system of Tajikistan:
Table 1
Volume of deposit base
in thousands Somoni
December 31, 2006 for December 31, 2007 December 31, 2008 1 half of
Total deposits: 1,107,898 2,397,574 1,914,390 2,006,557
of which:
of legal entities:
in national currency 225 897 434 746 576 302 486 091
in foreign currency 601 055 1 392 666 613 801 700 698
from individuals:
in national currency 46 039 81 273 119 868 114 751
in foreign currency 234 907 488 889 604 419 705 017
Except for one option there is a constant increase in banks' deposit
base, which indicates that the rise of confidence in the banks of the
population in particular, but the decrease in the deposit base in a
foreign currency to legal persons.
However, after analyzing data on the credit investment in the economy
of Tajikistan,
Table 2
Amount of credit banks' investments in the economy of the Republic of
in thousands Somoni
2006 2007 2008 1 st half of 2009
Total Credits: 2,322,973 3,977,237 4,860,056 5,437,729
of which:
in national currency 515 786 991 525 2,274,705 2,341,397
from NBT 114 381 156 564 185 766 184 008
Foreign currency 1,807,186 2,985,712 2,585,351 3,096,333
from NBT 34 480 34 294 0 0
and comparing them to the chart below:
we can conclude that: the volume of credit investments have a tendency
of constant growth, it is necessary to take into account the interest
of banks to lend to the cotton sector of agriculture, and the existing
deposit base can not cover even half of credit investments (2006 - 47%,
2007 - 60% in 2008 - 39% and 1 half of 2009 - 37%, respectively), which
is certainly contrary to the above theoretical data. Here it is explained
by the fact that the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tatarstan
have been allocated special funds to banks for lending to cotton sector
of agriculture, as well as the development of microfinance institutions
that provide micro-credits to the population. Today in Tajikistan are
86 micro-lending organizations, 19 microcredit deposit organizations
and 1 non-banking credit organization. The main goal of microfinance
is microcredit population in the short term use and a low interest rate.
In order to determine how resources are formed in the microfinance institutions
need to draw the line between micro-lending organization and microcreditdeposit
organization. Since microcredit deposit organizations with an appropriate
license NBT can perform the following activities:
acceptance of depositsü of physical persons and legal entities
issuing microcreditü
implementation of cashü transactions
issuance and acceptanceü of payment cards
opening and maintainingü accounts of individuals and entities
implementation ofü transfer operations
implementation ofü settlement operations
issuing guaranteesü
Operations on loans and guarantees, as well as deposit-taking is limited
to the sum of the maximum for micro-credit for a single client.
In this context, microcredit deposit organizations generate their own
resources is similar to banks: from its own reserves (capital and reserves),
the deposit base, as well as loans from commercial banks and other microfinance
Microlending funds the same - it is also a microfinance institution
which deals exclusively with the issuance of microcredit. Such an organization
generates its resources from its own resources and, of course, grants
from investors, both local and foreign.
The recoverability of microcredit, and, consequently, the profitability
of these organizations is quite high, as indicated by the rapid growth
of the aforementioned organizations across the country, including the
remote mountainous regions difficult. It is also more flexible terms
of creation, registration and obtaining a license to perform activities,
and adequate profitability of microfinance operations create conditions
for their development.
Thinking about the demand for banking products, we can not omit evidence
of "price" for these products, so the information dynamics
of interest rates on loans and deposits in the banking system is presented
in the table below.
Table 3
Dynamics of average interest rates on deposits and credits RT
% Pa
2006 2007 2008 1 st half of 2009
On deposits to demand:
in national currency 1.32 0.57 0.49 0.67
in foreign currencies 0.00 0.11 0.13 0.26
On savings deposits:
in national currency 2.22 1.80 3.45 4.13
in foreign currencies 4.07 4.11 2.88 2.31
Fixed-term deposits:
in national currency 18.98 16.13 16.38 19.04
in foreign currency 14.11 11.56 16.63 17.28
Credit attachments:
in national currency
26.53 22.49 19.23 21.62
in foreign currency 22.76 21.57 17.80 21.52
The refinancing rate in December 1915 13.5 1910
The average bank rate 11.29 13.19 13.5 10
And yet, as any economic activity in modern society, banking is regulated
by laws, regulations and other normative documents of the National Bank
of Tajikistan. First, the definition, development, licensing, operation,
size of the share capital and the requirements for executive staff and
other aspects of commercial banks and microfinance institutions are
regulated by Law "On Banks and Banking Activity" and Law "On
Microcredit Organizations" respectively, the legal framework banking
and microfinance institutions regulated by the RT "On Joint Stock
Companies. Secondly, direct the activities of banks and microfinance
institutions and the results are governed by instructions of the National
Bank of Tajikistan, which defines the principles of working with banking
products and set standards of banking activities.
It should also be noted that the activities of banks, their direction
of the deposit and lending policies largely depend on the monetary policy
of the National Bank of Tajikistan. For 2009, the National Bank of Tajikistan
was adopted and is now successfully implemented a balanced monetary
First was lowered the refinancing rate: from 13.5% to 8% since July
22, 2009, which significantly reduced the "price" of loans
to final borrowers.
To control the amount of cash in circulation, reducing the level of
dollarization, and provide liquidity to banks and nonbank financial
institutions will continue to use reserve requirements, which is one
of the main instruments of monetary policy.
Also, the National Bank of Tajikistan in order to ensure short-term
liquidity operations are the exchange and reciprocal exchange of assets
of credit institutions by buying and selling foreign currency on the
interbank market.
Obespespecheniya for further development of the banking system provides
the following measures:
Attracting foreignü capital into the banking system, which
will promote healthy competition among credit institutions, financial
stability, increase in bank reserves and the improvement of banking
increased demands onü the definition of risk by banks when
lending to the real sector;
gain control over theü activities of credit institutions
in terms of asset management, liability management and corporate governance,
liquidity, reduce banking risks, banking services and reporting. Review
of the implementation of risk management standards, "Basel 2";
measures to reduce theü volume of deposits in foreign currency
by providing public interest to hold savings in the national currency;
standard definition ofü the Deposit Guarantee and ensure the
liquidity of credit institutions by amending and supplementing the Law
of the Republic of Tajikistan "On guaranteeing deposits of individuals;
Creation of favorableü conditions to further increase the
volume of lending to small and medium businesses in remote mountain
regions of the country;
simplifying proceduresü for obtaining loans for clients of
banks and nonbank financial institutions to improve access to credit;
enforcement of legalü norms of the banking system into line
with international standards (adopted changes to the RT Law "On
Banks and Banking Activity").
After analyzing the instructions NBT governing banking activities and
defining standards of banking activities (Instruction # 132 "On
the procedure of banking regulation), I concluded that direct regulations
governing the amount of funds banks have, but can be a derivative relationship
between the attracted funds of the bank and standards K1-2 - Value of
regulatory bank capital to total assets, the minimum allowed value is
set at 10% (and for the calculation of the norm of the sum of total
assets taken away the remnants of balance sheet accounts # 15701 - Receivable
from head office / branches - national currency , # 15703 - Receivable
from head office / branches - foreign currency, # 15705 - Receivable
from head office / branch offices - Abroad, # 15707 - Receivable from
head office / branch - the cotton harvest). That is total bank assets
did not exceed the amount of bank's equity capital by 10 times. Attracted
by the same means that make up the resource base for active operations
of the bank, it is necessary to bring on such a scale that would not
violate this standard. This is a task that is competent to attract resources,
the bank decides to Committee on Regulatory assets and liabilities.
Its tasks also include risk management to attract and credits, as we
said above, the binding of the bank to a certain range of clients, too,
is a risk, so the "core deposits" of the bank should be as
minimally dispersed and concentrated. In the banks of Western countries,
for example, or "deposits" are deposits of citizens, but events
of recent years have shown an example of what the concentration of lending
on mortgage loans, which are usually granted for a long time, there
are long-term money, the cause of the collapse of many banks. The Russian
Federation is to regulate banks borrowed funds used standard H11, which
regulates the ratio of borrowed funds the bank to equity.
In intra-analysis of the relation of assets and liabilities, one of
the indicators can serve as a measure "financial leverage",
which is defined as the ratio of borrowed funds to equity. The lower
financial leverage, the more stable bank.
Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that the successful management
of the bank and its further development depends on balanced activities
of all areas of banking activity, such as formation of bank equity,
attracting deposits to the bank and, of course, profitable deployment
of available resources.