Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 07 Мая 2013 в 20:36, отчет по практике
За период практики я попробовала себя в роли преподавателя английского языка. Мною были проведены 8 уроков, в процессе которых я полностью прочувствовала тяжелую преподавательскую деятельность, все трудности, возникающие при работе с детьми, но также и радость от взаимодействия и возможности влияния и обучения школьников. Также я побывала в роли классного руководителя, проведя классный час и воспитательное мероприятие по китайскому языку. Основной темой моей воспитательной работы был выбор будущей профессии, так как я считаю, что эта проблема является одной из основных проблем, тревожащих школьников выпускных и предвыпускных классов и их родителей.
The secondary technical school, in spite of its name, is not a specialized school. It teaches many general subjects. Boys and girls in technical schools study such practical subjects as woodwork, metalwork, needlework, shorthand (stenography) and typing. Not more than two percent of schoolchildren in Britain go to technical schools.
The grammar school is a secondary school taking about 3% of children offering a full theoretical secondary education including foreign languages, and students can choose which subjects and languages they wish to study. In most of them there are food, chemistry and physics laboratories. The majority (80 or 85%) of grammar school students, mainly children of poorer families, leave the school after taking a five-year course. Then they may take the General Certificate of Secondary Education at the ordinary level. The others continue their studies for another two or three years to obtain the General Certificate of Secondary Education at the advanced level, which allows them to enter university.
The comprehensive school combines in one school the courses of all three types of secondary schools; so the pupils can study any subject which is taught in these schools. Their number is growing; there are more than two thousand of them now. They are of different types; all of them preserve some form of streaming, but pupils may be moved from one stream to another. Comprehensive schools take over 90 % of schoolchildren in Great Britain.
The comprehensive school is the most popular type of school, for it provides education for children from all strata.
Private Schools
There are many schools in Britain which are not controlled financially by the state. They are private schools, separate for boys and girls, and the biggest and most important of them are public schools charging high fees and training young people for political, diplomatic, military and religious service.
The doors of Oxford and Cambridge, the best English universities, are open to the public school - leavers.
Other non-state schools which charge fees are independent and preparatory schools. Many of the independent schools belong to the churches. Schools of this type prepare their pupils for public schools.
Some Aspects of British University Life
Of the full-time students now attending English Universities three quarters are men and one quarter women. Nearly half of them are engaged in the study of arts subjects such as history, languages, economics or law, the others are studying pure or applied sciences such as medicine, dentistry, technology, or agriculture.
The University of London, for instance, includes internal and external students, the latter coming to London only to sit for their examinations. Actually most external students at London University are living in London. The colleges in the University of London are essentially teaching institutions, providing instruction chiefly by means of lectures, which are attended mainly by day students. The colleges of Oxford and Cambridge, however, are essentially residential institutions and they mainly use a tutorial method which brings the tutor into close and personal contact with the student. These colleges, being residential, are necessarily far smaller than most of the colleges of the University of London.
Education of University standard is also given in other institutions such as colleges of technology and agricultural colleges, which prepare their students for degrees or diplomas in their own fields.
The three terms into which the British University year is divided are roughly eight to ten weeks. Each term is crowded with activity, and the vacations between the terms - a month at Christmas, a .month at Easter, and three or four months in summer - are mainly periods of intellectual digestion and private study.
A person studying for a degree at a British University is called a graduate.
B. A. or B. Sс. stands for Bachelor of Arts or of Science, the first degree. M. A. or M. Sс. denotes Master of Arts or of Science. One can become a B. A. after three years of hard study and an M. A. at the end of five years.
В результате проведения воспитательного мероприятия по английскому языку на тему «Schooling in Great Britain», учащиеся узнали много нового о системе образования в Великобритании, а также ознакомились с новой лексикой. Все задачи, поставленные в начале занятия, были выполнены. Ученики с удовольствием слушали подготовленный материал и активно задавали интересующие их вопросы. В целом, урок можно назвать очень успешным.
План-конспект уроков английского языка
Тема: Профессии
Цель: совершенствование навыков, умений устной речи, усвоение новой лексики, ознакомление с новым грамматическим материалом.
-обобщение и систематизация
знания и умения владеть
-дальнейшая автоматизация
изученного языкового
-развитие произносительных навыков;
-знакомство и усвоение новых грамматических правил английского языка;
-развитие познавательных интересов учащихся;
-расширение кругозора учащихся.
Форма проведения урока – комбинированная.
Оборудование: учебники Click On (students book), Click On (work book), дополнительные материалы по лексике, связанной с темой профессии, фотографии и вырезки из журналов.
Краткий план проведения урока
Вывод: В ходе проведения урока английского языка были задействованы разнообразные формы работы с учениками. Поставленные в начале занятия цели и задачи были выполнены. Учащиеся активно и продуктивно работали на уроке. В целом, можно сказать, что урок прошел очень успешно.
Тема : Adverbs of frequency
Цель: Ознакомление учащихся с новым грамматическим материалом
1. Формирование грамматических навыков.
2. Совершенствование лексических навыков, навыков говорения и письма.
3.Повышение интереса к
Форма проведения урока – комбинированная.
Оборудование: учебники Click On (students book), Click On (work book), таблица «Adverbs of frequency », раздаточные карточки.
Содержание урока:
When we want to say how often something happens, it is common to use frequency adverbs. It is possible to use them when referring to the past, present or future:
We often went camping when we were children.
I usually go to the gym at lunchtime.
I will always love you.
The following list shows the most common adverbs of frequency, with the one that refers to things that happen most often at the top, and least often at the bottom:
Hardly ever
I always brush my teeth before I go to bed. (=every night)
I usually have toast for breakfast. (=happens most days)
I frequently watch the news before dinner. (=it's common)
I often go to the park with my dog. (=many times)
I sometimes see him down at the shops. (=at particular occasions but not all the time)
I occasionally visit the capital. (=not happening often or regularly)
I rarely smoke cigars. (=it is not common)
I seldom have a chance to go to the theatre. (=almost never)
I hardly ever travel abroad. (=almost never)
I never work on the weekend. (=not at any time or not on any occasion)
Adverbs of frequency can occupy different positions in the sentence. With most verbs, the normal position is between the subject and the verb. With the verb "to be", the adverb normally comes after the verb:
Pedro occasionally visits us on Sundays.
She is often ill in winter.
Вывод: В результате проведения урока, учащиеся успешно освоили новый грамматический материал, научились использовать в предложениях Adverbs of frequency. На протяжении урока они активно работали, принимали участие в выполнении различных упражнений. Все задачи урока выполнены. Проведенное занятие можно рассчитывать, как довольно успешное.
Конспекты уроков английского языка
Урок 1. “USA”
Тема: Соединенные Штаты Америки
Цель: совершенствование навыков, умений устной речи.
Обобщение и систематизация фактического материала по страноведению.
Дальнейшая автоматизация
Развитие произносительных навыков.
Формирование уважения к Соединенным Штатам Америки.
Развитие познавательных интересов учащихся.
Формирование лингвистического отношения к слову.
Расширение кругозора учащихся.
Форма проведения урока - ролевая игра.
Роли учащихся на уроке: гид, две
соревнующиеся между собой
Оборудование: карта США; фотографии достопримечательностей; предметы (модели или изображения), изобретенные в США.
Ход урока
Teacher: Good afternoon, everyone. Today we are travelling through the United States of America. We have two teams of experts who will help us during our journey and at the end we'll see which team is the best. The people in this team are not experts so we will call them tourists. Here we have our judges. They are pupils of the eleventh form, so they are worthy of respect. And here is our guide.
Guide: Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the United States of America. I'm pleased to meet you. The weather is wonderful, and I hope that our journey will be too. Let me introduce myself. My name is… I am your guide and group leader. I shall accompany you everywhere. I'll show you everything. You'll travel through the country. You'll visit cities and historical places, museums and theatres. There are a lot of interesting things to see. You'll get to know the country and its capital. You'll meet people and make friends. I hope that we'll become friends.
Teacher: Before our journey let's listen to our experts. They are authorities in their fields of Geography and Economics.
Представители команд делают сообщения, используя карту США.
Team 1: The USA is situated in the central part of the North American continent. Its western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean and its eastern coast by the Atlantic Ocean. The area of the USA is over nine million square kilometres. The continental part of the USA consists of two highland regions and two lowland regions. The highland regions are the Appalachian Mountains in the east, and the Cordillera and the Rocky Mountains in the west. The highest peak in the Appalachian Mountains is 2,037 metres high. The highest peak of the Cordillera in the USA is 4,418 metres. Between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains are the central lowlands, which are called the prairie and the eastern lowlands, called the Mississippi valley. The five Great Lakes, between the USA and Canada, are joined together by short rivers or canals, and the Saint Lawrence River joins then to the Atlantic Ocean. In the west of the USA there is another lake called the Great Salt Lake. The main rivers of the USA are Mississippi, which flows into the Gulf of Mexico, the Colorado and the Columbia which flow into the Pacific Ocean, the Saint Lawrence River and the Hudson River, which flow into the Atlantic Ocean. The USA is very large country, so it has several different climatic regions. The coldest regions are in the north and north-east where much snow falls in winder. The south has a subtropical climate. Hot winds blowing from the Gulf of Mexico often bring typhoons. The climate along the Pacific coast is much warmer than that of the Atlantic coast. The region around the Great Lakes is known for its changeable weather.
Team 2: The USA is a highly developed industrial country, and its agriculture is highly mechanized. Coal is found in many parts of the country: in the Cordillera Mountains, in the state of Kansas, in the east near Birmingham and Pittsburgh. The state of Illinois is especially rich in coal. Iron is mined near the Great Lakes and in other areas. The USA has rich oil-fields in California, Texas, Alaska and other regions. It holds first place in the capitalist world for production of coal, iron, oil and natural gas. The heavy industries are for the most past in the Middle West, in the region of the Great Lakes, around Detroit and Chicago, in the north-eastern states and near Birmingham. The automobile industry and all kinds of machine-building are highly developed especially in and near Detroit, in California and in the areas of heavy industry. Ship-building is developed along the Atlantic coast and also in San Francisco and Seattle on the Pacific coal. The textile industry is concentrated in the north- east, in Boston and other cities; but it is especially well developed in the South, where much cotton is grown, in the Mississippi valley. The USA has a highly developed railway system. It also has the best system of roads in the capitalist world. The Great Lakes and the rivers, especially the Saint Lawrence River and the Mississippi, are used for transport. American agriculture produces more food products than any other capitalist country. Much of then are exported. In the Middle West very much grain is grown. Fresh fruit and vegetables come all the year round from the southern regions, especially Florida, from California and south-western states. The highlands in the west of the country are famous for their cattle-farming. Poultry-farming and vegetable growing are concentrated in the countryside near all the big cities.
Teacher: Now our experts are ready for the journey. And what about our tourists? Let's give them this crossword puzzle. Try to guess the words during the journey. If everybody is ready, let's start.
Guide: We are beginning our journey in the most ancient English town in the USA. It is situated on the Atlantic coast. It was founded in 1620. Do you know its name?
(It is New Plymouth.)
Now we are on the American continent.
Teacher: The American continent differs very much from Europe. There are a lot of animals in America, which you can't find in Europe. I am sure that you know about them. Let our experts give you some riddles about these animals.
Представители команд по очереди задают вопросы болельщикам-туристам.
A big bird living in North America (bald eagle),
A large animal of the cat family having a golden fur with black spots (jaguar),
An American snake (rattle-snake),
The bison of North America (buffalo),
A small brightly coloured bird (humming-bird),
A bear with large head and body and brown or grey fur (grizzly-bear),
A toothless animal eats ants (anteater),
A small animal having brownish grey fur and black mask like markings (raccoon),
An animal of the dog family (coyote),
An animal having an armour like shell of plates (armadillo).
Teacher: But it is not only animals that are different. When the first Europeans came to America they saw many strange plants and they took some of them to Europe. Tourists, do you know which ones they were?
(Potato, tomato, tobacco, cocoa, maize, etc.)
Guide: Now along the Atlantic coast we are going to the city, which has played a very important part in the American history. I am sure you know this city very well.
(It is Boston.)
Teacher: The USA is not an old country but it has a very interesting history. There are some dates on the blackboard. What do they mean to the Americans? Let's ask our experts.
Team 2:
In 1492 Christopher Columbus discovered the American continent.
In 1620 the first Englishmen came to America on the “Mayflower”.
If I am not mistaken, in 1773 an incident named the Boston Tea Party took place.
From 1775 to 1783 the war for independence of American colonies from British rule lasted.
In 1776 the Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson and some other people and adopted in Philadelphia.
As far as I remember, the US Constitution was adopted in 1788.
Team 1:
In 1801 Washington, the capital of the United States was built in District of Columbia.
As far as I know, in 1848 the gold rush in California took place.
President Lincoln freed the Negro staves in 1863.
From 1861 to 1865 the Civil War between the states lasted in America.
In 1867 the United States bought Alaska from Russia, if I am not mistaken, for a little more than seven million dollars.
In 1969 Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the Moon.
Guide: You know that the United States of America is a very large country. So let's take a plane to get to the Pacific coast.
Teacher: Let our guide tell us the nicknames of the states we are flying over now. I think we can guess their real names. Will you show us the route on the map?
Guide (показывает на
карте место после того, как
туристы правильно назовут
the Keystone State (Pennsylvania),
the Lake State (Michigan),
the Land of Lincoln (Illinois),
the Central State (Kansas),
the Blackwater State (Nebraska),
the Equality State (Wyoming),
the Salt Lake State (Utah),
the Golden State (California).
Guide: There are two great places of interest here, near Los Angeles. What are they?
Информация о работе Отчет по практике в специализированной школе № 5 I-III ступеней города Луганска