Vocabulary activities as a main part of FLTL

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 20 Ноября 2015 в 11:11, курсовая работа

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Vocabulary is one of the important aspects of language to teach. There are many quotations from famous linguistics to support this idea. For example, "Without grammar very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed." (Wilkins 1972:111) and "When students travel, they don't carry grammar books, they carry dictionaries." (Kristen in Lewis 1993) . Moreover, errors of vocabulary are potentially more misleading than those of grammar. Sometimes the context of the utterance would lead a listener to question their first interpretation, but a chance response such as "Yes, my father has an affair in that village'(confusing the Swedish “affair” meaning 'shop' with the English 'affair' which can mean 'extra-marital relationship') gives the listener the wrong impression.


1.Teaching vocabulary as a main part of learning foreign languages
1.1The goals and principles of learning vocabulary…………………………..5
1.2. Methods of teaching vocabulary............................................6
2The main techniques of teaching vocabulary
2.1 Classification of vocabulary exercises ………10
2.2 Vocabulary activities as an effective way of teaching vocabulary.......................................14
3. Approbation………………………………………………………………24

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Hints: Students must have a good command of interrogatives and must be paying attention in order to successfully participate in this activity. On the day before the game, it is a good idea to shoot rapid fire questions at students on random topics in no particular order.


This is a good activity to extend a reading assignment, to review vocabulary, or to practice a particular style of writing.

Goal: To write a riddle in a particular writing style, using a specified set of vocabulary.

Preparation: Find riddles in the target language and use them as a reading assignment. Doing an Internet search will result is several resources. Prepare a rubric and clear directions for the students. Determine if they will have a topic around which to write the riddles, or if they will be given free rein. Define the form of the riddle: poem, number of lines, use of simile and/or metaphor, title. Clear wall space for posting the riddles so other students may read and enjoy them.

Procedure: Explain the assignment and when it is due. Read several riddles so students can get a feeling for the style of writing and how circumspect to be with the clues. Where are the answers? Collect and assess the riddle before posting.

Hints: A simple and fun assignment, this is easily adaptable to all levels. [18; 10-127]


This is a good culminating activity, before a test, to bring together all the grammar, vocabulary, and cultural concepts in a lesson.

Goal: To write acrostic in the target language.

Preparation: Prepare a clear set of directions and rubrics for the students to follow. In an acrostic, each line is related to the word. Provide some examples so the students understand the assignment. Provide the students with a range for the number of letters in the topic word; 8-12 is a good range to start. Later assignments might ask for longer acrostics, once the students become familiar with the technique. A variation might be to make the acrostic also a poem.

Procedure: Distribute the assignment to the students. Provide illustrations done by students in previous years, teacher prepared examples, or acrostics written by famous writers. Be certain students understand that each line starts with a letter of the topic word and is directly related to the topic. The pool of words might come from a vocabulary list, from a short story, or any number of other sources. Students may want to embellish their acrostic with artwork. Prepare a wall space to display the acrostics and provide time for students to read the work of their classmates.

Hints: Easily adaptable to any level [19;124-125]

                                            3. Approbation.   

Writing this course paper under the title “Vocabulary activities as a main part of FLTL” we identify that it demands the building up the methods which may make it easy for teachers and students to deal with. It is connected with all branches of the language. In this research we have observed only one part of huge process - the way of teaching vocabulary.

The course paper allows us to investigate different principles and methods of teaching vocabulary in FLTL which we can use on our lessons while the practice.

The contents of this research paper help us to use different methods on the practicing of teaching English.

  Aim of approbation:

The aim of our approbation is to know on practice the requirements to the teaching foreign language vocabulary in modern secondary schools, the basic principles of teaching vocabulary in FLTL, looking for interesting and effective ways of teaching and learning foreign language vocabulary in accordance to time in order to make lessons effective, productive, valuable, interesting on each stage of the teaching process.

                                Stages of approbation

         Using of some techniques systematically help students to work out the habit for different activities. In this way we will try to follow the structure of the lesson which we will built from the beginning of the practice. First of all each lesson we will start with warming-up activity and use EAS stages . Each work was planed and we had to plan our lessons in order to make them meaningful. Planning the lesson play the greatest role in teaching and studying English. It is an integral part of the whole teaching process.



                                        Lesson plans

                                           Lesson 1

Topic: Which is faster?

Aims: 1. Educational: To consolidate comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives.

2. Developing: To increase students’ vocabulary about animals.

3. Bringing-up: To instill the ability to work in pairs.

Objectives: Students will be able

-to do exercises with comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives.

-to use vocabulary about animals.






Instructions and Procedure






-Good morning students!

-How are you today?

-What date (day) is it today?

-Today we will speak about animals

30 sec


Write date (day) on the blackboard



You can see a couple of pictures on the blackboard. Try to guess what animal it is.

1 min

Active board

Show slides




-You have pictures of animals in your books. Look through them. Let’s pronounce all words altogether.



-Listen to the speaker and tick the correct answer from your point of view for each question.



-Let’s check your answers.


3 min





8 min





3 min


St.B. p.34, ex 1



Tape recorder





Tape recorder


Tape script 1.38


Ask some students about their opinion



Tape script 1.39



Think and tell us which animal is…

-the friendliest?

-the biggest?

-the most beautiful?

2 min


Ask some students



Performing exercises:

-You will have cards with a couple of exercises. Your task is to complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative of the adjectives.

5 min




Cards with exercises



Give cards to each student



- Speak about yourself

- What is true about you?

- Are you the tallest in your class?


3 min




-Now we will listen to a dialogue.


- Look at the picture.

-Who you can see at this picture?


-Annie and her classmate Billy are speaking about their friends. While listening them underline adjectives in positive, comparative or superlative degree.



-Let’s check your answers.


2 min


4 min







2 min


St.b, p. 35,

Ex 3a







Tapescript 1.40




-Let’s read and translate this dialogue in roles.

4 min

St.b, p. 35,

Ex 3a

Ask some students to read



-You can see a box with adjectives under the letter b. Look through them. Do you know all these adjectives? (translate if necessary)

-Now you will work with your classmate. Chose three adjectives from this box and make up a dialogue. Continue speaking about Tom and Mary. Use the example below.

-Let’s listen to a couple of dialogue.





4 min





3 min

St.b, p. 35,

Ex 3b







Ask some students to


Making a conclusion

- Today we have learned about animals, consolidated grammar – degrees of comparison of adjectives, increased our vocabulary, made dialogues in pairs.

- Write down your home task for the next time.

- Thank you for your participating. Good bye!

30 sec


Write home task on the blackboard.









                                     Lesson 2

Topic: City or country?

Aims: Educational: To consolidate grammar: the degrees of adjectives.

Developing: To increase students’ knowledge about living in the city and in the country.

Bringing-up: To instill the ability to work in groups.

Objectives: Students will be able

- to listen to the text about living in the country.

 -to compare living in the city and in the country while group-working.

 -to express their opinion about living in the city or in the country.





Instructions and Procedure






-Good afternoon students!

How are you today?

-Have you ever lived in a country? -Today we will speak about cities and countries.

1 min








Tongue twister

- Repeat after me line by line. Then the whole rhyme.

3 min

Active board

Ask some students to read the rhyme



Presentation of new vocabulary (city & country)

- First You should see the difference between using the word “country”



2 min


5 min

Active board

Students repeat altogether



Reading and translating the text about life in a city.

- Read and translate the text.

10 min

Student’s book, p.36 ex 1

Students read one by one



- Does Steve want to live in the country?

- Do you think that life in the city is more exciting and more interesting than in the country? Why?

2 min


Ask some students



- Look through the text and find out all adjectives in comparative and superlative degrees.

1 min

Student’s book, p.36 ex 1




Listening the text about country


- Look at the picture-> try to predict what the text is about. Does Helen like cities?


While-listening (2 times)

- Listen to Helen. She’s living in the country.

-Choose the best variant



- Does Helen think that is better to live in the city?

- Let’s check the exercise



1 min



8 min





2 min

Student’s book, p.36 ex 2a





Student’s book, p.36 ex 2b




Work in groups

-You will have cards with different things to do in the city and in the country. Distribute these things to three columns according to the way it’s easier to do.

4 min

Cards with phrases

Help some students



- Let’s check your task. Each group should choose one volunteer to answer. All the rest may help him.

- Where is life better?

4 min


One volunteer from each group



- Today we revised grammar, learned new vocabulary about city and country and compared living in the city and in the country.

Explanation of home work

St.b. p 37 ex 3a – orally, ex 4 in written form

Activity book p. 26-27

Make a project (next week) St.b. p 41





2 min

Student’s book, active board






                                                      Lesson 3

Topic: Associations

Aims: 1. Educational: To fix grammar – degrees of comparison and to consolidate linking words.

2. Developing: To instill the ability to compare people, animals and things.

3. Bringing-up: To instill an interest to living in the country.

Objectives: Students will be able

- to compare things.

- to make up sentences using linking words.




Instructions and Procedure






Good morning!

How do you do?

Today we will continue to speak about living in the city and in the country and memorize our grammar.

1 min




Work in pairs

-Make up a word from the letters.

-Add to this word an adjective

3 min

Cards with letters




Listening questions

-Listen to the way speaker pronounces questions.

- Repeating after the speaker.

4 min

Tape recorder

St.b. p 37 ex 3a

Students repeat altogether



Work in pairs

- Chose two questions and ask each other.

Answer questions from your own point of view.

5 min

St.b. p 37 ex 3b

Listen to some students



Grammar: Connecting words

(“Also”, “However” – the way they used)

- Look at the blackboard. Rewrite the rule.

4 min

Active board, copybooks

Explain in two-ways



Performing exercises

-Complete the sentences with “Also” or “However”

-Make up your own sentences by given scheme.

7 min

Active board

Students go one by one




- Look at the pictures and name all associations with these pictures.

1  min

St.b. p 37

Ask some students



Associations (Fun sport)

- Match given adjectives with pictures. 

-Make up your own sentences using given adjectives.

5 min

St.b. p 37





- Compare things using “Also” and “However”

5 min

Active board

Students go one by one



Revising part

-Degrees of comparison of adjectives.

- Exceptions.

6 min

St.b. p 38-39




Memorizing vocabulary from module 3

- “Start with this letter”

- You see the letters on the blackboard – give as many words begin with this letter as you know.

3 min





Today we finished module 3.

Revised our grammar and vocabulary, learned how to compare people, animals and things.


Home work

St.b p. 38-39 (in written form)

Revise grammar

Revise vocabulary from module3

1 min

Active board










                                            Lesson 4

Topic: We have to wear a school uniform.

Aims: 1. Educational: To teach students to use modal verb have to/don’t have to.

2. Developing: To familiarize students with school education in Japan.

3. Bringing-up: To instill a respect to another culture.

Objectives: Students will be able

         - to use grammar points correctly.

- to read the text about school in Japan.




Instructions and Procedure






Good afternoon students!

How do you do?

What day of the week is it today?

30 sec



Now let’s check your home task for today. (projects and story about city)

10 min


Ask all students



-Have you ever been at Japanese school?

- Today we will go for one lesson to Japanese school.



Presentation new vocabulary

- Listen to the speaker and pronounce each word after him.

- Let’s find these words in the picture

4 min

Tape recorder

Active board




Now look at each other and find all these kinds of clothes on yourself.

2 min

Active board




- Pay your attention at the title of the text. What this text is about?

- “Have to” means obligation.


While - Listening

While-listening you should underline structure “have to”.



- Now read sentences with “have to”.

- Answer the following questions:

-At what time do the students have to be at school?

- What do they have to do at the beginning of the lesson?

- Why are their school bags really heavy?

1 min





2 min





4 min

Tape recorder




St.b. p 42 ex 2





St.b. p. 43 ex 3

Ask some students



Presentation Grammar

- Look at the blackboard

- Obligation. The ways we use have to

2 min

Active board



- Find sentences in the text with have to and try to translate them

3 min

St.b. p 42 ex 2

Ask some students



What do you have to do at your school?

3 min


Ask some students



Presentation Grammar

- Look at the blackboard

The ways we use don’t have to

3 min

Active board



Grammar practice exercises

- Put have to/don’t have to

4 min

Active board



Compose your own sentences about things you have to do and don’t have to do at your school.

5 min


Ask some students



We have read the text about school in Japan. We have learned new grammar – modal verb have to.


Home task

Write down new vocabulary

St.b. p 43 ex 3 answer questions orally

Activity book p. 28

1 min

Active board


Информация о работе Vocabulary activities as a main part of FLTL