Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 12 Мая 2012 в 06:43, курсовая работа
Зерттеулердің өзектілігі. Ғылыми жұмыстың тақырыбы актуалды. Қазақстанның тәуелсіздің алуы республикамызыдың мемлекттілігінің құрылуына жаңа сапалы кезеңді ашты, мемлекеттік биліктің тиімді орналасуына белсенді бастау болды.
Нақты контекстіде жергілікті өзін-өзі басқарудың мәселелерін ғылыми түсіну мен практикалық шешу қажеттілігі пайда болды. Оның саяси және заң ғылымдарымен белсенді зерттелуі Қазақстанды 90-шы жылдардан бері болып жатқан процестерге тікелей байланысты.
Орталық және жергілікті органдар арасындағы құзыретті бөлмейінше және мемлекеттік басқару және жергілікті өзін-өзі басқару институттарын дамытпайынша Қазақстан Республикасындағы саяси жүйе бәсекелестәкке қаілетті 50 елдің қатарына ену стратегиясын жүзеге асыруға дайын болмайды.
что для успешного
существующая модель местного самоуправления,
где основой являются местные
представительные органы – маслихаты
и местные исполнительные органы
- акиматы требует дальнейшего
совершенствования, прежде всего,
повышения эффективности
Объектом исследования является система местного самоуправления Казахстана в контексте повышения эффективности и уровня общественного доверия.
Предметом исследования является деятельность органов местного самоуправления исследуемых городов, уровень их эффективности и общественного доверия.
Целью научной работы является:
Проведение комплексного политологического анализа эффективности органов местного самоуправления Казахстана и уровня общественного доверия к ним, а также определение наиболее оптимальной модели местного самоуправления в Республике Казахстан, отвечающей двум главным критериям: высокая эффективность и высокий уровень общественного доверия.
Задачами научной работы является:
Основные положения, выносимые на защиту:
1. Без
четкого разделения полномочий
между центральными и
2. Автор
считает, что создание
3. Основой
модели местного
4. В
условиях слабой
5. Маслихатами
не используются все полномочия,
в том числе контрольные,
6. Для
повышения эффективности
7. Уровень
доверия, зависит от ветви и
уровня власти, к которым принадлежит
объект доверия, а также от
того, кто выступает в качестве
объекта: конкретный
8. На
уровень доверия населения
9. От
степени эффективности
10. Эффективность
деятельности местных органов
самоуправления определяется
11. Местное
самоуправление эффективно при
активном развитии политической
и правовой культуры населения,
The present scientific work is devoted carrying out of the complex politological analysis of efficiency of local governments of Kazakhstan.
The theme of scientific work is actual. Independence finding by Kazakhstan has opened qualitatively new stage in formation of statehood of our republic, has begun active process of arrangement of the government, including local government.
Requirements for scientific judgement and the practical decision of problems of local government have increased in the given context. Their active consideration by political and legal sciences is caused by those social and economic and political processes which occur in Kazakhstan from the beginning of 90th years.
Without division of powers between the central and local authorities and developments of institutes of the local government and local government, the political system in Republic Kazakhstan can't be ready to realization of a strategic problem of ours of republic on occurrence in number 50 of the most competitive states of the world.
Local self-government institutions during the present period of development of Republic Kazakhstan, undoubtedly, should play large role, making essential impact on the decision economic and social problems of development of territories and maintenance of responsibility of the state before citizens, its approach to everyday cares of the concrete person.
It is obvious that for successful functioning of local government and definition of the optimal model of self-management, the scientific analysis of the given institute, consideration of experience of functioning of local government in the CIS, carrying out of the comparative analysis of their efficiency and public trust is required that as a whole and has defined a choice of a theme of scientific work.
Nowadays existing model of local government where a basis are local representative bodies – маслихаты and local executive powers - акиматы demands the further perfection, first of all, increase of efficiency of local governments and level of public trust.
Object of research is the system of local government of Kazakhstan in a context of increase of efficiency and level of public trust.
Object of research is activity of local governments of investigated cities, level of their efficiency and public trust.
The purpose of scientific work is:
Carrying out of the complex politological analysis of efficiency of local governments of Kazakhstan and level of public trust to them, and also definition of the optimal model of local government in the Republic Kazakhstan answering to two main criteria: high efficiency and high level of public trust.
Problems of scientific work is:
• to Investigate teoretiko-methodological bases of studying of local governments;
• to Study known to the world theory and practice various models of local government: prominent features and common features;
• to Define methodology of carrying out of the given research;
• to Develop system of indicators and indicators, for an estimation of level of public trust and efficiency of local governments;
• to Estimate level of efficiency of local governments;
• to Reveal the basic aspects in activity of the local governments, affected level of trust of the population and their efficiency;
• to Investigate legislatively – legal status modern маслихатов, problems of decentralization of the power;
• to Offer model of the organization of local government in Republic Kazakhstan answering to two basic criteria: high efficiency and high level of public trust.
The substantive provisions which are taken out on protection:
1. Without clear split of powers between the central and local authorities and developments of institutes of the local government and local government, the political system in Republic Kazakhstan won't be steady and stable, strategy realization on occurrence of our country in number 50 of the most competitive states of the world can't be productive.
2. The author considers that creation of effective system of local government in Kazakhstan is impossible without application of foreign experience of creation of the given structures with its subsequent adaptation to local conditions.
3. Operating bodies of the local government – маслихаты and акиматы should become a basis of model local Republic Kazakhstan self-management.
4. In the conditions of a weak institutionalization of local government of Kazakhstan, absence the population of skills of self-organizing in the decision of problems of local communities on the first place has a personal factor, organizing abilities of the concrete head, ability to build effective communications, both at interpersonal level, and at level of interaction with the public at management of an administrative and territorial unit and the decision of questions of local value
5. Maslikhats all powers, including control aren't used, one of which reasons is that deputies work on not released basis that involves, insufficient level of control over activity of the local executive powers, insufficient level of professionalism of deputies and absence of sufficient legal knowledge concerning the competence маслихата, and also skills of work in the field of budgetary administration and the analysis of social and economic programs. To one of ways of the decision of the given problem could become work on a professional basis of chairmen of the constant commissions.
6. For increase of efficiency of local executive powers differentiation of powers between government levels, introduction at legislative level of system of an estimation of efficiency of heads of local executive powers and an internal estimation of efficiency of activity, structural divisions of a local executive office is necessary.
7. Trust level, depends on a branch and power level to which the object of trust, and also from the one who represents itself as object belongs: the concrete head or imperious structure headed by it. Level of trust to heads above, than to structures. The above level of the concrete head of enforcement authorities, the is more than trust to it states the population.
8. On level of trust of the population to local governments influence социокультурные society living conditions, efficiency of their activity, information influence of mass-media audience and efficiency of interaction with them of local governments that it is necessary to consider at the organization of the work heads and officials of local governments.
9. The authority of power structures, trust of the population depends on degree of efficiency of activity of the government and satisfaction of the population this activity by it, level of their influence in a society. The measure of trust of the population and an estimation it of efficiency of activity of heads and authorities are characterized by presence of close empirical interdependence among themselves and are major factors of increase of the social status of local governments.
10. Efficiency of activity of local self-government institutions is defined not only available economic base, financial resources and the municipal property, but also possibility of the decision of variety of social problems for what expansion of powers at legislative level is required. In this connection, value and influence of local governments should raise constantly that will promote growth of trust of the population to the given authorities, efficiency and strengthening of their activity in the decision of problems of local value.
11. The local government is effective at active development of political and legal culture of the population, development of a civil society. In contrast этатистскому to the approach in the organization of local government which is less effective in the conditions of transit. Such approach complicates transformation of forms of political participation with patriarchal - подданнических on активистские, interfering with aspirations of the population to self-organizing and active participation in the decision of questions of local communities.