Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 22 Мая 2012 в 12:17, курсовая работа
Each person wants to reach some goals in his life, to prove someone to himself at first that he is able to do something. Thus, the writing and defense of course work is the start point of each student to prove his parents, classmates that his teachers’ labour and his own and partly his parent’s had its sense i.e. it was worth it. I mean all spent time and strength for study during the exams and study in general. And I can use such Russian saying as “No cross no crown”, so the course work writing is the result of educational establishment graduation, in our case of college.
INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………............ 2
Translation conception ……………………………………………… 4
Translation classifications ………………………………………….. 6
Legal texts translation ……………………………………………… 9
Kinds of legal translation …………………………………………... 10
Legalese or legal language of statement …………………………… 11
Legal texts translation peculiarities ……………………………….. 13
Cultural linguistic peculiarities ……………………………………. 15
Personal documentation translating:
Business documentation translation:
Not for nothing, legal translation sees as one of the more difficult kinds of translation. Because the translator’s skills are not enough to translate such kind of texts from Russian to foreign and vice versa.
“Legal translation can’t be made in correct way without special knowledge in branch of law usage and, without peculiarity of concrete kind of relation knowing.” It is necessary to know existing legislation and also have special vocabulary and know the peculiarity of usage foreign juridical terminology in concrete context. Legal translation is always joined with certain difficulties particularly, it’s impossible to translate statutory act, contract and the other documents if you don’t know to nicety of usage English legal terminology. And often specialists face to legalese – “special style, specific definitions and constructions on the base of which a lot of documents are consisted”
Legalese is English term, which is usually used as a synonym to the concept of legislation style of statement. “It is a specific legal language, special way sentence and word combinations construction, which for people who don’t know to nicety English legal terminology seem as have no sense.”
Legal way of expressing sees as especially formal. This formalism shows in long decompounds sentences, lengthy phrases and specific terminology. Legalese is often used during standard international act and court holding forming, though, sometimes this formalism can be met and in everyday lawyers’ speech. It is necessary to mark that today the Plain English movement becomes more popular, it is a tendency to use of everyday English language instead of legalese”. However, English lawyers say that it’s impossible to refuse of legalese usage in juridical theory and practice.
English legalese has following features:
- words and phrases usage, which “has no meaning in usual everyday understanding”. However, in legalese they have concrete meaning, e.g.:
nemo dat (nemo dat quod not habet) is a principle according to which nobody can assign or sell that to what he has no property law;
replevin is a suit of chose tenement return;
- words and phrases usage, which in addition to general, everyday meaning have specific juridical meaning, particularly:
nuisanсe (tort of nuisanсe) is delict, based on persons’ infringed right to own his property;
сonsideration (valuable сonsideration) is a satisfaction; one of the necessary agreement elements to be able forcibly judicially made;
- Formal vocabulary usage, which sees as outdated and rarely used in everyday communication:
Hereinafter means in the sequel, in what follows;
Aforesaid – foresaid.
- Long sentences construction, “including great number of compound phrases, completing or characterized initial approval”:
“For the authority of these maxims rests entirely upon general reception and usage; and the only method of proving, that this or that maxim is a rule of the common law, is by showing that it hath been always the custom to observe it”
- Frequency of usage such modal verbs as shall, will:
“«[…] the generality of subsection above shall not be taken to be prejudiced by any enactment […]" or "[…] he shall be removed from office as a justice of the peace in accordance with section 6 of this Act […]»[ Hiltunen 1990: 94]”
- Passive constructions fullness:
“It may be true that such parts of the common law […] are based upon, or (are) consistent with, ideas and values […]”
As we know, specialized translations are the most difficult and have certain peculiarities. Many people faulty think that for successful translation to know the terminology of some sphere is enough. But in real we can note that it’s not so. E.g. translator knowing juridical terminology can easily translate such word combinations as therapy, peaсe officer, profiling, police discreteness, health screening, which have the following meaning in jurisprudence “перевоспитание, офицер полиции, психологическое тестирование заключенных, полномочия полиции, медицинское обследование”
However, it’s not always easy to find an equivalent to some fixed word combination or faced terms. “Essentially, problems with such kind of texts translator can have because of word combinations absence in TL, which could enough and directly describe the terms of SL”. In addition, “text dependence on cultural peculiarities and people mentality and also on existing legal systems can lead to inconsistence of meanings of the texts in SL and TL, even if the translator made word-by word translation.”
That is why, the translator is obliged to update his knowledge learning different lexicographic equivalents of words and word combinations.
Understanding and consequently, giving equivalents of such word combinations as, “sensibility training” or “verbal judo” require from translator “not only translation reference, but understanding professional police culture too”. This is the most difficult situations for general translator, on my opinion, who doesn’t specialize on some certain kind of translation, as the proper linguistic context can’t help to find equivalent translation.
Terminological word combinations, which denote realias are undoubted interesting, “but they unusual for Russian juridical practice, and proper for specialists and therefore they are often discussed in professional lawyers’ field”.
Examples of such word combinations as follows: plea/charge bargaining, plea bargain, which can be translated into Russian as “судебный торг”. However, such translation requires translation comment, which “has to explain that it’s sort of pre-trial negotiation process between courts, accused person’s and victim’s lawyers”, and that if accused person admits his fault of made crime he can hope on mild court’s sentence or avoid of court action at all.
Through, according to the example of legal translation, we can surely say that it’s necessary to a nicety know onions in SL native speakers’ cultural peculiarities, also in specific constructions are proper only for them.
One more legal translation difficulty, as and other specials, lies in necessity to have deep knowledge in learning field and to make out in details, in order to “combine sentences in normal connected text without miscommunication”. This field also requires special accuracy in phraseologies. You shouldn’t translate any phrase “roughly by the meaning”. Even fine mistakes and inaccuracies can lead to wrong interpretation of its meaning and can lead, for example to brining an action to translator. Of course it’s also necessary to take into account the difference between countries legislations.
It is also necessary to note cases of abbreviations translation, which are accepted and wide used in given professional field. As in the other professional communication such abbreviations used not in only written but also in oral texts. For instance: DUI/DWI – driving under the influence/ driving while intoxicated (вождение автомобиля в нетрезвом состоянии); ROR - release on recognizance (освобождение с подпиской о невыезде), GBMI - guilty but mentally ill (виновный, но требующий принудительного психиатрического лечения в период отбывания срока исполнения наказания).
Some difficulties made by word combinations translation, having different meaning in British and American variants of English language. “There are not so much such situations in legal sphere, but wrong translation corrupt text original sense”. As British so American variant has such word combination as Attorney General, but during such word combinations translation translator should note which variant of English language used in concrete situation.
1) Attorney General - in the United Kingdom except Scotland, the senior law officer and chief legal counsel of the Crown: a member of the government and of the House of Commons
2) Attorney General - in the US, the chief law officer and legal adviser to the Administration: head of the Department of Justice and member of the cabinet.
Legal translations can be made only by professionals having education in the field of juridical law. “ SL and TL texts are seen in absolutely different legal systems, and consequently here should be used different phraseologies are proper for each language”. But theses phraseologies have to have the same meaning in both languages and be understandable for both parties. In result “translator should know onions in not only his country law, but also in country of SL”.
All of these factors define the juridical translation peculiarities and prove that juridical field requires from translators deep knowledge and, special accuracy and it’s one of the most difficult. Exactly that explains the high cost of these translations among others.
Different countries have different legal systems.
Each nation’s language has its own juridical terms. For example, English language is proper for USA, Great Britain juridical systems, German language is proper for Germany, Switzerland, Austria juridical systems. Linguistic equivalents of juridical concepts are often impossible. Nowadays, for Europeans “Human rights charter” is unified, but for member-governments of European community the documents, regulations and international organization solutions. That is why there are the raw of rough equivalents in different languages. For instance:
Article 3
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Каждый человек имеет право на жизнь, свободу и личную неприкосновенность.
Article 17
Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with other.
No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.
Каждый имеет право как на единоличное владение собственностью, так и в компании с другими.
Никто не может быть дискреционно лишен его собственности.
Article 24
Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.
Каждый имеет право на отдых и досуг, включая разумное ограничение рабочего времени и оплачиваемый периодический отпуск.
We can say that juridical language is “governmental language”. This is an important rule and it can’t be banned. The biggest problem in this case is impossibility in some situations to find exact, adequate translation from one language into another. It makes translator’s work more difficult and creates certain barriers in foreign juridical document usage.
For instance: many Russian speaking people do not know such phenomena as primaries – representative election, which appoints candidates to presidents from two political parties in USA:
Before voting every citizen must register in accordance with the laws of his state. This gives him the right of participating in primaries.
Перед голосованием каждый
гражданин должен зарегистрироваться
в соответствии с законами своего
штата. Это дает ему право принять
участие в предварительных
Venire – категория лиц,
могущих исполнять функции
The juries are selected from a larger panel of citizens, commonly known as the venire.
Судебные присяжные выбираются из более широкого круга граждан, обычно известного как категория лиц, могущих исполнять функции присяжных.
Vior dire – допрос присяжных для выявления их возможной предубежденности:
The prospective jurors are generally subject to further interrogation about their possible biases. This examination is known as vior dire.
Предполагаемые присяжные обычно подвергаются дальнейшему допросу на предмет их возможной предубежденности. Эта процедура носит название vior dire.
Solicitor – поверенный, солиситор (ведет дела клиентов, подготавливает дела для адвокатов):
A solicitor, acting under a general retainer, has an implied authority to accept service of process for his client…
Солиситор, действующий на
основании общего договора с адвокатом,
имеет подразумеваемое
Here we should also see the terminological constructions-clishes translation, containing a great showed cultural entry of meaning. “for making an equivalent translation the translator has to know these units, as the meaning of such constructions is fully recast and not reasoned” so, Miranda rule/warning translating as the person’s right not to testify without the attorney is widely used in legal texts.
All terms can be divided by their construction into:
As among law-terms mostly dominate word combination terms, so they make great problems during the legal text translation.
According to Encyclopedic juridical dictionary regulations, law terms can be divided into 3 kinds by feature of “ understandability” of one or the other population part:
Accomplice(сообщник, соучастник), witness (свидетель), worker (работник);
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