Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 04 Ноября 2013 в 20:36, курсовая работа
Дуже багато дослідницьких робот присвячено проблемі перекладу реалії, її класифікації та дефініції. Це питання досліджували як питання загальної теорії перекладу так і виносили на рівень окремої проблеми. Дослідженнями реалій займались такі відомі лінгвісти як Віноградов В.С., Комісаров В.Н., Голікова Ж.А., Швейцер А.Д., Зорівчак Р.П., Бурбак О.Ф. та багато інших. Але мало хто з них розглядав реалію безпосередньо в публіцистичному тексті. Не має дослідницьких робіт, присвячених питанню класифікації та проблем перекладу реалій в публіцистиці, в цьому полягає новизна нашої дослідницької роботи.
ВСТУП………………………………………………………………... 4
1.1. Публіцистика в системі мови……………………………….. 7
1.2. Реалія в газетно-публіцистичному стилі мови…………….. 11
1.3. Дефініція реалій……………………………………………… 15
1.4. Реалія в системі безеквівалентної лексики………………… 21
1.5. Класифікація реалій…………………………………………. 23
2.1. Адекватність перекладу при відтворенні реалій 28
2.2. Переклад реалій: аналіз перекладу реалії в публіцистичному стилі мови………………………………………...
2.2.1. Прийом транскодування…………………………………. 31
2.2.2. Утворення нового слова або словосполучення………… 43
2.2.3. Використання слова, близького за значенням………….. 47
2.2.4. Гіпонімічний спосіб……………………………………… 48
ВИСНОВКИ………………………………………………………….. 53
РЕЗЮМЕ……………………………………………………………… 56
This diploma work investigates one of the linguistic problems in the process of interpretation. The theme of the work is “Translation of the realia in the news-publicistic style”.
It is known that mass medium, such as news papers, represents cultural and spiritual life of the country, that’s why in news papers usually can be meat realia. Realia relates to “non translate” vocabulary and it’s often difficult to interpret such words. So, translation of realia in publicistic style is very important question because, as we said already, realia can be meat in publicistic very often. That’s why this diploma work have an actial value.
Object of this diploma work is typical for country’s way of life and cultural words – realiaes. Every country, every nation has its own specific traits of culture which distinguish it from another countries. Every language has words which belong to a national vocabulary, and which have no analogs in other languages.
Subject of this diploma work is specificity, classification and main methods of realia interpretation.
Purpose of this research work consists in studying of features of realia interpretation in news-publicistic style.
Tasks of this diploma work are:
Main characteristic features of English news-publicistic style as Komisarov V. says which mostly presented by articles on different subjects (social, political, economic, etc.) are:
These styles possess many features in common yet texts belonging to these styles present considerable variety and may be divided into two groups: texts containing information and texts commenting on it.
News in brief and information articles (newspaper style proper) are devoid of emotive and individual colouring, hence wide use of impersonal passive and Nominative with the infinitive constructions which are also impersonal in character. Clichés form an outstanding feature of this type of text. They are characterized by a considerable compactness of form which is due to want of space. Condensation in its extreme form is especially apparent in headlines and that is the reason why headlines have their own structural peculiarities: omission of auxiliaries, a wide use of verbals, of attributive models, etc., all making for compactness.
Komisarov V., Retsker Y., Tarkhov V. attribute to a publicistic style newspapers’ and magazines’ articles, declamatory speech and other materials which include an estimation of given facts and materials which aim to make reader agree with given point of view.
Publicistic style is considered as one of the functional styles. In this part of diploma we investigate point of view in this question of such famous linguists as Vinogradov V., Golikova J., Tertichiy V., Dobrinin M., Bazina M.P., Goihman O.Y., Nikolskiy A. etc. in diploma we have Tertichniy’s V. classification of the newspapers genre, and by help of this classification we define the significance of the news-publicistic and news-informational styles. Newspapers’ genres are: informational; analytical; artistic- publicistic style.
Newspaper main contain text of informational style, less – analytical and the last - artistic- publicistic style.
Next we explore the news-publicistic style, its specific such as succession, expressivity, method of declamatory speech, use of terms, terms-word combinations, abbreviated terms, cliché, neologisms, abbreviations, realias etc. also we investigate the role of realia in the news-publicistic texts.
Pivuyeva Y. and Dvoynina Y. distinguish next functions of news-publicistic material: informational;expressive.
And next genres: news-informational;news-
For practical work of interpreter main aspects of English newspaper are:
- speech-familiar character of material;
- official nature of titles and address;
- specific of newspapers’ titles;
- often usage of vocabulary such as realias, epithets, neologisms, terms, jargonizes etc.
Then we define the meaning of the word “realia”. In connection with this question we examine point of view of such famous linguists as Fyodorov A., Shatkov G., Retsker Y., Sobolev L., Golikova J., Koptilov V., Zorivchak R., Polyujin M. etc. There are many definitions for term “realia” but we in our work incline to a next definition: realia – word that mean subjects, processes, geographic names and proper names, which are characteristic for life and way of life of the country, historical or modern.
In the next diploma’s part after definition of realia we examine realia in the system on nonequivalent vocabulary. In this question there are also many divergences between such linguists as Superans’ka A., Fiterman M., Levits’ka T., Burbak O., Komisarov V., Golikova J., Vlakhov S., Florin S. etc. Some of linguists examine realia as a variety of nonequivalent words, another confirm that it is the same. We incline Komisarovs’ point of view. He says that realia is not only facts of culture life of the country but also proper names, geographic names, names of buildings etc.
Next in our work we summarize realia’s classification. Usually realia classifies by its type or view of history-semantic aspect. The fullest classification given diploma work is the Vinogradov V. classification and it is more acceptable for our work. We defined that in the news-publicistic texts we usually meet realias toponims and antroponims and realias of state-administrative organization. In structural form we have such realias: one member realias, polimember realias and phraseological realias.
In the next part of our diploma work we determine translating of realias in news-publicistic style. First we define the meaning of realia’s appropriate translation – it is to give information to a reader without distortion of facts, without loosing of emotional maintenance of information, historical and national color of the country and in the same time to give this information in way what will make information clear for a reader.
Next in our diploma work we describe main ways of realia’s transferring and make its analysis.
First we decline the way of realias translating called transcribition. This way of translation consists of transcription and transliteration. We examine its merits and demerits. First problem that we describe in this way of interpretation in transferring of onosemantic realias-anthroponims. We explore these problems because sometimes in news-publicistic text we meet historical realias or realias which already have fixed standard translation. Also in this part we describe and analyses problems of translation of non English realias-antroponims.
Second way of realia’s translating which we describe in our work is introduction of neologism – new word or word combination. This way of translating consist of calque, falf-calque and by description.
Third type of realias translation consist in usage of the similar word in the language of translating.
And the last way of realias translating which we examine in our work is called giponimical – it is a giving of resumptive meaning of the realia.
Main aspects which must be consider in realia interpretation are:
So, interpreter must seriously treat to a problem of realia’s interpretation, because if realia has no fixed standard of translation interpreter introduce a new word which maybe will be used in future.