Организация проектной деятельности как средство сохранения и развития здоровья школьников

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Октября 2014 в 22:38, дипломная работа

Краткое описание

Цель исследования – определить роль проектной деятельности учащихся в сохранении и поддержании здоровья учащихся в процессе обучения иностранному языку.
Цель и предмет определили задачи исследования:
1) изучить современное состояние ЗСТ в современном образовании и систематизировать полученные данные;
2) выделить принципы здоровьесберегаюшей педагогики;


Глава 1. Теоретические основы формирования здорового образа жизни учащихся……………………………………………………………………….…9
1.1 Актуальность применения здоровьесберегающих образовательных технологий в современном образовательном процессе…………………….…9
1.2. Принципы здоровьесберегаюшей педагогики……………………………12
1.3. Современные требования к уроку с комплексом здоровьесберегающих технологий……………………………………………………………………....19
Выводы по главе 1…………………………………………..…………………..24
Глава 2 Использование здоровьесберегающих технологий в проектной деятельности школьников………………………………………………………25
2.1. Типология здоровьесберегающих технологий……………………………25
2.2. Проектная деятельность как одна из здоровьесберегающих технологий……………………………………………………………………….30
2.3. Опыт использования здоровьесберегающих технологий в проектной деятельности в 9 классе…………………………………………………………41
Выводы по главе 2…………………………………….……………………… 70
Список литературы…………………………………………………………….. 75

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Приложение 8

Упражнения для физкультминуток.


Массаж активных точек.

В результате массажа активизируется работа подкорковых частей мозга, возникают процессы, связанные с обострением интуиции, улучшается настроение.

Bend the upper part of the ear down with your hand. Unbend, bend, as if you are rolling up and down the ear. The ears should become warm.  Press the lobe of the ear, rub and release. Rub the whole ear in a circle from one side to another. You should rub 2 ears at the same time. Start pulling the ears. First 20 times down, then take the middle of the ear and pull 20 times.


Физкультминутка для улучшения мозгового кровообращения.

Initial position: sitting on the chair.  
1 – bend your head right;  
2 – initial position;  
3 – bend your head left;  
4 – initial position;  
5 – turn your head forward, don’t raise your shoulders;  
6 – initial position. Repeat 3–4 times. The pace is slow.










Приложение № 9


Диаграммы «Способы борьбы с лишним весом в Британии»


№ 1













№ 2











Приложение № 10

Smoking kills.

Tobacco smoking has been fingered as a major cause of mortality and morbidity, responsible for an estimated 434,000 deaths per year in the United States. Some claim that about 10 million people in the United States have died from causes attributed to smoking (including heart disease, emphysema, and other respiratory diseases) since the first Surgeon General's report on smoking and health in 1964 with 2 million of these deaths the result of lung cancer alone.

They declare one in every five deaths in the United States is smoking related. Every year, smoking kills more than 276,000 men and 142,000 women.

Smoking  is the cause of Cancer. “Ninety-five per cent of lung cancer deaths are due directly to cigarette smoking", according to Dr Desmond Carney, oncologist at University College, Dublin, and secretary general of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (Международная ассоциация по исследованию рака легких). Women who smoke increase their risk of dying from lung cancer by nearly 12 times and the risk of dying from bronchitis and emphysema by more than 10 times. The American Cancer Society predicts that 80,000 women will develop lung cancer this year and 67,000 will die from it, as compared to 43,500 deaths from breast cancer. Men who smoke increase their risk of death from lung cancer by more than 22 times and from bronchitis and emphysema by nearly 10 times. Smoking triples the risk of dying from heart disease among middle-aged men and women.

lung cancer- рак легких

breast cancer- рак груди

          to increase - возрастать

to estimate - оценивать

bronchitis – бронхиты

emphysema – эмфизема легких



Приложение № 11

Hello, friends,

My name is Martin Brown. I’m from Liverpool. I am 15 years old. I want to tell you about my health problems. I have been smoking for 2 years. It makes my teeth yellow and skin unhealthy.  Many friends refused from me, because my hair and clothes smell. I know, smoking is banned in offices, on the underground and in schools. I don’t know how to refuse from this bad habit, because it influences on my health.

Truly yours,































Приложение № 12


Карта для проведения мини- исследования времени Present Perfect Continuous:

1. Прочитайте и сравните предложения.

I have been smoking for five years. –Я курю на протяжении 5 лет.

She/He has been smoking since 1989. – Она/Он курит с 1989 года.

2. Найдите глаголы  в английском предложении, которые соответствуют русскому глаголу, выпишите их, обратите внимание на их структуру.

3. Найдите маркеры времени и  их перевод.

4. Попробуйте вывести правило  для образования и употребления  времени Present Perfect Continuous для 1 и 2 лица и для 3 лица.

5. Сформулируйте и запишите правило  образования и употребления времени Present Perfect Continuous.

























Приложение № 13

Текст для аудирования.


Hello, we are students of Manchester secondary school. I have yellow teeth, because I have been smoking for 2 years. My girlfriend Mare has anemia, because she has been skipping breakfasts since April. Bob has a headache, because he hasn’t been sleeping since Monday. Alice has a cough, because she has been smoking since 12 years old.
























Приложение № 14


Сядьте в удобное положение. Расслабьтесь. Теперь закрой глаза и слушайте меня. Представьте себе солнечное утро. Вы находитесь возле тихого прекрасного озера. Слышны лишь ваше дыхание и плеск воды. Солнце ярко светит, и это заставляет  чувствовать себя все лучше и лучше. Вы чувствуете, как солнечные лучи согревают вас. Вы слышите щебет птиц и стрекотание кузнечика. Вы абсолютно спокойны. Солнце светит, воздух чист и прозрачен. Вы ощущаете всем телом тепло солнца. Вы спокойны и неподвижны, как это тихое утро. Вы чувствуете себя спокойными и счастливыми, вам лень шевелиться. Каждая клеточка вашего тела наслаждается покоем и солнечным теплом. Вы отдыхаете… А теперь открываем глаза. Мы снова в школе, мы хорошо отдохнули, у нас бодрое настроение, и приятные ощущения не покинут нас в течение всего дня.
























Приложение № 15



The conversation between Mary, Dick, Kate, Nick, Ted.


1) — Hello, Mary! You look so slim!

— I have been eating only low-fat food for 5 months.

2) — Hi, Dick! What a surprise! Your hair doesn't smell.

— I haven't been smoking since last year. I feel much better 

3) — Oh, Kate. You look great!

— I have been doing aerobics for 3 months.

4) — Nick, you really look better now.

— I have been taking Coldrex for 2 days. I feel better.

5) — Oh, Ted! Wow! You've lost weight.

  • Yes, I haven't been eating high-fat meat since August. 
    I've lost 3 kilos.
  • Wow!





















Приложение № 16


Hello, my dear friends,

My name is Jack Brown. I’m 45 years old. But I have got perfect health. The secret is very simple.  I have never drunk alcohol. As it known drinking alcohol is a cause of a headache, blood disease, heart disease, brain disease, slow reaction and loss of memory. Alcohol makes the speech unclear and brain centers sleep. It’s common knowledge that alcohol affects the whole family and people around you.

                                                                                         Truly Yours

                                                                                          Jack Brown































Приложение № 17



Гимнастика для глаз.


Look left, right.

        Look up, look down.

Look around.

Look at your nose.

Look at that rose.

Close your eyes.

Open, wink and smile.


Упражнения, корректирующие осанку.


Initial position: put your legs aside, put your hands over the head.  
1–5 – make circular motions with your body to the right;  
5–6 – make circular motions to the left;  
7–8 – put your hands down and shake them.  
Repeat 4–6 times. The pace is medium.


























Приложение № 18

Match the product and its influence.


1. I have been applying …to my hair for two months.

a) My teeth are white and strong.

2. I discovered…6 months ago. Since then I have been using only it.

b) I found out that it holds my hair without being sticky.

3. I have been brushing my teeth with…since I was a child.

c) It leaves my hair fairly soft and shiny.

4. I have been using …since 1999.

d) My skin looks wonderful. It’s very smooth.

5. I have been using…for a long time.

e) It makes my hair grow faster.

6. I have been washing my hair with … for a month.

f) It keeps my hair in place all night.

























Приложение № 19



The conversation between Helen, Bob, Kate.


  1. Helen: I am not going to be a supermodel. But I think it is 
    very important to be fit and healthy and look nice. Some firms 
    don't employ people who are overweight or who are smokers. I agree 
    with that because smoking affects other people's life, too. I pay 
    a lot of attention to my health. I try to eat only low-fat food, more 
    fruit and vegetables which are rich in vitamins, and less sweet. 
    I don't smoke. I don't want to have unhealthy skin and teeth. 
    Besides, I have been doing aerobics for a year. I feel great. And all- 
    my friends think I look great.


  1. Bob: I have no problems with my health though I am a smoker 
    and a bit overweight. I like smoking. It helps me to relax. I have 
    been smoking since I was 12. All my friends are smokers. I don't 
    want to be the odd one out. I know all the facts, but you only live 
    once, don't you? So why not enjoy yourself? As for dieting I think 
    it is very dangerous. You are what you are. It is impossible to 
    change. Besides, I like chocolate bars, ice cream and the like. Why 
    should I give up such tasty things? Eat only cucumbers? Never! Of 
    course I have some problems with my skin and hair, but I don't 
    want to change.


с) Kate: I think people should choose for themselves if they wan to be healthy — it's their life, it's their bodies. They are free to decide. It is not very good to think too much about your appearance but it is good to think about your health. I don't pay much attention to my friends' health habits. My friend Willie likes sweets, he is pleasantly fat and I like him, he is very clever. He is good at the computer. And Dennis is very sporty. He has been exercising all his life. He isn't as clever as Willie but he is nice. I like to have different people with different likes and dislikes as my friends.












Приложение № 20


Which of these teenagers might have problems with their health in the future? Why?

Helen              could have              bad teeth                     because ....

Bob                 may have                obesity

Kate                might have              a cough

Dennis                                            heart disease

Willie                                             ................

































Приложение № 21


Imagine a conversation between Helen and Bob.










































Приложение № 22

Read and study the text. Answer the questions.


               Millions of people across the globe are addicted to taking drugs of various sorts. Oftentimes, they begin taking drugs socially or for pleasure, but eventually their drug use may cross the line. It is no longer pleasurable, and it causes the users and people around them pain. They might lose relationships, personal belongings or even their sanity. If you find yourself in this situation, take comfort in the fact that countless others have been able to stop taking drugs and find hope in recovery.

A man who I used to work with was a regular user of Ecstasy and he told me of a bad trip where a huge orange was trying to attack him. Other people have committed suicide whilst on drugs to escape from their torments. A particular case I read about in my local newspaper was of a teenager who jumped from the top of a five-story car park; the autopsy showed traces of illegal drugs in his blood.

           Some drugs can make you feel panicky and afraid. Sometimes people will have flashback especially if taking LSD where they see or hear things from previous trips. People who take LSD a lot can become mentally ill.













Приложение № 23

Read the texts. Write down the facts and make the myths.


       1.    For many people, the facts about alcoholism are not clear. Currently, nearly 30 million Russians - abuse alcohol or are alcoholic. Several million more adults engage in risky drinking patterns that could lead to alcohol problems. The consequences of alcohol misuse are serious-in many cases, life-threatening. Heavy drinking can increase the risk for certain cancers, especially those of the liver, esophagus, throat, and larynx (voice box).

           It can also cause liver cirrhosis, immune system problems, brain damage, and harm to the fetus during pregnancy. In addition, drinking increases the risk of death from automobile crashes, recreational accidents, and on-the-job accidents and also increases the likelihood of homicide and suicide. In fact, however, alcoholism is a disease that is no more a sign of weakness than is asthma or diabetes. Moreover, taking steps to identify a possible drinking problem has an enormous payoff - a chance for a healthier, more rewarding life.

          2. Smoking is the biggest single cause of preventable disease and premature death in the UK. Every day 300 people die due to smoking. It is estimated that one in four people will be killed prematurely by their habit.

Smoking kills five times more people before their time than all theses other causes put together: Road accidents, suicide, murder, AIDS, drug and solvent abuse.

           Tobacco smoke is made up of thousands of chemicals; some of them are very harmful. The main ones are: Tar. Is it like the stuff that is put on roads?! It clogs up the lungs and damages them. Nicotine. Can cause addiction, it increases the heart rate and blood pressure. Carbon monoxide. It reduces the ability of your blood to carry oxygen to the brain and muscles. Smokers run a greater risk of... Lung and throat cancers and other cancers, Heart attacks, stroke, breathlessness, bronchitis, emphysema, stomach ulcers, premature ageing of the skin, wrinkles, stained teeth and finger tips.


Приложение № 23

Read the text. Write down the facts and make the myths.


       3. People take drugs for all sorts of reasons; peer pressure, for fun, a dare from a friend, an offer from a stranger or just to forget their worries.

It is not always easy to describe what happens to people when they take drugs as a person’s health, age, sex, previous experimenting with drugs and whether they are on medication or have allergies all contribute to how individuals will be affected. It also depends on a person’s mood that they are in at the time, who they are with, where they are and the atmosphere of the place. Different drugs have different effects on people and we have placed them into five categories. drugs that act on the central nervous system and increase brain activity.




























Приложение № 24




























Пихтовниковой Любови Павловны

Защита выпускной квалификационной работы



Критерии оценки

Кол-во баллов



От 0 до 5

Оценка руководителя

Своевременность и систематичность работы




Степень самостоятельности





Исследовательские и интеллектуальные умения: умение работать с научной литературой, обобщать, систематизировать, аргументировать, делать выводы, соотнося их с проблемой исследования




Оценка заведующего кафедрой

Соответствие темы ВКР теме, утвержденной советом факультета




Своевременность представления ВКР для допуска к защите





Общее оформление работы




Оценка рецензента

Актуальность  проблемы исследования




Целостность, завершенность и содержательность работы (достижение цели и полнота раскрытия решаемых задач)



Категориальный аппарат исследования, проработанность основных понятий, используемых в ВКР, стиль



Наличие, содержание и объем практических разработок (пособие, методические рекомендации, набор ЦОР, разработка серии уроков, программы и др.)




Логичность изложения и согласованность всех разделов ВКР



Значимость полученных результатов (теоретическая и практическая значимость)




Качество оформления ВКР, включая библиографию, грамотность





Апробация результатов исследования (пробное обучение в школе / выступление на студенческой конференции с докладом, публикация)



Устная презентация ВКР

Содержательность и информативность доклада, его логичность и целостность, умение доказать теоретическую значимость и практическую ценность исследования




Культура речи, стиль




Чувство времени




Дискуссия в ходе защиты

Ориентация в проблеме исследования

Владение понятийным аппаратом




Аргументированность суждений: умение ясно, точно, доказательно излагать свою точку зрения и отвечать на вопросы

























Информация о работе Организация проектной деятельности как средство сохранения и развития здоровья школьников