Рефераты по иностранным языкам

Children Who Are Mentally Retarded

14 Февраля 2013, контрольная работа

The term "intellectual disability" is often misunderstood and seen as derogatory. Some think that retardation is diagnosed only on the basis of below-normal intelligence (IQ), and that persons with intellectual disabilities are unable to learn or to care for themselves. Actually, in order to be diagnosed as a person with intellectual disabilities, the person has to have both significantly low IQ and considerable problems in everyday functioning. Most children with intellectual disabilities can learn a great deal, and as adults can lead at least partially independent lives. Most individuals with intellectual disabilities have only a mild level. Intellectual disabilities may be complicated by several different physical and emotional problems. The child may also have difficulty with hearing, sight or speech.

Christmas in Britain

01 Марта 2013, реферат

Two traditions that have caught on in England are the Advent calendar and the Advent candle. The Advent Calendar originated in the 19th Century from the protestant area of Germany. Protestant Christian families made a chalk line for every day in December until Christmas Eve. Before long, commercial entrepreneurs started replacing the ephemeral chalk lines with printed calendars. The first known Advent Calendar is for the advent of 1851. Nowadays it is usually a thin rectangular card with 24 or 25 doors. The doors are numbered 1-24/25. Door number 1 is opened on the 1st of December, door 2 on the 2nd etc. Behind each door there is a Christmas scene (but the most popular ones have a chocolate behind each door) .


21 Января 2014, реферат

Once upon a time…: there lived an unhappy young girl. Unhappy she was, for her mother was dead, her father had married another woman, a widow with two daughters, and her stepmother didn't like her one little bit. All the nice things, kind thoughts and loving touches were for her own daughters. And not just the kind thoughts and love, but also dresses, shoes, shawls, delicious food, comfy beds, as well as every home comfort. All this was laid on for her daughters. But, for the poor unhappy girl, there was nothing at all. No dresses, only her stepsisters' hand-me-downs. No lovely dishes, nothing but scraps. No nice rests and comfort. For she had to work hard all day, and only when evening came was she allowed to sit for a while by the fire, near the cinders. That is how she got her nickname, for everybody called her Cinderella.

Classification of commercial entities

19 Мая 2014, лекция

Classification of commercial entities in kind made in accordance with the objective criteria of the material.
This criterion is the content of a subject or function that
He plays in the economic system of Ukraine.

Climat and nature of Kazakhstan

11 Ноября 2013, контрольная работа

Winter naturally starts with continuous snow cover from the north of the country in November and can last as long as 5 months up to March. The coldest month in Kazakhstan is January. The lowest temperatures are characteristic for the northeastern part where frosts can reach -54C while the southern temperatures are rare to fall lower than -30C. Spring comes as early as February to southern areas and then slowly makes its way through to the north. It takes 1 to 1,5 months for Spring to reach northern parts of Kazakhstan. While the south is getting on with spring planting, the north can still be covered with ice and can be having winter blizzards

Commercial banks

13 Октября 2014, реферат

What is the Banks History?
Origin of the word
What is a bank?

Complications of phraseological units' translation

24 Апреля 2014, курсовая работа

Актуальность данного исследования обусловлена необходимостью углубления в историю языка , знанием тех или иных деталей перевода и уяснением понятия «ложные друзья переводчика», которые встречаются в данной сфере довольно часто.
Перевод фразеологизмов фигурирует как одна из самых сложных частей перевода, потому что фразеологизмы в большей степени являются частью истории языка.
Глава I “Theoretical aspects of phraseological units’ translation” посвящена анализу истории возникновения «фразеологии» и особенностям перевода фразеологических единиц.
В главе II “The practical work in phraseological units’ translation” рассматривается четыре типа фразеологизмов и их переводы.


19 Марта 2014, реферат

ithin the past two years, substantial media attention has been directed at potential adverse health effects of long-term computer use. Renewed concerns about radiation, combined with reports of newly-recognized "repetitive stress injuries" such as carpal tunnel syndrome, have led some to call for regulation in the workplace and others to rearrange their offices and computer labs. There is little evidence that computer use is on the decline, however. On the contrary, more people are spending more time doing more tasks with computers -- and faculty, students and staff at colleges and universities have some of the most computer-intensive work styles in the world.

Computers in Our Lif

16 Июня 2012, доклад

Computer addicts are the minority of computer users but there is no doubt that more and more young people are computer literate. Computer studies is a subject in many schools and many young people have personal computers. About one in three hundred computer owners spend almost all their time using computers.

Conference abstract

30 Октября 2013, реферат

The present paper represents that time and the Industrial Revolution does not stand in one place. Every day something is changing, and with it the people, they are trying to remake themselves and the system. Human desire for certainty in their future entails building futures models in the light of projected existential views on future values ​​and ideological transformation. The most biased models occupy the place of ideology in the consciousness and have a significant impact on the further development and transformation of philosophy or ideology. In our lives introducing new technologies such as genetic engineering , online, robotics and cybernetics and with it changes our perception of the world , that leaves its mark in literature.

Conjunctions. The types of the conjunctions

12 Января 2014, реферат

The speaker's judgment may be of different kinds, that is, the speaker may express various modal meanings. Modal verbs unlike other verbs, do not denote actions or states, but only show the attitude of the speaker towards the action expressed by the infinitive in combination with which they form compound modal predicates. These modal verbs may show that the action (or state, of process, or quality) is viewed by the speaker as possible, obligatory, doubtful, certain, permissible, advisable, requested, prohibited, ordered etc. Modal verbs occur only with the infinitive. This or that meaning is to a great degree determined by communicative type of the sentence and the form of the infinitive. That is a huge problem foi foreign learners of English, who make a great deal of mistakes in this field.

Contractul de franchising

03 Ноября 2015, реферат

Din punct de vedere etimologic termenul „franchising” are origine engleză, ce ar însemna – drept, privilegiuşi reprezintă permisiunea de a folosi drepturi comerciale care aparţin altuia, iar termenul „franchise” vine din franceză şi înseamnă la origine privilegiu, scutire de taxe vamale şi impozite.


15 Мая 2013, доклад

Copyright is a legal concept, enacted by most governments, giving the creator of an original work exclusive rights to it, usually for a limited time. Generally, it is "the right to copy", but also gives the copyright holder the right to be credited for the work, to determine who may adapt the work to other forms, who may perform the work, who may financially benefit from it, and otherrelated rights. It is a form of intellectual property (like the patent, the trademark, and the trade secret) applicable to any expressible form of an idea or information that is substantive and discrete.

Corporate Social Repsonsibility

01 Декабря 2011, реферат

During this year and taking into consideration the previous years one of the most discussed topics is the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). And it becomes evident that many companies, especially well-known companies, are getting extremely interested in the term of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Course work: Land uses in the Great Britain

27 Ноября 2012, реферат

Situated in north-western Europe, lying to the north of France and west of the Netherlands (1) and Denmark (2), the United Kingdom, known popularly as Great Britain, is 244,786 sq. km (94,512 sq. miles).
It is situated on the British Isles. There are 5,500 islands. The two main islands are Great Britain and Ireland.
The British Isles are separated from Europe by the Strait of Dover (3) and the English Channel. The British Isles are washed by the North Sea in the East and the Atlantic Ocean in the West.

Criticism of an English lesson by a teacher of Method

19 Декабря 2013, лекция

The lesson was well- planed and the method of presentation was good. The variety of methods that you used made the lesson lively. There was no monotony or slackening of interest to the very end. The visual aids were effective and well-chosen; they certainly helped to hold the attention and interest of the class. The drill was rapid, varied and to the point, although you
might have called upon more pupils.

Cultivation and Characterization of Microorganisms in Antarctic Lakes

11 Декабря 2014, реферат

Microorganisms were isolated from Antarctica lakes and
identified based on 16S rDNA sequence analysis. The lake samples
were collected from Antarctic lakes in Skavrvsnes near Syowa
Station area. When cultivation of lake water was performed at 4
ºC and 20 ºC in several selection media, most of microorganisms

Cultural influences on service

26 Мая 2014, реферат

Services are intangible activities or benefits one party can offer to another; they do not result in the ownership of anything. Services are provided in every sector of the economy: retailing, wholesaling, transportation, telecommunication, finance, health, education, and many other sectors, including tourism, hospitality, and leisure. Tourists create demand for a wide range of services, such as transportation, communication, accommodation, catering, attractions, entertainment, and information.

Culture of Japan

19 Ноября 2013, реферат

The culture of Japan has evolved greatly over the millennia, from the country's prehistoric Jоmon period, to its contemporary hybrid culture, which combines influences from Asia, Europe, and North America. The inhabitants of Japan experienced a long period of relative isolation from the outside world during the Tokugawa shogunate, until the arrival of "The Black Ships" and the Meiji period. Alongside the United Kingdom and United States, Japan is considered a cultural superpower.

Custom Service

06 Декабря 2012, реферат

Customs is an authority or agency in a country responsible for collecting and safeguarding customs duties and for controlling the flow of goods including animals, personal effects and hazardous items in and out of a country. Depending on local legislation and regulations, the import or export of some goods may be restricted or forbidden, and the customs agency enforces these rules. The customs may be different from the immigration authority, which monitors persons who leave or enter the country, checking for appropriate documentation, apprehending people wanted by international arrest warrants, and impeding the entry of others deemed dangerous to the country.

Customes and traditions in Britain

10 Марта 2013, доклад

It is every boy and girl's dream to have two birthdays in one year; well, Queen Elizabeth is very lucky because she has two birthdays, one in April and one in June.
Why does Queen Elizabeth have two birthdays? The Queen's actual birthday is on 21 April, she was born on 21 April 1926. But also she has official birthday. It has long been customary to celebrate the Sovereign's birthday publicly on a day during the summer, when better weather is more likely.
Since 1805, the Sovereign’s 'official' summer birthday has been marked by the Trooping the Color ceremony, which is also known as the Queen's Birthday Parade, and is normally held on the second Saturday in June.

Customs conventions and recommendations

02 Марта 2015, сочинение

Since the beginning of the 20-th century, there has been a continuous effort to standardize and harmonize сustoms formalities with the aim of simplifying and facilitating international trade.
In 1923 the League of Nations signed in Geneva the International Convention relating to the Simplification of Customs Formalities. In 1947 the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was signed.

Daudzlaidumu locīklu sijas aprēķins

05 Ноября 2013, контрольная работа

Dots: statiski noteicama locīklu sija atbilstoši att.1 (stud.apl. cipars B), kura slogota ar att.2 dotajām slodzēm, kuru vērtības dotas tab.1 (stud.apl. cipars A).
Darba uzdevums:
1. noteikt pastāvīgās slodzes izraisītās piepūles sijā un uzkonstruēt šķēsspēka Q un lieces momenta M epīras;
2. uzkonstruēt Q un M ietekmes līnijas divos šķēlumos (viens no tiem pamatsijā), kurus izvēlas pats students, un pamatsijas vienas balsta reakcijas ietekmes līniju;

Day of the president

25 Ноября 2013, реферат

The history disposed in such a way that a reference point of finding of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the state independence became on December 16, 1991. In the presence of these or those examples from different regions of the Planet Earth, only ourselves could define the future of our Homeland, truly Kazakhstan Way. On it, scientifically verified Way relying on conventional and national values, the People together with Liderom Pervym the President of the Republic N.A.Nazarbayev and under his management, a firm gait confident in the forces and the Nation future, came to broad lands of the New Era.

Deciding Economic Problems

29 Марта 2014, контрольная работа

There are some new figures on my computer display. It shows changes in the market. The prices for oil go up now. Some prices for machinery go down. Our company sells oil products and buys machinery. We can profit by the changes in the market. There is my boss over the telephone.

Is there anything new in the market today, Norman?
Some changes in the oil and machinery prices, boss.
Quote them, please.

Demande d’emploi

14 Октября 2013, доклад

A reponse à votre lettre contenant l’offre d’emploi publiée dans Le Devoir du 25 septembre 2013, je voudrais poser ma candidature au poste de secrétaire representé dans votre entreprise.
Cette vacance répond à mes goûts, et je crois posséder les qualités et l’expérience nécessaires pour bien faire le travail demandé. En qualite de confirmation vous pourrez prendre connaissance de curriculum vitæ que je joins à cette lettre.

Democratic peace

30 Октября 2014, реферат

Democratic peace theory (liberal democratic theory) is a popular theory according to which democracies do not engage in armed conflict with other identified democracies.
Some theorists prefer terms such as “mutual democratic pacifism” or “inter-democracy non-aggressive hypothesis” so as to clarify that a state of peace is not singular to democracies, but rather that it is easily sustained between democratic nations.

Der Manager

16 Июня 2014, контрольная работа

Mit zunehmender Betriebsgrösse wuchs die Notwendigkeit, Fremdmittel aufzunehmen. Die grossen Vorhaben konnte ein Mann allein nicht mehr finanzieren. Der Unternehmer wirtschaftete nur also teilweise mit fremdem Geld, aber noch immer auf eigenes Risiko. Die Gründung der Aktiengesellschaften, reinen Kapitalgesellschaften, brachte es dann schliesslich mit sich, dass deren Vorstände als Unternehmer mit fremdem Geld auf fremdes Risiko handelten. Sie sind Angestellte des betreffenden Unternehmens wie ihre Mitarbeiter auch. Für diese angestellten Unternehmer wird heute überwiegend die Bezeichnung "Management" gebraucht.
Obgleich beim Manager nicht, wie ehemals beim Fabrik-oder Handelsherrn, das Eigentum die Voraussetzung seiner Funktion ist, hat sich auch bei ihm keine Wandlung ins Fuhrungsstil ergeben. Die überkommenen Leitbilder üben weiterhin ihren beherschenden Einfluss aus. Dreihundert Jahre Absolutismus wiegen schwer.

Der Stoffwechsel

11 Октября 2013, контрольная работа

Von der Nahrung, die unsere Haustiere aufnehmen, geht stets ein Teil in unverdautem Zustande durch den Verdauungskanal. Der Rest der verdauten Nährstoffe wird von den Blut- und Lymphgefäßen des Körpers aufgesaugt und durch diese dem Blut zugeführt. Durch das Blut werden sie sofort nach allen Teilen des Körpers hingeführt. Das Blut führt aber nicht nur Nahrung im gewöhnlichen Sinne durch den Körper. Durch die Lungenpulsader wird es in die Lungen geführt; hier nimmt es aus der Luft Sauerstoff auf und führt diesen in die verschiedenen Körpergewebe weiter. In diesen Geweben erfolgt der eigentliche Stoffwechsel, bei dem die aufgenommene Nahrung hauptsächlich zu drei verschiedenen Zwecken verwendet werden kann: zur Spaltung und Verbrennung, zum Ansatz von Körpergeweben und zur Abscheidung von Sekreten.

Der Wortlaut

08 Января 2011, реферат

Was ist die Musik? Diese Frage steht zwischen Gedanken und Erscheinung; als dämmernde Vermittlerin steht sie zwischen Geist und Materie; sie ist beiden verwandt und doch von beiden verschieden; sie ist Geist, aber Geist, welcher eines Zeitmaßes bedarf; sie ist Materie, aber Materie, die des Raumes entbehren kann.