Рефераты по иностранным языкам


22 Сентября 2013, реферат

Inflation is the loss in purchasing power of a currency unit such as the dollar, usually expressed as a general rise in the prices of goods and services. A classic example is the Great Inflation of the Roman Empire. Successive emperors replaced a steadily increasing fraction of the silver in their ancient currency, the denarius, with base metals like bronze or copper. As a result prices rose inexorably despite repeated attempts to restrain them through legislation. Diocletian, rather than taking responsibility for the debasement, attributed the rapid inflation of his day to the avarice of his subjects. His famous edict of a.d. 301 threatened with death any vendor who charged prices exceeding official limits. But inflation ran along unhindered for another century until an alternative currency, an undepreciated gold coin known to Shakespeare as the bezant, became the customary unit of account, spreading throughout Europe and lasting well into the Middle Ages.

Influence of the American English on the world of idioms

17 Декабря 2014, курсовая работа

Topicality of research, all over the world free using idioms in speech is a difficult problem for people, learning English language as a foreign one. Idioms often cause serious difficulties even with people, who know English very well. And if they intentionally avoid using idioms, in this case their oral and written speech, most likely, will be dull and high-flown.


20 Декабря 2011, реферат

Informatics (Informatics in Russian, English. Informatics, information science; it. Informatik f) - theoretical and applied (technical, technological) discipline that studies the structure and general properties of information and methods and (technical) means of creating, converting, storage, transfer and use in various fields of human diyalnosti.

Inside Unilever: The Evolving Transnational Connpany

03 Мая 2013, реферат

These days, Unilever is often described as one of the foremost transnational companies. Yet our organization of diverse operations around the world is not the outcome of a conscious effort to become what is now known among academics as a transnational. When Unilever was founded in 1930 as a Dutch-British company, it produced soap, processed foods, and a wide array of other consumer goods in many countries. Ever since then, the company has evolved mainly through a Darwinian system of retaining what was useful and rejecting what no longer worked-in other words, through actual practice as a business responding to be marketplace.


19 Февраля 2013, доклад

Every night millions of people on the planet turn in their beds. Healthy dreams are very important for us, but unfortunately one of five people have a problem known as insomnia. The sleeplessness often thought of a total loss of sleep, but actually this term has a wider definition. According to Stone (1996), “Insomnia can mean a superficial, faltering sleep or awakening during the night.” (p.1) Mike was suffering from insomnia for a years, not getting enough sleep, he became irritate, easily stress and depress. Running for a good sleep he decided to find what causes his bad sleep. I

Introducing Australia

29 Ноября 2013, реферат

The main idea of the course work: Australia as the world’s smallest continent but is also the sixth largest country in the world.
The topicality of the work: I decided to write about this country, because the animal world of Australia is very interesting. Australia has been called "the land of differences and the continent of contrast". Also the history is interesting too. I think that this country is very beautiful, and you must to know about her all facts. The map helps to you to learn this country. (Appendix 1)

Introduction Générale

25 Августа 2013, реферат

L’histoire des plantes aromatiques et médicinales «P.A.M.» est associée à l’évolution des civilisations. Dans toutes les régions du monde, l’histoire des peuples montre que ces plantes ont toujours occupé une place importante en médecine, dans la composition des parfums et dans les préparations culinaires.
La Chine, berceau de la phytothérapie, l’Inde, le Moyen–Orient, notamment au cours de l’ère arabo-musulmane, l’Egypte, la Grèce, les romains, constituent des civilisations phares pendant lesquelles les plantes aromatiques et médicinales ont connu une place de premier plan.

Iqtisodiyotni tartibga solishda hududlar soliq salohiyatini baholash mexanizmini takomillashtirish

05 Февраля 2015, курсовая работа

Respublikamiz ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy va siyosiy rivojlanishining ishlab chiqarishning modernizatsiyalashuvi sharoitida soliqlar vositasida bir tomondan tartibga solish ikkinchi tomondan esa rag’batlantirish hamda ikkala jarayonni to’g’ri tashkil eta olish xo’jalik yurituvchi sub’ektlarimiz faoliyatining bozor munosabatlarining iqtisodiy talablariga moslashishida, ularning bosqichma-bosqich rivojida muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi.

Irina Slyckaya

05 Июня 2013, доклад

Irina Slyckaya was born on February 9, 1979 in Moscow. Her father was engineer and mother was a teacher. She is a honorable sport master, four times Russian champion, seven times Europe champion, two times Olympic priser.
Irina graduated from Moscow state Academy of Physical culture in 2000. She is awarded with order of Friendship in 2003 and order of honor in 2007.
Irina married. Her husband is Sergey Miheev. He is children coach. Her son Artem was born in November 2007 and her daughter Barbara was born on October 2010.

Is There Still a Role for Judgment in Decision-Making?

12 Декабря 2013, статья

In the last several years, a veritable tsunami of advice on how to make decisions has hit the Internet and what few shelves remain in our local bookstores. The advice is a distant relative of early ideas about decision theory in which we were advised to construct decision trees, mapping outcomes, attaching values to each one, and estimating probabilities that various combinations of outcomes might occur. Judgment entered into the construction of the resulting "decision trees," but the process itself was a way of injecting a certain amount of objectivity and analysis into the decision to be made.

Iнтеркультурна комунікація російської та англійської мов

23 Марта 2014, курсовая работа

Підвищенний інтерес до культур різних народів та місця комунікації в міжкультурних контактах свідчать про справжнє пожвавлення інтересу до проблем культури, адже кожна мова є не лише набором різних мовних структур, а й дзеркалом культури власного народу. Наразі, у світлі глобалізаційних процесів, коли російська нація розвивається у напрямку до Європи та Америки, налагоджуючи контакт з провідними світовими державами, обмінюючись досвідом та спілкуючись з передовими європейськими країнами, такою важливою стає необхідність знати іноземні мови, зокрема, англійську, яка є міжнародною мовою спілкування. Ця взаємодія, безумовно, має безпосередній вплив на формування лексичного складу сучасної російської мови, бо все частіше у політичному, економічному, культурному та художньому дискурсах зустрічаємо слова іншомовного, а саме, англійського походження, які вимагають детального вивчення, дослідження та аналізу їх функціонування у різних понятійних сферах – і в цьому полягає актуальність нашого дослідження.

Jackson’s auction

16 Декабря 2013, реферат

Jackson’s employs an abundant staff of dedicated experts, working in state-of-the-art facilities and supported with the best resources available in the auction industry today. These resources are focused to achieve one goal: superior results for our clients. Our tradition of excellence allows sellers to consign with assurance and buyers to bid with confidence.
Jackson’s is dedicated to presenting its clients a full range of auction and appraisal services and is committed to addressing their needs by giving equal consideration to single objects, entire estates or complete collections. Both the buyer and the seller are important to us. With more than a quarter-of-a-century in the auction and appraisal business, we are confident in our ability to serve the first-time buyer or seller as well as the seasoned auction participant.

Japanese political system

04 Июня 2013, доклад

Unlike the American political system and the British political system which essentially have existed in their current form for centuries, the present Japanese political system is a much more recent construct dating from Japan's defeat in the Second World War and its subsequent occupation by the United States. The post-war constitution of 1947 is an anti-militarist document which includes the renunciation of the right to wage war and prohibits the maintenance of armed forces although later a limited self-defence force was permitted.
The constitution was drawn up under the Allied occupation. It is a rigid document and, since its adoption, no major amendment has been made to it.

Kazakhstan foreign Policy

23 Сентября 2013, реферат

Almost immediately upon its declaration of independence, the republic gained a seat in the United Nations, membership in the CSCE, and a seat on the coordinating council of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO--see Glossary). The United States and other nations also gave Kazakstan quick recognition, opening embassies in Almaty and receiving Kazakstani ambassadors in return. Its status as an apparent nuclear power got Kazakstan off to a fast start in international diplomacy. President Nazarbayev became a signatory to the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) and its so-called Lisbon Protocol by which Belarus, Kazakstan, and Ukraine pledged to eliminate nuclear weapons in the 1990s. In addition, Nazarbayev was able to negotiate US$1.2 billion in prepayment by the United States against sale of the enriched uranium contained in Kazakstan's warheads, as well as another US$311 million for maintenance and conversion of existing missile silos.

Kreditinstitute in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

18 Января 2013, реферат

Der Übergang unseres Landes zu dem freien Markt war ein Zeugnis von den immer wieder zunehmenden Prozessen der Globalisierung der Weltwirtschaft.Die Einführung von dem Euro näherte einen Tag, wenn es möglich wird, über einen Weltmarkt und eine Währung zu sprechen. In diesem Sinne steht vor uns die Aufgabe der erfolgreichen Integration in die Weltwirtschaft. Dieser Weg scheint dornenreich zu sein: niemand wird genau prognostizieren, wie die Wirtschaftslage in zwei-drei Jahren wird. Die Aufgabe der Wirtschaftswissenschaftler ist die Untersuchung der Systemunterschiede, was den Prozess der Integrierung optimieren lässt.

La Concordia vista dai bambini

20 Июля 2013, доклад

Della Concordia hanno parlato tutti. Persino i bambini più piccoli ai quali insegno. Proprio loro mi hanno ricordato l’importanza di una parola: responsabilità. Non è facile parlare con loro di attualità ma qualche volta ci ho provato dal momento che, non sanno ancora leggere bene un giornale ma ascoltano alla tv dibattiti e trasmissioni di ogni tipo.

La littérature française

24 Ноября 2013, статья

La littérature française est une des plus riches littératures du monde. Les écrivains classiques français ont apporté une contribution inappréciable à la trésorerie de la littérature mondiale. Leurs oeuvres littéraires sont bien connues pour les lecteurs russes. La France est le pays de grands écrivains et poètes. Le XVI siècle est l’époque de la Renaissance en France. L’écrivain le plus célèbre de cette époque est François Rabelais (1494-1553), auteur du fameux roman «Gargantua et Pantagruel». Le XVII siècle est l’époque de grands classiques français: Corneille, Racine, Molière.

La souveraineté aujourd’hui

16 Мая 2013, реферат

Une définition très complète de la souveraineté est donnée par Carré de Malberg dans sa Contribution à la théorie générale de l’État : « La souveraineté, c’est le caractère suprême d’un pouvoir suprême, en ce que pouvoir n’en admette aucun autre au-dessus de lui-même, en concurrence avec lui. Quand on dit que l’État est souverain, il faut donc entendre par là que, dans la sphère où son autorité est appelée à s’exercer, il détient une puissance qui ne relève d’aucun autre pouvoir et qui ne peut être égalée par aucun autre pouvoir. Ainsi entendue, la souveraineté de l’État est habituellement présentée comme double : souveraineté externe et interne. »

Land Cadastre

12 Августа 2014, доклад

In the USSR, the keeping of the land cadastre is provided for in the Basic Principles of Land Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics of 1968 (art. 46). A uniform system is used throughout the country for the national accounting of the land. The system includes registration data on land allotment and use, the account of the size and quality of the land, data on soil appraisal, and the economic assessment of all the lands of the single united national land fund. These data are essential for the organization of a rational utilization of land and its conservation, the planning of the national economy, the rational distribution and specialization of agricultural production, and land reclamation, as well as for the implementation of other economic measures in connection with land utilization. The procedure of the keeping of the cadastre, the prescribed forms of documentation, and the intervals for updating and specifying the relevant information are established by the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

Law of Moses

07 Апреля 2014, доклад

The Law of Moses or Torah of Moses. The "Law of Moses" in Ancient Israel is distinguished from other legal codes in the ancient Near East by its reference to offense against a deity rather than against society.
Moses' law was the temporary, ceremonial law of the Old Testament. It regulated the priesthood, sacrifices, rituals, meat and drink offerings, etc., all of which foreshadowed the cross. This law was added "till the seed should come," and that seed was Christ. The ritual and ceremony of Moses' law pointed forward to Christ's sacrifice.

Layout of the letter and the envelope

23 Октября 2012, реферат

The layout and presentation of a business letter are very important as they give the reader the first impression of the sender. A business letter consists of the following distinct parts: heading, reference, date, name and address of the addressee, attention line, salutation, subject heading, body of the letter, complimentary close, signature, inclosure line.

Leadership Styles

10 Ноября 2014, реферат

Leadership style is the manner and approach of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. Kurt Lewin (1939) led a group of researchers to identify different styles of leadership. This early study has been very influential and established three major leadership styles: (Lewin, LIippit, White 1939, U.S. Army Handbook, 1973):
autocratic or authoritarian
participative or democratic

Lecture 6 Phonetic Stylistic Devices and Graphical Means

09 Февраля 2013, реферат

The stylistic approach to the utterance is not confined to its structure and sense. There is another thing to be taken into account which, in a certain type of communication plays an important role. This is the way a word, a phrase or a sentence sounds. The sound of most words taken separately will have little or no aesthetic value. A word may acquire a desired phonetic effect only in combination with other words. The way a separate word sounds may produce a certain euphonic effect, but this is a matter of individual perception and feeling and therefore subjective.

Lectures in Theoretical Grammar

25 Апреля 2012, реферат

Man is not well defined as “Homo sapiens” (“man with wisdom”). For what do we mean by wisdom? It has not been proved so far that animals do not possess it. Those of you who have pets can easily prove the contrary. Most recently anthropologists have started defining human beings as “man the toolmaker”. However, apes can also make primitive tools.


15 Мая 2012, реферат

V prvních měsících blokády na ulicích Leningradu, byla založena v roce 1500reproduktorů. Radiová síť nesl informace veřejnosti o náletech a úzkosti.Slavnýmetronom, vešel do dějin jako obléhání Leningradu kulturní památky odporu obyvatelstva,byl vysílán během útoků to bylo prostřednictvím této sítě. Rychlý rytmus znamenalovzduchu varování, pomalý rytmus - ústup. Také hlasatel prohlásil Michail Melaned týkají.

Lexical and Grammatical Means of Expressing Supposition in Modern English

17 Декабря 2013, курсовая работа

Modality – is a multifold phenomenon, and therefore in the linguistic literature we can find different thoughts concerning the essence of this phenomenon. By its nature modality expresses an action which depends on the attitude of the speaker it does not refer directly to any characteristics of the event, but simply to the status of the proposition. There are different types of modality and the topicality of our term paper is caused by the necessity to improve knowledge about the term modality and its expression. The problem of modality as an object of interdisciplinary knowledge that is relevant to the modern science, has long been interested in the humanities scholars working in different fields research - logicians, linguists, psychologists, semioticians. A case of studying modality is complicated by multi-pronged approach to it, which leads to different interpretations.

Lexical Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices

08 Апреля 2014, реферат

Words in a context may acquire additional lexical meanings not fixed in the dictionaries, what we have called contextual meanings. The latter may sometimes deviate from the dictionary meaning to such a degree that the new meaning even becomes the opposite of the primary meaning. What is known in linguistics as transferred meaning is practically the interrelation between two types of lexical meaning: dictionary and contextual.

Lexical features of writing a slogan

21 Октября 2013, реферат

As we know, historically, advertising began as a kind of text, not accompanied by any image. All the functions inherent in advertising - to attract attention, create interest, to inform the consumer about the product and its qualities and the potential impact on the consumer, urging him to make a purchase, - contained in the text. In our time, advertising has become almost the most common genre, and the classic ad divided between verbal and visual components. It is therefore necessary to find out whether the text is not lost (verbal part) in today's advertising message of its importance and whether he can continue to perform their traditional functions.

Lexical peculiarities of American English

08 Декабря 2014, курсовая работа

The variety of English spoken in the USA has received the name of American English. The term variant or variety appears most appropriate for several reasons. American English cannot be called a dialect although it is a regional variety, because it has a literary normalised form called Standard American (or American National Standard), whereas by definition given above a dialect has no literary form. Neither is it a separate language, as some American authors, like H.L. Mencken, claimed, because it has neither grammar nor vocabulary of its own. From the lexical point of view we shall have to deal only with a heterogeneous set of Americanisms.

Lexical problems of translation

17 Октября 2013, доклад

As a rule, the object of translation is not a list of separate lexical units but a coherent text in which the SL words make up an integral whole. Though each word in the language has its own meaning, the actual information it conveys in a text depends, to a great extent, on its contextual environment. Generally speaking, the meaning of any word in the text cannot be understood and translated without due regard to the specific context in which it is actualized. Some words, however, are less sensitive to the contextual influence than others. There are words with definite meanings which are retained in most contexts and are relatively context-free. Context-free words are mainly found among proper and geographical names, titles of magazines and newspapers, names of various firms, organizations, ships, aircraft and the like, as well as among technical terms used by experts in all fields of human endeavour.